nilsteampassnet / TeamPass

Collaborative Passwords Manager
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Many bugs with #4165

Open egearing opened 2 months ago

egearing commented 2 months ago
### Steps to reproduce 1. Create a password, the try to create another in folder that I have permissions for, but it will not let me unless I am in the topmost folder that's not root. 2. Input password manually. It will not let me unless I generate one first. 3. Create second password in a folder that’s not the first one below the unseen root folder without having to logout and log back in again, 4. The alphabetical order of the password labels start with numbers, then CAPITAL letters then lower case letters. I don't think it should distinguish between caps and no caps. ### Expected behaviour 1. The site should refresh on its own to show the new password in the folder I created it in. 2. I should be able to enter a password without having to generate a new one before I overwrite it with the one I already have. 3. I should be able to create a new entry in any folder that I have proper permissions for more than once without having to logout and login again or without having to put it in the topmost folder and then move it to the proper folder. 4. The alphabetical order should be numbers, then letters without distinguishing between CAPS and no caps. ### Actual behaviour 1. I have issues with the site not refreshing on its own – I have to go to a different page and then go back to the previous to see a new password. 2. In order to enter a password manually I have to generate a password and then input my own if I want to create one manually AND save it. 3. I can create a new entry in any folder that I have permissions for, but when I try to create a second in the same folder that is not the topmost under the unseen root folder, I have to logout and log back in again or create it in the topmost folder and then move it to the proper folder. 4. Items listed start with numbers and then items that start with CAPS and then items that start with lower case. So it can be listed as follows: 1,2,3 A, B, C a, b, c... It should not distinguish between CAPS and no caps. ### Server configuration **Operating system**: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS **Web server:** NGINX 1.18.0 **Database:** mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.6.16-MariaDB **PHP version:** PHP 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.15 **Teampass version:** **Teampass configuration file:** Sorry, not sure how to get this to you.. **Updated from an older Teampass or fresh install:** PLEASE attach to this issue the file `/includes/config/tp.config.php`. Fresh install ### Client configuration Brave, Chrome **Operating system:** Windows 10 ### Logs #### Web server error log ``` Sorry, don't know how to get this to you... ``` #### Log from the web-browser developer console (CTRL + SHIFT + i) ``` Sorry, don't know how to get this to you... ```
nilsteampassnet commented 2 months ago

@egearing Thank you for your ticket. I could not reproduce all but I believe I fixed of the points.

egearing commented 2 months ago

I am glad you were able to fix them. Will you have a new build coming out soon with instructions on how to update so I can see the fixes?

phaelon74 commented 2 months ago

Thanks for posting @egearing . I had ALL of these issues and it was unusable :(. I fell back to 3.1.0 and now I have none of these issues.

egearing commented 2 months ago

How easy is it to fall back? Do you have an easy way to do that?

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From: phaelon74 @.> Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2024 6:48:58 AM To: nilsteampassnet/TeamPass @.> Cc: egearing @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [nilsteampassnet/TeamPass] Many bugs with (Issue #4165)

Thanks for posting @egearing . I had ALL of these issues and it was unusable :(. I fell back to 3.1.0 and now I have none of these issues.

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phaelon74 commented 2 months ago

How easy is it to fall back? Do you have an easy way to do that? Get Outlook for iOS ____ From: phaelon74 @.> Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2024 6:48:58 AM To: nilsteampassnet/TeamPass @.> Cc: egearing @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [nilsteampassnet/TeamPass] Many bugs with (Issue #4165) Thanks for posting @egearing . I had ALL of these issues and it was unusable :(. I fell back to 3.1.0 and now I have none of these issues. — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub<#4165 (comment)>, or unsubscribe You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

Apologies, when I said "fell back" I meant starting from scratch and then using 3.1.0.

