Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Its design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that order of priority).
It's possible this could be shrunken a little, but it's pretty minimal.
Oat*[K, Q] = concept t
eq(t, K, K) is bool
key(t, int) is K
Valued*[V] = concept t
val(var t, int, V)
val(t, int) is V
VOat*[K,Q,V] = concept t
t is Valued[V]
t is Oat[K,Q]
proc getOrDefault*[K,Q,V](t: VOat[K,Q,V], q: Q, def=default(V)): V = discard
Count = object
cnt: int
key: string
Counts = object
dat: seq[Count]
proc eq(t: Counts, a: string, b: string): bool = a == b
proc key(c: Counts, i: int): string = c.dat[i].key
proc val(c: var Counts, i: int, v: int) = c.dat[i].cnt = v
proc val(c: Counts, i: int): int = c.dat[i].cnt
proc foo() =
var h: Counts
when defined bug: # infinite loops compiler & nimsuggest
let x = getOrDefault(h, "hi")
let x = getOrDefault[string, string, int](h, "hi") # works
Nim Version
Compiling with nim c -d:bug makes all versions of Nim I have around infinite loop. This is at least 0.20.2, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 2.0, and current devel head.
Current Output
None. Infinite loop with memory exhaustion.
Expected Output
Either correct compilation with the instantiated inferred or an instantiation error.
Known Workarounds
Always provide the generic parameter list with instance values. It is pretty bothersome need nimsuggest to infinite recurse as a "signal" that one needs to do this, however.
Additional Information
EDIT: The def=default(V) might look troubling to some, but dropping that defaulted parameter entirely seems to not change anything, but I'd like for that to work as well and so kept it in the code example in case this becomes a test case of some kind.
It's possible this could be shrunken a little, but it's pretty minimal.
Nim Version
Compiling with
nim c -d:bug
makes all versions of Nim I have around infinite loop. This is at least 0.20.2, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 2.0, and current devel head.Current Output
Expected Output
Known Workarounds
Always provide the generic parameter list with instance values. It is pretty bothersome need
to infinite recurse as a "signal" that one needs to do this, however.Additional Information
might look troubling to some, but dropping that defaulted parameter entirely seems to not change anything, but I'd like for that to work as well and so kept it in the code example in case this becomes a test case of some kind.