nim-lang / Nim

Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Its design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that order of priority).
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debugger:native does not work for app:staticlib under macos #13578

Open sinkingsugar opened 4 years ago

sinkingsugar commented 4 years ago breaks any build using --app:staticlib and --debugger:native see for the proper way of doing it.

sinkingsugar commented 4 years ago

Bonus: I'd like to add that this seems to be bad when linking third party static libraries (and a nim EXE), it will end up spitting many of those:

warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol GCC_except_table1000
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol GCC_except_table1010
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol GCC_except_table1025
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol GCC_except_table1033
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol GCC_except_table1088
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol GCC_except_table1095
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol GCC_except_table1104
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol GCC_except_table1109
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol GCC_except_table1121
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZL21GImAllocatorAllocFunc
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZL20GImAllocatorFreeFunc
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZZN5ImGui17ShowMetricsWindowEPbE22show_windows_rect_type
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZZN5ImGui17ShowMetricsWindowEPbE21show_tables_rect_type
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZZN5ImGui17ShowMetricsWindowEPbE20show_drawcmd_details
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZN8ImGuizmoL16rotationInfoMaskE
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZN8ImGuizmoL19translationInfoMaskE
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZN8ImGuizmoL13scaleInfoMaskE
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol _GImGui
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZN15ImGuiTextBuffer11EmptyStringE
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZL20GImAllocatorUserData
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZL15resize_grip_def
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZZN5ImGui17ShowMetricsWindowEPbE18show_windows_rects
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZZN5ImGui17ShowMetricsWindowEPbE24show_windows_begin_order
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZZN5ImGui17ShowMetricsWindowEPbE17show_tables_rects
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZN5ImGuiL6s_dockE
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZN8ImGuizmoL8gContextE
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZN8ImGuizmoL14directionUnaryE
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZZN5ImGuiL24RenderWindowOuterBordersEP11ImGuiWindowE17resize_border_def
warning: (x86_64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol __ZGVZN5ImGuiL24RenderWindowOuterBordersEP11ImGuiWindowE17resize_border_def