nilsteampassnet / TeamPass

Collaborative Passwords Manager
1.65k stars 538 forks source link

TeamPass 3.1 Create users "Account is currently being encrypting" #4252

Open roger-haddad opened 1 month ago

roger-haddad commented 1 month ago

Page on which it happened

Users "Account is currently being encrypting. Your request cannot continue. Please wait until this is finished."

Steps to reproduce

1.Create new user

Expected behaviour

Create a new user always staying in phase "Task in progress user not active"

Actual behaviour

It should create a new User

Server configuration

Operating system: Linux teampass31 5.4.0-187-generic #207-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 10 08:16:10 UTC 2024 x86_64

Web server: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)

Database: 10.3.39-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.2

PHP version: 8.3.9

Teampass version: 3.1.2

Teampass configuration file:

'max_latest_items' => '10',
'enable_favourites' => '1',
'show_last_items' => '1',
'enable_pf_feature' => '0',
'log_connections' => '1',
'log_accessed' => '1',
'time_format' => 'H:i:s',
'date_format' => 'd/m/Y',
'duplicate_folder' => '0',
'item_duplicate_in_same_folder' => '0',
'duplicate_item' => '0',
'number_of_used_pw' => '3',
'manager_edit' => '1',
'cpassman_dir' => '/var/www/html',
'cpassman_url' => 'http://<anonym_url>
'favicon' => 'http://<anonym_url>/favicon.ico',
'path_to_upload_folder' => '/var/www/html/upload',
'path_to_files_folder' => '/var/www/html/files',
'url_to_files_folder' => 'http://<anonym_url>/files',
'activate_expiration' => '0',
'pw_life_duration' => '0',
'maintenance_mode' => '1',
'enable_sts' => '0',
'encryptClientServer' => '1',
'teampass_version' => '3.1.2',
'ldap_mode' => '0',
'ldap_type' => '0',
'ldap_user_attribute' => '0',
'ldap_ssl' => '0',
'ldap_tls' => '0',
'ldap_port' => '389',
'richtext' => '0',
'allow_print' => '0',
'roles_allowed_to_print' => '0',
'show_description' => '1',
'anyone_can_modify' => '0',
'anyone_can_modify_bydefault' => '0',
'nb_bad_authentication' => '0',
'utf8_enabled' => '1',
'restricted_to' => '0',
'restricted_to_roles' => '0',
'enable_send_email_on_user_login' => '0',
'enable_user_can_create_folders' => '0',
'insert_manual_entry_item_history' => '0',
'enable_kb' => '0',
'enable_email_notification_on_item_shown' => '0',
'enable_email_notification_on_user_pw_change' => '0',
'custom_logo' => '',
'custom_login_text' => '',
'default_language' => 'english',
'send_stats' => '0',
'send_statistics_items' => 'stat_country;stat_users;stat_items;stat_items_shared;stat_folders;stat_folders_shared;stat_admins;stat_managers;stat_ro;stat_mysqlversion;stat_phpversion;stat_teampassversion;stat_languages;stat_kb;stat_suggestion;stat_customfields;stat_api;stat_2fa;stat_agses;stat_duo;stat_ldap;stat_syslog;stat_stricthttps;stat_fav;stat_pf;',
'send_stats_time' => '1718022473',
'get_tp_info' => '1',
'send_mail_on_user_login' => '0',
'sending_emails' => '0',
'nb_items_by_query' => 'auto',
'enable_delete_after_consultation' => '0',
'enable_personal_saltkey_cookie' => '0',
'personal_saltkey_cookie_duration' => '31',
'email_smtp_server' => '<removed>'
'email_smtp_auth' => '',
'email_auth_username' => '<removed>'
'email_auth_pwd' => '<removed>'
'email_port' => '25',
'email_security' => '',
'email_server_url' => '',
'email_from' => '<removed>'
'email_from' => '<removed>'
'pwd_maximum_length' => '40',
'google_authentication' => '0',
'delay_item_edition' => '0',
'allow_import' => '0',
'proxy_ip' => '<removed>'
'proxy_port' => '',
'upload_maxfilesize' => '10mb',
'upload_docext' => 'doc,docx,dotx,xls,xlsx,xltx,rtf,csv,txt,pdf,ppt,pptx,pot,dotx,xltx',
'upload_imagesext' => 'jpg,jpeg,gif,png',
'upload_pkgext' => '7z,rar,tar,zip',
'upload_otherext' => 'sql,xml',
'upload_imageresize_options' => '1',
