nim-lang / Nim

Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Its design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that order of priority).
16.22k stars 1.46k forks source link error in the learning documentation code #23721

Closed HeadBangZ closed 2 weeks ago

HeadBangZ commented 2 weeks ago


  Room = ref object # reference to an object, useful for big objects or
    windows: int    # objects inside objects
    doors: int = 1  # Change the default value of a field (since Nim 2.0)
  House = object
    address: string  
    rooms: seq[Room]

  defaultHouse = House() # initialize with default values
  defaultRoom = new Room() # create new instance of ref object
  sesameHouse = House(address: "123 Sesame St.", rooms: @[defaultRoom])

This piece of code produces an error, more specifically it says you can create a new isntance of ref object using

defaultRoom = new Room() --> but this produces an error

Error: type mismatch
Expression: new Room(doors: 1)
  [1] Room(doors: 1): Room

Expected one of (first mismatch at [position]):
[1] proc new(t: typedesc): auto
[1] proc new[T](a: var ref T)
  expression 'Room(doors: 1)' is immutable, not 'var'
[1] proc new[T](a: var ref T; finalizer: proc (x: ref T) {.nimcall.})
  expression 'Room(doors: 1)' is immutable, not 'var'

Nim Version


Current Output

Error: type mismatch
Expression: new Room(doors: 1)
  [1] Room(doors: 1): Room

Expected one of (first mismatch at [position]):
[1] proc new(t: typedesc): auto
[1] proc new[T](a: var ref T)
  expression 'Room(doors: 1)' is immutable, not 'var'
[1] proc new[T](a: var ref T; finalizer: proc (x: ref T) {.nimcall.})
  expression 'Room(doors: 1)' is immutable, not 'var'

Expected Output

Expected compile to be a success

Possible Solution

No response

Additional Information

No response

beef331 commented 2 weeks ago

Wrong repo

The code should be new Room or better yet Room()

HeadBangZ commented 2 weeks ago

@beef331 thanks, should I recreate the mistake in the correct repo?

beef331 commented 2 weeks ago

Seems they prefer a PR to fix the incorrect code.