nilswloka / lein-cucumber

A simple leiningen plugin for running clojure-based cucumber-jvm specifications.
The Unlicense
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Dependency issue #17

Closed jeroenvandijk closed 12 years ago

jeroenvandijk commented 12 years ago

I've been using lein-cucumber successfully for a while (thank you!), but now I have some weird dependency issue. Unfortunately I'm not sure what has changed since a few days ago. My code is the same and I believe I haven't upgraded Leiningen in the meanwhile...

I'm guessing it is a Leiningen issue, but it doesn't happen without lein-cucumber as dependency. I'm really clueless and don't know where to look anymore. The stacktrace is here:

When I remove the (dev) dependencies on cucumber-clojure, lein-core, and leiningen-core in lein-cucumber ( the issue doesn't occur any more when running lein deps just with lein cucumber

Have you seen this before?

jeroenvandijk commented 12 years ago

For some magic reason lein2 cucumber works again today... I must be misunderstanding how Leiningen works exactly.