nim-lang / Nim

Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Its design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that order of priority).
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Deepcopy implementation #23460

Open Alogani opened 7 months ago

Alogani commented 7 months ago



I propose a deepcopy implementation using a fieldPairs iterators. It seems to work for all types and is 3 times quicker than the actual one. It has not been tested on cyclic data structures.

Here is the code below :

proc deepCopyImpl[T](dest: var T; src: T) =
    when typeof(src) is ref or typeof(src) is ptr:
        if src != nil:
            dest = T()
            dest[] = src[]
            deepCopyImpl(dest[], src[])
    elif typeof(src) is object:
        for _, v1, v2 in fieldPairs(dest, src):
            deepCopyImpl(v1, v2)

proc deepCopy*[T](dest: var T; src: T) =
    ## This procedure copies values and create new object for references
    ## Also copies pointers, so unmanaged memory is unsafe if pointer is not wrapped into an object with a destructor
    # Should behave exactly like system.deepCopy
    dest = src
    deepCopyImpl(dest, src)

Here is also the code for a deepEqual checking implementation :

func deepEqual*[T](a, b: T): bool =
    ## Check values recursively
    ## Ignore References/adresse inequality
    result = true
    when typeof(a) is ref or typeof(a) is ptr:
        if a != nil and b != nil:
            result = deepEqual(a[], b[])
            result = a == b
        if result == false:
    elif typeof(a) is object:
        for name, v1, v2 in fieldPairs(a, b):
            result = deepEqual(v1, v2)
            if result == false:
        result = a == b

Here are some unittests :

import mylib/Testing
    import strtabs, std/with

        MyProc = ref object
            pid: int
            alive: bool
            data: string

        MyTerminal = object
            size: int
            data: string
            process: MyProc

        ShellOptions = enum
            QuoteArgs, MergeStderr

        Shell = ref object
            cmd: string
            args: seq[string]
            options: set[ShellOptions]
            env: StringTableRef
            process: MyProc
            terminal: MyTerminal
            nilval1: pointer
            nilval2: MyProc

    var s1 = Shell()
    with s1:
        cmd = "ls"
        args = @["-l", "-a"]
        options = {MergeStderr}
        env = newStringTable()
        process = MyProc()
        with process:
            pid = 10
            alive = true
            data = "This is running"
        with terminal:
            size = 1000
            data = "youpi"
            process = MyProc()
            with process:
                pid = 9
                alive = true
                data = "Have a terminal"
    s1.env["SHELL"] = "/bin/bash"

    proc assertions()
    var s2: Shell

    ## System.deepCopy is commented
            s2 = Shell()
            system.deepCopy(s2, s1)
        runBench("system.deepCopy", 1):
            s2 = Shell()
            system.deepCopy(s2, s1)

        s2 = Shell()
        deepCopy(s2, s1)
    runBench("proposal.deepCopy", 1):
        s2 = Shell()
        deepCopy(s2, s1)

    proc assertions() =
        doAssert deepEqual(s2, s1), "Expected s1 deeply equal s2"
        doAssert deepEqual(s1, s2), "Expected s2 deeply equal s1"
        doAssert s2.cmd == s1.cmd, "Field must be same"
        doAssert s2.args == s1.args, "Field must be same"
        doAssert s2.options == s1.options, "Field must be same"
        doAssert $(s2.env) == $(s1.env), "Field must be same"
        doAssert ==, "Field must be same"
        doAssert ==, "Field must be same"
        doAssert s2.nilval1 == s1.nilval1, "Undefined ref must be nil"
        doAssert s2.nilval2 == s1.nilval2, "Undefined ref must be nil"

        # Inequality checks
        doAssert s2 != s1, "Refs must be different"
        doAssert s2.terminal != s1.terminal, "Must be different because one field is ref"
        doAssert s2.terminal.process != s1.terminal.process, "Refs must be different" = 10
        doAssert not deepEqual(s2, s1), "Expected s1 no longer equal s2"

        s2.cmd = "changed"
        doAssert s2.cmd != s1.cmd, "Field must not be same"
        doAssert s2.args != s1.args, "Field must not be same"
        doAssert s2.options != s1.options, "Field must not be same"
        s2.env["field"] = "changed"
        doAssert $(s2.env) != $(s1.env), "Field must not be same" = 53
        doAssert !=, "Field not must be same"
        s2.terminal.size = 30
        doAssert s2.terminal != s1.terminal, "Field must not be same" = 87
        doAssert !=, "Field must not be same"


The actual deepcopy implementation is slow and require a supplementary compile flag.