High level, you should be fine tho removing /var/www/html/TeamPass or whatever your folder is called, and then putting the extracted 3.1.0 there. You may however have to dump the previous DB, as new versions might use different fields, etc. Meaning, you might have to start over with a fully empty server. You could try exporting if you have data in it via CSV/PDF and then importing, etc. Or you could connect to the DB and see how it plays.

egearing commented 2 months ago

Thanks, I am trying going to 3.1.0. I got to the install page, but when I hit the start button, it comes back with an error stating the answer is empty. I am assuming this may have to do with the database. So, I guess I would need to delete the current database and create a new one? I know that would clear out my data, but I am working on a clone so I won't lose anything. I was hoping it would reconnect, but I guess now... Now, to figure out how to delete a db....

phaelon74 commented 2 months ago

Thanks, I am trying going to 3.1.0. I got to the install page, but when I hit the start button, it comes back with an error stating the answer is empty. I am assuming this may have to do with the database. So, I guess I would need to delete the current database and create a new one? I know that would clear out my data, but I am working on a clone so I won't lose anything. I was hoping it would reconnect, but I guess now... Now, to figure out how to delete a db....

If you get to the DB part and enter all the data in, you can either create a new DB via a new name (as long as you ran the commands to build it again) or you can do what I normally do in this situation:

  1. In TeamPass - enable CSV/PDF export
  2. Export all items (where posible)
  3. If I can't login anymore, hopefully I did an extract previously
  4. at Command line in Ubuntu:
  5. sudo mysql -u root -p
  6. enter sudo password and then root password for mysql
  7. show databases;
  8. Identify the database you want to delete/remove and then do this command:
  9. drop database DATABASENAME;
  10. then do the commands to create the DB from the TeamPass install

You should then be good to install 3.1.0 fresh. Just make sure you fully purged your TeamPass directory. Anything less than an rm -rf on /var/www/html/TeamPass i notice leaves weird shenanigans.

egearing commented 2 months ago

Thanks, I tried this, but it still does not work. I cannot spend too much more time on it as it took me quite a while to build this new server. I am not super handy with Linux. At any rate, I am hoping will get a new build out that addresses these bugs and good/easy instructions for those of us who are "Linux-Challenged" on how to upgrade. I really appreciate all of your input though. Maybe I will still try to kick around trying 3.1.0 some more, but I need to get what I have out to the other users on my team soon.

geokh commented 2 months ago

Anyone facing account reconstruction 0% and never finishes ?

phaelon74 commented 2 months ago

Thanks, I tried this, but it still does not work. I cannot spend too much more time on it as it took me quite a while to build this new server. I am not super handy with Linux. At any rate, I am hoping will get a new build out that addresses these bugs and good/easy instructions for those of us who are "Linux-Challenged" on how to upgrade. I really appreciate all of your input though. Maybe I will still try to kick around trying 3.1.0 some more, but I need to get what I have out to the other users on my team soon.

I'm no expert but I'm happy to help if you want to. What did you specifically do, as it relates to using 3.1 0? Did you drop the db? Or did you delete the folder and run install again, connecting to the previous db? Also, if you are frustrated I totally understand. I was at my wits end until I discovered 3.1 0 is working the best of all versions I've seen so far.

Also, this is the install guide I used, with a manual get and unpack/move as opposed to a git download (so I could get 3.1.0 instead of the most recent)

phaelon74 commented 2 months ago

Mine has only one problem, which I posted about that may infact be by design. Otherwise 3.1.0 is working flawlesssly.

egearing commented 2 months ago

I used Febryandana as well for this build. He even answered a couple of questions for me. He’s very good. My issue is that I just could not seem to remove the old teampass build, delete the old db, recreate the new db and add in the Teampass 3.1.0 build and then get the installer to work. For some reason it won’t and I don’t know why, but it must have something to do with the settings.php file so I tried putting in the info and it broke. Just not sure how much more I want to try… I am going to teach the bugs to my team and live with them for now. Like I said before, I hope nilsteampassnet fixes these issues and publishes a comprehensive update instruction..

From: phaelon74 @.> Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 at 9:04 AM To: nilsteampassnet/TeamPass @.> Cc: egearing @.>, Mention @.> Subject: Re: [nilsteampassnet/TeamPass] Many bugs with (Issue #4165)

Thanks, I tried this, but it still does not work. I cannot spend too much more time on it as it took me quite a while to build this new server. I am not super handy with Linux. At any rate, I am hoping will get a new build out that addresses these bugs and good/easy instructions for those of us who are "Linux-Challenged" on how to upgrade. I really appreciate all of your input though. Maybe I will still try to kick around trying 3.1.0 some more, but I need to get what I have out to the other users on my team soon.

