nim-lang / Nim

Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Its design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that order of priority).
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[minor] we need a cross-platform way to set dll symbol visibility #13054

Open timotheecour opened 4 years ago

timotheecour commented 4 years ago

dll symbol visibility is a bit messy and platform specific; would be nice to have a cross-platform way to do it.


proc fun1() {.exportc.} = discard
proc local_fun1() {.exportc.} = discard
proc global_fun1() {.exportc.} = discard
proc fun1_other() = discard
if false: fun1_other() # prevents optimizing it out (maybe there's a more robust way)


after trying a bit, the key is to use: --passc:-fvisibility=default --passl:-Wl,-exported_symbol,_fun1 (-exported_symbols_list filename could also be used) Nothing else worked. In particular, --version-script is not supported on OSX nor is -export-symbols-regex (note: to help debugging what gets executed, I had to use --listcmd --hint:exec:on)

nim c --app:lib --passl:-Wl,-exported_symbol,_fun1 main.nim
nm libmain.dylib | grep fun1
000000000000eba0 T _fun1
000000000000edb0 t _fun1_other__mxNciiSalhqvqXpk1aCNHw_2
000000000000ed40 t _global_fun1
000000000000ecd0 t _local_fun1

more docs:


-export-symbols-regex ? --version-script ? We need to make sure it works across compilers


We need to make sure it works across compilers




Araq commented 4 years ago

The way it is supposed to work, you use .exportc: "my_name_here", dynlib and then it ends up in the DLL/so. It's our job to ensure that this works indeed.

timotheecour commented 4 years ago

exportc works but that's now what I'm talking about here: oftentimes library writer doesn't want to decorate individual symbols (and hence change source code) just to tell what's exported / unexported in a library; different libraries (with overlapping source code) may choose to export different symbols; that's the whole point of --version-script / -export-symbols-regex / -exported_symbols_list / -exported_symbol.

case in point: right now if you run nim c --app:lib main.nim and then nm -g libmain.dylib you get a whole lot more that what you'd expect that gets exported:

nm -Ug libmain.dylib | wc -l

including things (eg like _rawNewString etc) that could clash with other symbols (or other nim dlls), or expose un-wanted implementation details

instead with the OSX-specific command I showed above, you can export exactly what you specify on cmd line. Here's a minimal working dll that can be dlopen'd from C++:

nim c --app:lib --passl:-Wl,-exported_symbol,_NimMain main.nim
nm -Ug libmain.dylib # only 1 symbol instead of 83
000000000000eea0 T _NimMain
# now call the nim dll from C++, it works
clang++ -std=c++11 -o /tmp/z01 main2.cpp && /tmp/z01
#include <dlfcn.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
  auto lib = dlopen("libmain.dylib", RTLD_NOW);
  auto fun = (void(*)()) dlsym(lib, "NimMain");
  fun(); fun();  return 0;
Araq commented 4 years ago

Ok but then I fail to see what we have to do, passC is available already for the people who know.

timotheecour commented 4 years ago

the goal is to abstract away platform differences; maybe a std lib proc is all we need:

# user code
import std/dynlib # or other module
setVisibleSymbols(@["foo", "bar"])

# std/dynlib.nim
proc setVisibleSymbolsImpl(s: seq[string)): string =
  doAssert(appType == "lib")
  for si in s:
    when defined(osx)
      result.add "-Wl,-exported_symbol," & si & "  " 
    else: # TODO: linux, windows
macro setVisibleSymbols*(s: static seq[string)) =
  let ret = setVisibleSymbolsImpl(s)
  quote do: {.passC: `ret`.}
alaviss commented 4 years ago
* briefly discussed in IRC by leorize

leorize Araq: btw on *nix Nim isn't hiding unexported symbols when building dlls leorize should we just enforce -fvisibility=hidden then un-hide symbols like for windows?

I don't think what I said was related to this issue. What I meant when I said that was because of this:

00000000000110a0 B NTI__d9aje06sbOkiVogdUrGOkfQ_
000000000000c01c T NimMain
000000000000c06c T NimMainInit
000000000000c010 T NimMainInner
000000000000bfbb T PreMain
000000000000bfaf T PreMainInner
000000000000c174 T _fini
0000000000002000 T _init
00000000000110e0 B allocatorStorage__9abMNjDlLVxVrfWZARGJwzw
00000000000115a0 B allocator__Het9ctRSeaVb4hPekZZNCJQ
0000000000011568 B allocs__T3KvbObbC5lve2bgh5sQDg
000000000000ac43 T chckNil
0000000000014898 B cmdCount
00000000000148a8 B cmdLine
0000000000003775 T cstrToNimstr
0000000000011150 B currException__9bVPeDJlYTi9bQApZpfH8wjg
0000000000011140 B errorMessageWriter__ZXnv0JyrWe3HTd07wpSr7A
0000000000011158 B excHandler__rqLlY5bs9atDw2OXYqJEn5g
0000000000011570 B framePtr__HRfVMH3jYeBJz6Q6X9b6Ptw
000000000000d280 R fsLookupTable__Gn52IZvqY4slyBTOYwGNRQ
00000000000148a0 B gEnv
0000000000011590 B gcFramePtr__ot48iojqko9aFxGhyjjjVaA
0000000000011148 B globalRaiseHook__JbO1ti4ULxrw54m4zNPbpA
0000000000011080 B localAllocator__Fo4FsHewuC4VzDNrMpf3Og
0000000000011580 B localRaiseHook__EIvMhANBvB9cp2Ezvt29cADg
000000000000944c T mulInt
000000000000a1aa T nimAddCharV1
000000000000b639 T nimDestroyAndDispose
0000000000014890 B nimInErrorMode__759bT87luu8XGcbkw13FUjA
00000000000033e5 T nimInt64ToStr
0000000000003910 T nimIntToStr
0000000000002ea7 T nimPrepareStrMutationV2
000000000000b4de T nimRawDispose
000000000000b756 T nimTestErrorFlag
0000000000011588 B nim_program_result
0000000000011578 B onUnhandledException__bFrawQlTKZhLweDD36j9b8g
0000000000011560 B outOfMemHook__kZNaA7u1MfSW5ZeoGvw8xg
00000000000099c7 T prepareAdd
00000000000098a9 T raiseDivByZero
000000000000a069 T raiseOverflow
00000000000034ae T raiseRangeError
000000000000ac75 T rawNewString
000000000000b9b5 T sched_getparam
000000000000bb75 T sched_getscheduler
000000000000bc90 T sched_setparam
000000000000be5e T sched_setscheduler
0000000000002d2b T setLengthStrV2
00000000000110c8 B sharedAllocator__14UnoPGASR4x3NgNJ5Y5lA
0000000000011160 B tempFrames__7nBYIr2UsDREpYylZK4fug
00000000000035c0 T toNimStr

A lot of Nim internal symbols was exported when I was building a dynamic library to replace certain libc functions. This is undesirable when I only exported 4 of them:

This probably have to do with the fact that N_LIB_PRIVATE was applied inconsistently by the compiler. My suggestion was that to use -fvisibility=hidden by default so that the compiler don't have to do the N_LIB_PRIVATE decoration, then add __attribute__((visibility("default"))) to N_LIB_EXPORT so that it works similar to how it's done for Windows (hide all show only specified). Might not be the best idea though.

timotheecour commented 4 years ago

seems at least somewhat related to this issue; in any case for your specific point, see