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'isolated' data for Nim #244

Closed Araq closed 3 years ago

Araq commented 4 years ago

Proposal to add the concept of 'isolated' data to Nim

This is the evolution of owned ref. A new name, Isolated was chosen in order to avoid confusions and also because it can be done almost entirely as a library without bloating Nim's core type system further.


We want to be able to pass subgraphs to threads, safely and easily. All data races should be prevented at compile-time. We are not willing to pay the price of atomic reference counting in order to do so. We also seek to avoid Rust's and C++'s many different pointer types. Nim uses ref everywhere and ref should remain the default pointer type to use. It is safe, efficient and Nim's optimizers understand it well.

Yet, ref has no concept of unique ownership which is required for effective message passing without copies. Hence we wrap it inside an Isolated[T]:

  Isolated*[T] = object ## Isolated data can only be moved, not copied.
    value: T

proc `=`*[T](dest: var Isolated[T]; src: Isolated[T]) {.error.}

proc `=sink`*[T](dest: var Isolated[T]; src: Isolated[T]) {.inline.} =
  # delegate to value's sink operation
  `=sink`(dest.value, src.value)

proc `=destroy`*[T](dest: var Isolated[T]) {.inline.} =
  # delegate to value's destroy operation

Isolated[T] is what a channel should use, comparable to Rust's "sendable" trait:

proc send*[T](c: var Channel[T]; msg: sink Isolated[T])
proc recv*[T](c: var Channel[T]): T
  ## Note: Returns T, not Isolated[T] for convenience.

proc recvIso*[T](c: var Channel[T]): Isolated[T]
  ## remembers the data is Isolated[T].

How to construct isolated subgraphs

Construction must ensure that the invariant holds, namely that the wrapped T is free of external aliases into it. To ensure it, we propose a Pony-inspired recover construct, but named isolate for clarity:

func isolate(x: sink T): Isolated[T] {.magic: "Isolate".}

As you can see, this is a new builtin because the check it performs on x is non-trivial:

If T does not contain a ref or closure type, it is isolated. Else the syntactic structure of x is analyzed:

Note: Previously the spec said that f must be .gcsafe, this is not sufficient, we cannot guarantee isolation for a .threadvar location.

Alias analysis

We start with an important, simple case that must be valid: Sending the result of parseJson to a channel. Since the signature is func parseJson(input: string): JsonNode it is easy to see that JsonNode can never simply be a view into input which is a string.

A different case is the identity function id, send id(myJsonGraph) must be invalid because we do not know how many aliases into myJsonGraph exist elsewhere.

In general type A can alias type T if:

These rules ensure the freedom of potential data races but they can be quite limiting. It remains to be seen if they suffice in practice. Pony's recover is actually not a function, but a block of code. It is unclear at this point if that really adds expressivity or not over this proposed builtin function.


We expect the pattern send(isolate(f())) to be very common so we add a template overload to the channel:

template send*[T](c: var Channel[T]; msg: sink T) =

Example: send JsonNodes to a worker thread

var ch: Channel[JsonNode]

proc worker {.thread.} =
  while true:
    let t = ch.recv()
    if t == nil: break

var thr: Thread[void]
createThread(thr, worker)

proc prepareTasks(fileWithUrls: string): seq[Isolated[JsonNode]] =
  result = @[]
  for line in lines(fileWithUrls):
    result.add isolate(parseJson(line))

proc spawnCrawlers =
  var tasks = prepareTasks("todo_urls.txt")
  for t in mitems tasks:
    ch.send move t

Next steps

There is now an implementation available in std/isolation. The channel type should use Isolated[T] for ARC/ORC and we need to see how it works.

Future directions

Isolated graphs can also be checked for isolation at runtime via something like func assertIsolated[T](graph: sink T): Isolated[T]. This would use ORC's mechanism for graph traversal and the involved reference counts to determine that no external pointers into graph exist. Since this is a runtime check and not a compile-time guarantee, we will first do without such a mechanism.

jangko commented 4 years ago

Isolated itself is a good idea, but restricting channel to isolated is a bad idea. We should be able to use channel not only to move data between threads, but also share data among threads. If channel only accepts isolated, we cannot send immutable-read-only data that can be read by many threads.

"sendable" should also include immutable besides isolated.

Araq commented 4 years ago

But you can do that via atomic refcounting.

If T does not contain a ref or closure type, it is isolated.

The implementation of an atomic pointer uses ptr, not ref so it does count as Isolated.

bluenote10 commented 4 years ago

Just bikeshedding: The name recover seems confusing on first glance, what is it recovering exactly? isolate would play nice with the type name.

SixteNim commented 4 years ago

Just bikeshedding: The name recover seems confusing on first glance, what is it recovering exactly? isolate would play nice with the type name.

Well, recover has been borrowed from pony. The function name is disturbing though : It suggests that something needs to be repaired. Indeed, isolate explains it better. BTW, I propose to shorten Isolated a bit, simply to iso. (Another borrowing from pony, I frequently used it in the Nim forum, others did the same.... )

Araq commented 4 years ago

In the implemenation I used the name isolate.

dom96 commented 4 years ago

BTW, I propose to shorten Isolated a bit, simply to iso. (Another borrowing from pony, I frequently used it in the Nim forum, others did the same.... )

I would like to push back against this. Let's make our code readable instead of easy to write.

Varriount commented 4 years ago

BTW, I propose to shorten Isolated a bit, simply to iso. (Another borrowing from pony, I frequently used it in the Nim forum, others did the same.... )

I would like to push back against this. Let's make our code readable instead of easy to write.

