nilsteampassnet / TeamPass

Collaborative Passwords Manager
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Feature request: Extend Teampass to encrypt additional information #400

Closed billu260 closed 10 years ago

billu260 commented 11 years ago

Many of the sites I use require you to set up security questions or recovery pins. It would be helpful to store this information as well and know it is protected by encryption in the database.

Perhaps just a free form test box where users can add whatever pertinent information they need to store and protect. Similar to the Description: field? Display of information could be toggled like the password.

Would also be useful for things like account numbers, credit card numbers, pins, etc.

brantje commented 10 years ago

Extra fields per catagory would be awesome.

nilsteampassnet commented 10 years ago

Sounds feasible.

@brantje - what do you suggest "per category"?

brantje commented 10 years ago

I will explain, a little bit offtopic, but can you add an function to override the default password strength, (so if default is high and password is medium, a user can still add it, but a very clear message must be shown that the password is unsafe).

Example teampass installation

Catagory's: CreditCards Login data Windows Serials

So for creditcards we want 2 extra fields: Expire date and cvc code, those fields we don't need in the other catagory's.

For logindata we can add a extra field for pincodes used in 2factor auth

For windows serials a field that can contain the serial. (Acually you need the override function to do this, because the password field is left blank).

billu260 commented 10 years ago

While I agree it would be nice to have custom tabs/form layouts for different types of entries, I wonder how far that would need to go? I guess you could do custom tabs for major types like credit cards and windows accounts, but I find myself recording so many different types of security data that I think it would be overwhelming.

I see the strength of the existing layout as providing a reasonable integration with web browsers and desktop software. I don't see the same need for windows logins for example because there is typically no way to cut and paste the information into the main login screen (the obvious and useful exception being rdp and vnc). It's a handy place to record the information but the bells and whistles are optional for my usage.

While custom layouts would be nice, as far as my needs go, a simple text area that gets encrypted would be sufficient to start. I think it may also be easier to implement in the short run.

brantje commented 10 years ago

@nilsteampassnet I upgraded to Teampass 2.1.19 and enabled the option, but i can't find the place to add additional info. Where can i find it?

nilsteampassnet commented 10 years ago

In admin settings page, there is a new tab called Categories. In this tab you can define the new categories and fields. This feature doesn't work for personal items.

brantje commented 10 years ago

Oke, thanks, i've creates some category's, do i need to assign them to folders? How? Ah i see them displayed in listing items. Its it possible to assign the category's to specific folders, and only show them there?

nilsteampassnet commented 10 years ago

No you can't. It's common for all folders. It will ne added in future ;-)

billu260 commented 10 years ago

Tried the upgrade to 2.1.19-beta. Once the upgrade was completed, I couldn't get to my password tab. I just got the please wait icon going back and forth.

Rolled back and retried the upgrade again with the same result. Tried access with different browsers on different machines but none of my password pages would load.

brantje commented 10 years ago

Is chrome reporting any errors in developer console?

billu260 commented 10 years ago

I needed a working setup so I rolled back to 2.1.18 for now. That still works once the db and files were restored.

I didn't poke around looking for logs or debugging tools to check for error messages. Not sure how to use / where to find chrome developer console. Is that a chrome extension I need to load?