I'm no expert but I'm happy to help if you want to. What did you specifically do, as it relates to using 3.1 0? Did you drop the db? Or did you delete the folder and run install again, connecting to the previous db? Also, if you are frustrated I totally understand. I was at my wits end until I discovered 3.1 0 is working the best of all versions I've seen so far.

Also, this is the install guide I used, with a manual get and unpack/move as opposed to a git download (so I could get 3.1.0 instead of the most recent)

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phaelon74 commented 2 months ago

I used Febryandana as well for this build. He even answered a couple of questions for me. He’s very good. My issue is that I just could not seem to remove the old teampass build, delete the old db, recreate the new db and add in the Teampass 3.1.0 build and then get the installer to work. For some reason it won’t and I don’t know why, but it must have something to do with the settings.php file so I tried putting in the info and it broke. Just not sure how much more I want to try… I am going to teach the bugs to my team and live with them for now. Like I said before, I hope nilsteampassnet fixes these issues and publishes a comprehensive update instruction.

The two keys are complete removal:

  1. sudo rm -rf /var/www/html/TeamPass
  2. drop database teampass;

If you do those two things, I can bring it back without issue every time. You start back from step 1 on his guide and it will be happy as a clam.

I feel ya tho, best of luck!

nilsteampassnet commented 2 months ago

@egearing I have committed the changes in the master as you can see in the 1st message after your initial post.

egearing commented 2 months ago

Thanks for letting me know! I will try the new files out! However, my Linux knowledge is a bit lacking. Is the command for copying and overwriting something like sudo yes | cp -rf xxx yy? And then do I need to re-do the permissions? I will try this out and see how it goes, but thought I would ask in advance anyway...

egearing commented 2 months ago

I copied the files over using the command sudo cp -u -rf /home//TeamPass-master// /var/www/html/TeamPass//, then rebooted the server and I still have the same bugs. I'm not sure I used the command correctly or if I need to delete the previous TeamPass folder and replace with new and then change permissions? I guess I will try that and let you know.

egearing commented 2 months ago

So sorry, but I have tried everything I can to upgrade and am not having any luck. I also went to your documentation page and read your instructions on how to upgrade using git pull and got this (thanks goodness for vm snapshots) user@server:/var/www/html/TeamPass$ sudo git pull remote: Enumerating objects: 683, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (683/683), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (123/123), done. remote: Total 481 (delta 410), reused 411 (delta 341), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (481/481), 122.00 KiB | 2.00 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (410/410), completed with 173 local objects. From ead1c7bd..0d5534a5 master -> origin/master Updating ead1c7bd..0d5534a5 error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: includes/tables_integrity.json scripts/background_tasks_items_handler_subtask.php scripts/backgroundtasksuserKeysCreation_subtaskHdl.php vendor/illuminate/support/Facades/Notification.php vendor/illuminate/support/Testing/Fakes/NotificationFake.php vendor/league/oauth2-client/src/Provider/AbstractProvider.php vendor/league/oauth2-client/src/Token/AccessToken.php vendor/symfony/mime/composer.json vendor/symfony/var-dumper/Caster/ReflectionCaster.php vendor/teampassclasses/azureauthcontroller/src/AzureAuthController.php vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/CHANGELOG.TXT vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/VERSION vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/composer.json vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/examples/example_049.php vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/include/tcpdf_colors.php vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/include/tcpdf_static.php vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/tcpdf.php vendor/thenetworg/oauth2-azure/src/Provider/Azure.php Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge. Aborting user@server:/var/www/html/TeamPass$

Will continue to poke around...

egearing commented 2 months ago

Ran command git stash and then I was able to do a git pull and it worked. However when I run the upgrade it bombs on the install file and I get the error "something went wrong please check messages." I'm getting closer, but I think that's as far as I am going to get... Again, sorry for all of the messages, but just wanted to post them as I moved along...

egearing commented 1 month ago

I have applied version and it appears that most of the issues I have reported are working now! The only issue I had while doing the upgrade that is missing in the upgrade documentation on the Teampass website is that I had to do the following before I ran a git pull:

  1. git config --global --add /var/www/html/TeamPass
  2. git stash
  3. git pull
  4. then when I tried to run https://teampass.instance/install/upgrade.php, it passed on all but the install. Got a red mark there. So I ran rm -rf /var/www/html/install and the site worked.