nim-lang / Nim

Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Its design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that order of priority).
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Changing statement order in generics can cause type mismatches #16128

Open haxscramper opened 3 years ago

haxscramper commented 3 years ago

Changing statement order in simpleTreeDiff causes compilation error. I'm not entirely sure if this is a bug, or some insanely convoluted generic interaction, but since the behavior of the compiler wildly differs only based on the order of generic instantiations it is probably a bug.


import std/[tables, hashes]

  NodeId*[L] = object
    isSource: bool
    index: Table[NodeId[L], seq[NodeId[L]]]

func hash*[L](id: NodeId[L]): Hash = discard
func `==`[L](a, b: NodeId[L]): bool = discard

proc makeIndex*[T, L](tree: T) =
  var parent = NodeId[L]()
  var tmp: Table[NodeId[L], seq[NodeId[L]]]
  tmp[parent] = @[parent]

proc simpleTreeDiff*[T, L](source, target: T) =
  # Swapping these two lines makes error disappear
  var m: Table[NodeId[L], NodeId[L]]
  makeIndex[T, L](target)

var tmp: Table[string, seq[string]] # removing this forward declaration also removes error

proc diff(x1, x2: string): auto =
  simpleTreeDiff[int, string](12, 12)

Current Output

/usercode/in.nim(29, 17) template/generic instantiation of `simpleTreeDiff` from here
/usercode/in.nim(24, 21) template/generic instantiation of `makeIndex` from here
/usercode/in.nim(18, 15) template/generic instantiation of `[]=` from here
/playground/nim/lib/pure/collections/tableimpl.nim(58, 21) template/generic instantiation of `rawGet` from here
/playground/nim/lib/pure/collections/hashcommon.nim(60, 48) Error: type mismatch: got <string, NodeId[system.string, system.string]>

Expected Output

No compilation errors


I added static: echo typeof ... in tables.[]= to printf-debug instantiation. Concreted code now is (module runnable example and documentation):

proc `[]=`*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A, val: B) =
    echo "proc `[]=`*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A, val: B) ="
    echo "  typeof(A) ", typeof(A)
    echo "  typeof(B) ", typeof(B)
    echo "  typeof(t) ", typeof(t)
    echo "  typeof( ", typeof(


And it produces different results based on order of the statements in code above or whether var tmp: Table[string, seq[string]] is present. When I try to compile example it outputs

proc `[]=`*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A, val: B) =
  typeof(A) NodeId[system.string]
  typeof(B) seq[NodeId[system.string]]
  typeof(t) Table[NodeId[system.string], seq[NodeId[system.string]]]
  typeof( KeyValuePairSeq[system.string, seq[string]]

When I remove var tmp: Table[string, seq[string]] compilations succeeds, printing out

proc `[]=`*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A, val: B) =
  typeof(A) NodeId[system.string]
  typeof(B) seq[NodeId[system.string]]
  typeof(t) Table[NodeId[system.string], seq[NodeId[system.string]]]
  typeof( KeyValuePairSeq[NodeId[system.string], seq[NodeId[system.string]]]

Which is what one could expect ( generic parameters are the same as in table itself).

Nim version

$ nim -v
Nim Compiler Version 1.4.0 [Linux: amd64]
Compiled at 2020-10-16
Copyright (c) 2006-2020 by Andreas Rumpf

git hash: bdcd87afca238a0a7b2c70971827cf9172817b12
active boot switches: -d:release -d:danger
timotheecour commented 3 years ago

IMO we should always allow passing the relevant hash/comparator to algorithms, it's explicit and more flexible, in particular doesn't affect unrelated code (if different hash/comparator is needed), as done in C++, D and other languages. This can be done in a backward compatible way and zero-cost way, avoiding a function pointer overhead even without lto

haxscramper commented 3 years ago

Good to know that this at least somewhat known issue. Even though it might be considered duplicate I would still prefer to leave it open, since this is a particularly tricky to reproduce, so more examples would be nice to have.

Is there any way currently to deal with this right now? Or I need to somehow instantiate needed generics earlier (by explicitly stating this limitation in documentation and carefully watching order of imports each time?).

PS: I'm also in favor of passing hash/==/< explicitly to implementation.

SirOlaf commented 10 months ago

Was fixed in #22828