Plus, we have type aliases. If you have channel-heavy code, you can just do type Iso = Isolated. "Iso" by itself merely means "equal", which is rather confusing to newcomers.

SixteNim commented 4 years ago

Plus, we have type aliases. If you have channel-heavy code, you can just do type Iso = Isolated. "Iso" by itself merely means "equal", which is rather confusing to newcomers.

Well, I followed the pony-lang approach. Honestly, the least thing I was confused about pony was the iso keyword that comes with the language. I can offer uno instead, unique node pointer. A pointer that may not be shared. ( where "Node" is any mem struct on the heap that can have refs at its own).

There is another point. iso can be seen as a primitive boxing of ref - boxing without runtime costs (it's not java auto-boxing, beware...) . It indicates more or less the intention of the programmer. The compiler can then infer if the iso property is statically maintained or not, allowing for very basic operations at the moment, e.g. for updates of values like float64 or so. If the compiler can't prove it , it will reset the iso to ref. It is very similar to the was moved property. If then a proc demands iso , the compiler will coerce automatically - inserting a runtime check with isolate - or the programmer him/herself can do it. The one-dollar question is: What is the appropriate behavior if isolate fails? In specific cases, implicit copy could be an option.

"Isolated" is an encapsulating type. Nothing wrong with it, but there will be more than one Isolated, because there are many concepts around. If we already had a stable concept for "Isolated" then we already could find it in almost all established languages. So, fine-graining of "Isolated" should be possible, it should kept open for individual demands and solutions. No perfect world.

For the moment, iso is a simple extension of ref , a single bit away from it only. The runtime coercion will do the trick.

Araq commented 4 years ago

I expect the name Isolated[T] not to be used often enough to justify a shorter name. template send*[T](c: var Channel[T]; msg: sink T) already hides it successfully. It's time to play with the implementation.

Araq commented 3 years ago

Spec Defect: f must be .noSideEffect, not .gcsafe! See bug #18326

planetis-m commented 3 years ago

Here is another issue, I think, that I encountered. Suppose a cow string implementation, passing a string to another thread via isolate does not enforce uniqueness:

      var a: Isolated[String]
      var b: String
      b.add 'w'
      b.add 'o'
      a = isolate b # wrong! needs to perform a deepcopy
      #b.add 'r'
      let c = extract a
      echo cast[ByteAddress](c.p)
      echo cast[ByteAddress](b.p) # the addresses are the same

Implementation: Maybe an isolate constructor that does =deepcopy is needed?

This is an alternative that works:

  func isolate(value: String): Isolated[String] =
    var a: String
    # do a deepCopy here
    result = unsafeIsolate a
Araq commented 3 years ago

Or maybe override isolate and unsafeIsolate for String?

planetis-m commented 3 years ago

Or maybe override isolate and unsafeIsolate for String?

Yes that's what I did. Except unsafeIsolate since Ive no other way of constructing an Isolate[String].

obadz commented 2 years ago

f's return type cannot alias x's type. This is checked via a form of alias analysis as explained in the next paragraph.

What if f's return type can't alias x's type, but can alias a subgraph of x. Don't you have to check that none of the deeply nested refs that could be held within x can't make their way into the return type?

Araq commented 2 years ago

Don't you have to check that none of the deeply nested refs that could be held within x can't make their way into the return type?

Yes, indeed and I hope the implementation does that. :-)

obadz commented 2 years ago

I don't think it does:

import std/isolation

type Z = ref object
  i: int

type A = object
  z: Z

type B = object
  z: Z

func a_to_b(a: A): B =
  result = B(z: a.z)

let a = A(z: Z(i: 3))
let b = isolate(a_to_b(a))

echo repr(b) # [value = [z = ref 0x7f8650b6b050 --> [i = 3]]]
inc a.z.i
echo repr(b) # [value = [z = ref 0x7f8650b6b050 --> [i = 4]]]

Even beyond overlapping subgraphs, it doesn't look like returning an entire ref subgraph is detected?

import std/isolation

type Z = ref object
  i: int

type A = object
  z: Z

func a_to_z(a: A): Z =
  result = a.z

let a = A(z: Z(i: 3))
let z = isolate(a_to_z(a))

echo repr(z) # [value = ref 0x7fca2c6d9050 --> [i = 3]]
inc a.z.i
echo repr(z) # [value = ref 0x7fca2c6d9050 --> [i = 4]]

Only the reverse case seems to work:

import std/isolation

type Z = ref object
  i: int

type A = object
  z: Z

func z_to_a(z: Z): A =
  result = A(z: z)

let z = Z(i: 3)
let a = isolate(z_to_a(z)) # Error: expression cannot be isolated: z_to_a(z)
Araq commented 2 years ago

Please report this as a bug on Nim's issue tracker.

obadz commented 2 years ago

Done ↑

Separately, I think it would be nice if there was a version of this function that created fresh copies of all refs with refcount > 1. (In fact maybe that should be the default behavior?)

Araq commented 2 years ago

Separately, I think it would be nice if there was a version of this function that created fresh copies of all refs with refcount > 1. (In fact maybe that should be the default behavior?)

Variations of this idea have been thought about, but it changes the behavior from O(1) to O(n) and implicit copies of ref's are too confusing in practice. Which is why we moved away from deepCopying things.

obadz commented 2 years ago

Can't we have an additional function that does this copy optionally? Presumably a macro could statically write the sequence of refcount checks that must be performed and if they are self-contained no copying is required?