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Araq commented 7 months ago

Well but handling cycles properly is kinda part of the purpose of a deepcopy operation.

Alogani commented 7 months ago

Oh, I understand, thanks for your response 😔

Alogani commented 7 months ago

Hello @Araq,

You are right, handling data cyclic structures has a crucial importance. I thought of a solution that might fits

Here is a deepCopy implementation handling cyclic data structure :

I have micro benchmarked it compared to the acyclic version I proposed, there is a non negligible performance hit (>35% slower). So it might be worth to add a special bool value to tell the deepcopy the structure is acyclic (or cyclic). Or better, get the information directly from the compiler/type system (if it keeps it)

proc deepCopyImpl[T](dest: var T; src: T, alreadyCopied: var seq[pointer]) =
    # An optimisation could be made if it is possible to have the info about if object is acyclic (compiler knows it ?)
    when typeof(src) is ref or typeof(src) is ptr:
        if src != nil:
            let srcPtr = cast[pointer](src)
            if srcPtr in alreadyCopied:
                dest = src
                dest = T()
                alreadyCopied.add srcPtr
                dest[] = src[]
                deepCopyImpl(dest[], src[], alreadyCopied)
    elif typeof(src) is object:
        for _, v1, v2 in fieldPairs(dest, src):
            deepCopyImpl(v1, v2, alreadyCopied)

proc deepCopy*[T](dest: var T; src: T) =
    ## This procedure copies values and create new object for references
    ## Also copies pointers, so unmanaged memory is unsafe if pointer is not wrapped into an object with a destructor
    # Should behave exactly like system.deepCopy
    dest = src
    var alreadyCopied: seq[pointer]
    deepCopyImpl(dest, src, alreadyCopied)

Here is deepEqual implementation for acyclic :

However comparison is always a bit more complicated, so there is certainly corner cases where it might break. I still include it, because it's just so nice to test if deepCopy worked.

func deepEqualImpl[T](a, b: T, alreadyCompared: var seq[(pointer, pointer)]): bool =
    result = true
    when typeof(a) is ref or typeof(a) is ptr:
        if a == nil or b == nil:
            result = a == b
            let ptrTuple = (cast[pointer](a), cast[pointer](b))
            if ptrTuple in alreadyCompared:
                result = true
                alreadyCompared.add ptrTuple
                result = deepEqualImpl(a[], b[], alreadyCompared)
    elif typeof(a) is object:
        for name, v1, v2 in fieldPairs(a, b):
            result = deepEqualImpl(v1, v2, alreadyCompared)
            if result == false:
        result = a == b

func deepEqual*[T](a, b: T): bool =
    ## Check values recursively
    ## Ignore References/adresse inequality
    var alreadyCompared: seq[(pointer, pointer)]
    deepEqualImpl(a, b, alreadyCompared)

Here are the corresponding tests :

    runTest("Cyclic data structure"):
        type Node = ref object
            next: Node
            data: int

        var a = Node(data: 1)
        var b = Node(data: 2)
        var c = Node(data: 3) = b = c = a

        var aCopy: Node
        deep.deepCopy(aCopy, a)
        doAssert deep.deepEqual(aCopy, a) == true
        doAssert ==
        doAssert ==
        doAssert ==
        doAssert == = 42
        doAssert deep.deepEqual(aCopy, a) == false

