nilsteampassnet / TeamPass

Collaborative Passwords Manager
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Upgrade issues #4092

Open tonystra81 opened 4 months ago

tonystra81 commented 4 months ago

Hi, I've successfully upgraded an installation from 2.x to latest V3.

When clicking on "Open Teampass" on last step, the page reload the upgrade page and make me to start upgrade over again.

I cannot find anything relevant in webserver log.

I tried to remove the install folder, but server returned me "404 page not found".

Any idea?

Thanks, Antonio.

tonystra81 commented 4 months ago

I found the problem: My upgrade was intended also as a migration to new environment and new paths didnt' match with the one reported in /var/www/html/keystore/includes/config/tp.config.php

I changed manually some settings in the tp config and I was able to login in the admin interface.

I'm checking if all it's ok after upgrade. Thanks, A.

tonystra81 commented 4 months ago

Users list is empty :(

I'm going to retry the upgrade process from the scratch

tonystra81 commented 4 months ago

New update was completed, but now I've a strange issue: I'm able to authenticate with my account (Active Directory), but LDAP settings option is completely disabled in the admin interface. On the v2 installation, LDAP settings are included in the tp.config.php file.

If I try to list users in the Users section, the page is empty and on the bottom-left I've "Loading..." window.

If I activate the LDAP settings from admin interfaces the case are the following:

[09-Mar-2024 21:39:42 Europe/Rome] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function isEnabled() on null in /var/www/html/vendor/teampassclasses/ldapextra/src/ActiveDirectoryExtra.php:132 Stack trace:

0 /var/www/html/sources/ldap.queries.php(170): TeampassClasses\LdapExtra\ActiveDirectoryExtra->userIsEnabled()

1 {main}

thrown in /var/www/html/vendor/teampassclasses/ldapextra/src/ActiveDirectoryExtra.php on line 132

Any idea on how can I handle account already active on the system?

Thanks, Antonio.

tonystra81 commented 3 months ago

Any tips?

nilsteampassnet commented 3 months ago

From V2 to V3, the AD settings need to be adapted. The library has been changed. Please update from AD admin page