'upload_imageresize_width' => '800',
'upload_imageresize_height' => '600',
'upload_imageresize_quality' => '90',
'use_md5_password_as_salt' => '0',
'ga_website_name' => 'TeamPass for ChangeMe',
'api' => '0',
'subfolder_rights_as_parent' => '0',
'show_only_accessible_folders' => '0',
'enable_suggestion' => '0',
'otv_expiration_period' => '7',
'default_session_expiration_time' => '60',
'duo' => '0',
'enable_server_password_change' => '0',
'bck_script_path' => '/var/www/html/backups',
'bck_script_filename' => 'bck_teampass',
'syslog_enable' => '1',
'syslog_host' => '<removed>'
'syslog_port' => '514',
'manager_move_item' => '0',
'create_item_without_password' => '0',
'otv_is_enabled' => '0',
'agses_authentication_enabled' => '0',
'item_extra_fields' => '0',
'saltkey_ante_2127' => 'none',
'migration_to_2127' => 'done',
'files_with_defuse' => 'done',
'timezone' => 'Asia/Beirut',
'enable_attachment_encryption' => '1',
'personal_saltkey_security_level' => '50',
'ldap_new_user_is_administrated_by' => '0',
'disable_show_forgot_pwd_link' => '0',
'offline_key_level' => '0',
'enable_http_request_login' => '0',
'ldap_and_local_authentication' => '0',
'secure_display_image' => '1',
'upload_zero_byte_file' => '0',
'upload_all_extensions_file' => '0',
'bck_script_passkey' => '<removed>'
'admin_2fa_required' => '0',
'password_overview_delay' => '4',
'copy_to_clipboard_small_icons' => '1',
'duo_ikey' => '<removed>'
'duo_skey' => '<removed>'
'duo_host' => '<removed>'
'duo_failmode' => 'secure',
'roles_allowed_to_print_select' => '',
'clipboard_life_duration' => '30',
'mfa_for_roles' => '',
'tree_counters' => '0',
'settings_offline_mode' => '0',
'settings_tree_counters' => '0',
'enable_massive_move_delete' => '0',
'email_debug_level' => '0',
'ga_reset_by_user' => '',
'onthefly-backup-key' => '<removed>'
'onthefly-restore-key' => '<removed>'
'ldap_user_dn_attribute' => '',
'ldap_dn_additional_user_dn' => '',
'ldap_user_object_filter' => '',
'ldap_bdn' => '',
'ldap_hosts' => '<removed>'
'ldap_password' => '<removed>'
'ldap_username' => '',
'api_token_duration' => '60',
'last_folder_change' => '',
'enable_tasks_manager' => '1',
'task_maximum_run_time' => '300',
'tasks_manager_refreshing_period' => '20',
'maximum_number_of_items_to_treat' => '100',
'ldap_tls_certifacte_check' => 'LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_NEVER',
'enable_tasks_log' => '0',
'upgrade_timestamp' => '1720614473',
'enable_ad_users_with_ad_groups' => '0',
'enable_ad_user_auto_creation' => '0',
'ldap_guid_attibute' => 'objectguid',
'sending_emails_job_frequency' => '2',
'user_keys_job_frequency' => '1',
'items_statistics_job_frequency' => '5',
'users_personal_folder_task' => '',
'clean_orphan_objects_task' => '',
'purge_temporary_files_task' => '',
'rebuild_config_file' => '',
'reload_cache_table_task' => '',
'maximum_session_expiration_time' => '60',
'items_ops_job_frequency' => '1',
'enable_refresh_task_last_execution' => '1',
'ldap_group_objectclasses_attibute' => 'top,groupofuniquenames',
'pwd_default_length' => '14',
'tasks_log_retention_delay' => '30',
'oauth2_enabled' => '0',
'oauth2_client_id' => '',
'oauth2_client_secret' => '',
'oauth2_client_endpoint' => '',
'oauth2_client_token' => '',
'oauth2_client_scopes' => 'openid,profile,email',
'oauth2_client_appname' => 'Login with Azure',

Updated from an older Teampass or fresh install:

Client configuration

Browser: -

Operating system: - bits


Web server error log

 -  ()

Teampass 10 last system errors

Log from the web-browser developer console (CTRL + SHIFT + i)

Insert the log here and especially the answer of the query that failed.
roger-haddad commented 1 month ago


corentin-soriano commented 4 weeks ago

Do you have this issue? #4212

SELECT public_key,private_key FROM teampass_users WHERE LENGTH(public_key) < 20 OR LENGTH(private_key) < 20;