Benchmark info

ACyclic data structure
  >= BENCH     system.deepCopy
  >-- PASS:                                    42.052 op/ms | 23.780 μs/op
  >= BENCH     proposal.deepCopy
  >-- PASS:                                    130.32 op/ms | 7.6733 μs/op
Cyclic data structure
  >= BENCH     system.deepCopy
  >-- PASS:                                    306.02 op/ms | 3.2678 μs/op
  >= BENCH     personal.deepCopy
  >-- PASS:                                    375.42 op/ms | 2.6637 μs/op
Old version :
  >= BENCH     system.deepCopy
  >-- PASS:                                    44.022 op/ms | 22.716 μs/op
  >= BENCH     proposal.deepCopy
  >-- PASS:                                    178.40 op/ms | 5.6055 μs/op

Important note

Because it uses fieldpairs, it can get and copy both private an public fields. This is intended.

beef331 commented 7 months ago

If you really care about performance you'd change the seq to HashSet, but now it depends on std/sets.

Alogani commented 7 months ago

Hello @beef331,

If I propose something for Nim, my care is not the most important. "Its design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that order of priority)." I'm no senior developper, so I have never said it was perfect, it's a proposition :smile:

You are right, hashset is quickly more efficient (more than 10 refs), I haven't thought about it.

Here is the updated proposition :

import std/sets

func deepEqualImpl[T](a, b: T, alreadyCompared: var HashSet[(pointer, pointer)]): bool =
    result = true
    when typeof(a) is ref or typeof(a) is ptr:
        if a == nil or b == nil:
            result = a == b
            let ptrTuple = (cast[pointer](a), cast[pointer](b))
            if ptrTuple in alreadyCompared:
                result = true
                alreadyCompared.incl ptrTuple
                result = deepEqualImpl(a[], b[], alreadyCompared)
    elif typeof(a) is object:
        for name, v1, v2 in fieldPairs(a, b):
            result = deepEqualImpl(v1, v2, alreadyCompared)
            if result == false:
        result = a == b

func deepEqual*[T](a, b: T): bool =
    ## Check values recursively
    ## Ignore References/adresse inequality
    var alreadyCompared: HashSet[(pointer, pointer)]
    deepEqualImpl(a, b, alreadyCompared)

proc deepCopyImpl[T](dest: var T; src: T, alreadyCopied: var HashSet[pointer]) =
    # An optimisation could be made if it is possible to have the info about if object is acyclic (compiler knows it ?)
    when typeof(src) is ref or typeof(src) is ptr:
        if src != nil:
            let srcPtr = cast[pointer](src)
            if srcPtr in alreadyCopied:
                dest = src
                dest = T()
                alreadyCopied.incl srcPtr
                dest[] = src[]
                deepCopyImpl(dest[], src[], alreadyCopied)
    elif typeof(src) is object:
        for _, v1, v2 in fieldPairs(dest, src):
            deepCopyImpl(v1, v2, alreadyCopied)

proc deepCopy*[T](dest: var T; src: T) =
    ## This procedure copies values and create new object for references
    ## Also copies pointers, so unmanaged memory is unsafe if pointer is not wrapped into an object with a destructor
    # Should behave exactly like system.deepCopy
    dest = src
    var alreadyCopied: HashSet[pointer]
    deepCopyImpl(dest, src, alreadyCopied)
ringabout commented 7 months ago

JS backend also needs a deepcopy implementation

Alogani commented 7 months ago

@ringabout Sorry, I don't know js enough ! So I won't try to implement it

Does javascript already has a deepcopy feature ?

Alogani commented 6 months ago

Hello everyone,

I've worked a bit more on deepCopy/deepEqual implementation. I have written stronger tests (3 of them fails with system.deepCopy, because they involved typed ptr). And made some correction on types I haven't tested before. I have notably switched the alreadyCopied variable from a HashSet to a Table to handle more complex cyclic cases.

However I fail on, because ARC release too early some linked list data (with .cursor. pragma), causing a nil deference. And i really don't understand why. (I could obliviously pass if I assume the same ref object can appear only once in a data structure, but I don't think it's good). However I struggle to find where precisely it goes wrong, so that to find a good solution.

If someone more competent on arc memory model internals regarding acyclic data structures could help me, it would be great. Otherwise, I won't go much farther, it's already quite solid and efficient for my needs, and also surely for some other peoples (and I have already spent too much time working on it !)

Updated code

import std/[tables, sets]

## Look at "## Here is the code causing issue"

func deepEqualImpl[T](a, b: T, alreadyCompared: var HashSet[(pointer, pointer)]): bool =
    result = true
    when a is seq or a is array:
        for i in 0..high(a):
            if not deepEqualImpl(a[i], b[i], alreadyCompared):
                return false
    elif a is cstringArray:
        # Must be nil terminated
        var L = 0
        while a[L] != nil: inc(L)
        let rawSize = L * sizeof(cstring)
        if cmpMem(a, b, rawSize) != 0:
            return false
    elif a is pointer:
        ## Don't be ambigous even if both have same addr or are nil
        error("Can't compare pointer of unknown size")
    elif a is ref or a is ptr:
        if a == nil or b == nil:
            return a == b
            let ptrTuple = (cast[pointer](a), cast[pointer](b))
            if ptrTuple in alreadyCompared:
                return true
                alreadyCompared.incl ptrTuple
                result = deepEqualImpl(a[], b[], alreadyCompared)
    elif a is object or a is tuple:
        for name, v1, v2 in fieldPairs(a, b):
            if not deepEqualImpl(v1, v2, alreadyCompared):
                return false
        return a == b

func deepEqual*[T](a, b: T): bool =
    ## Check values recursively
    ## Ignore References/adresse inequality
    var alreadyCompared: HashSet[(pointer, pointer)]
    deepEqualImpl(a, b, alreadyCompared)

proc deepCopyImpl[T](dest: var T; src: T, alreadyCopied: var Table[pointer, pointer]) =
    # An optimisation could be made if it is possible to have the info about if object is acyclic (compiler knows it ?)
    when src is seq or src is array:
        dest = src
        for i in 0..high(src):
            deepCopyImpl(dest[i], src[i], alreadyCopied)
    elif src is cstringArray:
        # Must be nil terminated
        var L = 0
        while src[L] != nil: inc(L)
        let rawSize = L * sizeof(cstring)
        dest = cast[cstringArray](alloc(rawSize))
        copyMem(dest, src, rawSize)
    elif src is pointer:
        error("Can't copy pointer of unknown size")
    elif src is ref or src is ptr:
        if src != nil:
                srcPtr = cast[pointer](src)
                associatedDest = alreadyCopied.getOrDefault(srcPtr, nil)
            if associatedDest != nil:
                when src is ptr:
                    dest = cast[T](associatedDest)
                    ## Here is the code causing issue
                    dest = new T
                    dest[] = cast[T](associatedDest)[]
                    ## End of portion causing issue
                when src is ptr:
                    dest = cast[T](alloc(sizeof(src)))
                    dest = new T
                alreadyCopied[srcPtr] = cast[pointer](dest)
                dest[] = src[]
                deepCopyImpl(dest[], src[], alreadyCopied)
    elif src is object or src is tuple:
        for _, v1, v2 in fieldPairs(dest, src):
            deepCopyImpl(v1, v2, alreadyCopied)
        # cstring is copied here
        dest = src

proc deepCopy*[T](dest: var T; src: T) =
    ## This procedure copies values and create new object for references
    ## Also copies typed pointer, so unmanaged memory is unsafe if pointer is not wrapped into an object with a destructor
    # Should behave exactly like system.deepCopy
    dest = src
    var alreadyCopied: Table[pointer, pointer]
    deepCopyImpl(dest, src, alreadyCopied)

Updated test

import ../src/aloganimisc/deep

import std/[sets, strtabs, tables, sequtils]
import std/unittest

var initIncrement = 1

test "Acyclic data structure":
        TestEnum = enum
            AEnum, BEnum, CEnum

        TestRef = ref object
            field1: int

        TestObj = object
            refField: TestRef

        MainRef = ref object
            intField: int
            strField: string
            cstrField: cstring
            tupleField: (TestObj, string)
            setField: set[TestEnum]
            objField: TestObj
            refField: TestRef
            nilField: TestRef
            arrayField: array[1, TestObj]
            seqField: seq[TestObj]
            strtabField: StringTableRef
            tableField: Table[string, TestRef]
            stringSeq: seq[string]
            cstrArray: cstringArray
            nilPtr: TestRef
            intRef: ref int
            intPtr: ptr int
            strRef: ref string
            strPtr: ptr string

    proc new(T: type TestRef): T =
        result = TestRef(field1: initIncrement)
        initIncrement += 1

    proc init(T: type TestObj): T =
        result = TestObj(refField:

    proc new(T: type MainRef): T =
            strVal = "Hello"
            stringSeq = @["World"]
            intRef = new int
            strRef = new string
        intRef[] = 5
        strRef[] = "from nim"
        result = MainRef(
            intField: 42,
            strField: strVal,
            cstrField: strVal.cstring,
            tupleField: (TestObj.init(), "tuple"),
            setField: { AEnum, BEnum },
            objField: TestObj.init(),
            nilField: nil,
            arrayField: [TestObj.init()],
            seqField: @[TestObj.init()],
            strtabField: {"KEY": "VALUE"}.newStringTable(),
            tableField: {"KEY":}.toTable(),
            stringSeq: stringSeq,
            cstrArray: allocCStringArray(stringSeq),
            nilPtr: nil,
            intRef: intRef,
            intPtr: cast[ptr int](intRef),
            strRef: strRef,
            strPtr: cast[ptr string](strRef),

    proc compare(a, b: TestRef) =
        check a != b
        check a.field1 == b.field1

    proc compare(a, b: TestObj) =
        check a != b # Because contains a ref field
        compare(a.refField, b.refField)

    proc compare(a, b: MainRef) =
        var key: string
        check a.intField == b.intField
        check addr(a.strField) != addr(b.strField)
        check a.strField == b.strField
        check addr(a.cstrField) != addr(b.cstrField)
        check a.cstrField == b.cstrField 
        compare(a.tupleField[0], b.tupleField[0])
        check a.tupleField[1] == b.tupleField[1]
        check a.setField == b.setField
        compare(a.objField, b.objField)
        compare(a.refField, b.refField)
        check a.nilField == nil
        check b.nilField == nil
        compare(a.arrayField[0], b.arrayField[0])
        compare(a.seqField[0], b.seqField[0])
        check a.strtabField.len() > 0
        key = a.strtabField.keys().toSeq()[0]
        check a.strtabField[key] == b.strtabField[key]
        check a.tableField.len() > 0
        key = a.tableField.keys().toSeq()[0]
        check a.tableField[key] != b.tableField[key]
        check a.cstrArray != b.cstrArray # Fail with system.deepCopy(). Not copied ?
        check a.cstrArray[0] == b.cstrArray[0]
        check a.nilPtr == nil
        check b.nilPtr == nil
        check a.intRef != b.intRef
        check a.intRef[] == b.intRef[]
        check cast[int](a.intPtr) != cast[int](b.intPtr) # Fail with system.deepCopy() -> same address
        check a.intPtr[] == b.intPtr[] 
        check a.strRef != b.strRef
        check a.strRef[] == b.strRef[]
        check cast[int](a.strPtr) != cast[int](b.strPtr) # Fail with system.deepCopy() -> same address
        check a.strPtr[] == b.strPtr[]

    let a =
    var b: MainRef
    when false: # use --deepcopy:on and set to true
            system.deepCopy(b, a)
        compare(a, b)
        b = nil
    deep.deepCopy(b, a)
    compare(a, b)
    check deep.deepEqual(a, b)

test "Cyclic data structure":
    type Node = ref object
        last {.cursor.}: Node
        next: Node
        data: int

    proc main() =
        for i in 0..100:
            var a = Node()
            a.last = a
   = a
            for i in 0..10:
                var n = Node()
       = n
       = a

            var aCopy: Node
            deep.deepCopy(aCopy, a)
            check ==
            check ==
            check ==
            check ==
            check deep.deepEqual(aCopy, a)
   = 42
            check not deep.deepEqual(aCopy, a)

## From

discard """
  matrix: "--mm:refc; --mm:orc --deepcopy:on"
  output: "ok"

import lists #tables, lists

  ListTable[K, V] = object
    valList: DoublyLinkedList[V]
    table: Table[K, DoublyLinkedNode[V]]

  ListTableRef*[K, V] = ref ListTable[K, V]

proc initListTable*[K, V](initialSize = 64): ListTable[K, V] =
  result.valList = initDoublyLinkedList[V]()
  result.table = initTable[K, DoublyLinkedNode[V]]()

proc newListTable*[K, V](initialSize = 64): ListTableRef[K, V] =
  result[] = initListTable[K, V](initialSize)

proc `[]=`*[K, V](t: var ListTable[K, V], key: K, val: V) =
  if key in t.table:
    t.table[key].value = val
    let node = newDoublyLinkedNode(val)
    t.table[key] = node

proc `[]`*[K, V](t: ListTable[K, V], key: K): var V {.inline.} =
  result = t.table[key].value

proc len*[K, V](t: ListTable[K, V]): Natural {.inline.} =
  result = t.table.len

iterator values*[K, V](t: ListTable[K, V]): V =
  for val in t.valList.items():
    yield val

proc `[]=`*[K, V](t: ListTableRef[K, V], key: K, val: V) =
  t[][key] = val

proc `[]`*[K, V](t: ListTableRef[K, V], key: K): var V {.inline.} =

proc len*[K, V](t: ListTableRef[K, V]): Natural {.inline.} =

iterator values*[K, V](t: ListTableRef[K, V]): V =
  for val in t[].values:
    yield val

proc main() =
    type SomeObj = ref object

    for outer in 0..1:
        let myObj = new(SomeObj)
        let table = newListTable[int, SomeObj]()

        table[0] = myObj
        for i in 1..10_000:
            table[i] = new(SomeObj)

        var myObj2: SomeObj
        for val in table.values():
            if myObj2.isNil:
                myObj2 = val
        doAssert(myObj == myObj2) # passes
        #doAssert deepEqual(myObj, myObj2)

        var tableCopy: ListTableRef[int, SomeObj]
        deep.deepCopy(tableCopy, table) # -> fail here

        let myObjCopy = tableCopy[0]
        var myObjCopy2: SomeObj = nil
        for val in tableCopy.values():
            if myObjCopy2.isNil:
                myObjCopy2 = val

        #echo cast[int](myObj)
        #echo cast[int](myObjCopy)
        #echo cast[int](myObjCopy2)

        doAssert(myObjCopy == myObjCopy2) # passes
        #doAssert deepEqual(myObjCopy, myObjCopy2)

echo "ok"
ul commented 4 months ago

Both system and this deepCopy have a peculiar behaviour when dealing with dynamic libraries. I'm implementing a hot reload workflow that copies some state over from one generation of the library to another. I noticed that when the copied structures contain strings, accessing these strings after the old version of the library was unloaded causes SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?). Fortunately, I was able to workaround this problem by adding a quick hack to the implementation presented in the message above:

  elif src is string:
    dest = "" & src

I'd appreciate any advice on how to fix that problem properly. For the reference, I'm using Nim v2.0.4 with --mm:orc

Araq commented 4 months ago

Your workaround is very smart and ORC does not copy string literals assuming that the process lives forever which is not true for your use case. My advice: Add a flag to deepCopy like fromForeignProcess: bool to document clearly what is going on.

In other words, I think there is no way to fix that "problem properly" and even cstring string literals are affected.