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Completing the Nim async/await implementation #304

Open dom96 opened 3 years ago

dom96 commented 3 years ago

The Nim async/await implementation has been successfully used in production for many years now, both in real-world use cases (NimForum, among others) as well as in benchmarks (TechEmpower benchmarks via Jester/HttpBeast). It has also been adapted into the Chronos implementation used by Status for their Ethereum client implementation.

All of these projects have established it as a reliable and easy way to write highly concurrent applications in Nim.

As far as I know, there are three things missing, some more important than others. This RFC aims to document what those are and hopefully drum up some support for their implementation. I strongly believe that the effort needed to implement these is in general low, with the impact being high.

But I would also like to open this RFC to others, if not already covered by the list below, what do you feel is missing? Can we implement a solution within the existing async/await implementation?

Concurrency + Parallelism

A big pain point with Nim's concurrency is that it does not integrate well with Nim's parallelism. I think that a simple fix here would be to make it possible for spawned threads (FlowVars) and channels to be awaitable.

I believe that there isn't a need to head towards the Golang Goroutines which mix concurrency and parallelism. For a systems programming language, having these as separate systems is wise and ultimately gives more control. This is particularly important for something that is in the standard library.

Software such as httpbeast have proven that scaling async/await across threads can be done and that it works well. For other non-server use cases an awaitable threads implementation will be a great stand-in, until we can figure out the disadvantages of this approach (if any).

Future Cancellation

Right now, the only way to cancel a pending operation is to close the FD it is working on. This works in certain circumstances, but is somewhat hacky and not flexible enough. A formal way to cancel futures would be ideal.

Chronos already implements this so it can be used as a source of inspiration for how this should be implemented.

Future Streams

The existing implementation has its issues (just search around the Nim repo for issues relating to future streams) and needs a rework. This is an important component to enable streaming large pieces of data to clients.

A nice practical solution here could be to rely on sendfile.

Useful Resources

disruptek commented 3 years ago

Can you speak to the obstacles preventing Nim from adopting Chronos and the advantages of two parties maintaing separate and unequal implementations?

dom96 commented 3 years ago

The only obstacles I foresee are related to breaking backwards compatibility. I'm not sure to what extent the two have diverged, if it's just as simple as replacing Nim's current async/await with Chronos then that would be nice. But I'm not sure that is the case.

Looking at, the following seems to be the biggest divergence:

Removed all IO primitives (recv(), recvFrom(), connect(), accept(), send(), and sendTo()) from the public API, and moved all their functionality into Transports.

At the end of the day I would defer the question to Status, they are the ones that hard forked async/await after all and they know how the two have diverged since then.

mratsim commented 3 years ago

Looking more into CPS and async, it seems to me like CPS are actually lower levels than async/await.

In particular they replace closure iterators (and potentially inline iterators). This means that a deprecation path would be to reimplement closure iterators in terms of CPS so that current async/await applications can still work as is while we figure out the path forward.

Then the questions become:

Regarding the issues, as a user I see:

Vindaar commented 3 years ago

My main criticism of async / await in Nim (I don't know whether it's a documentation issue, lack of understanding on my part or something technical):

If I have some proc that is blocking, how do I turn that into something that can be used with async/await? I understand that once the main thread is blocked "that's it". But I always though the "magic" of async/await is to wrap that blocking call in something that let's the main thread unblocked.

That's why I never use async/await, but rather simply create a second thread that I ask if it's done via a channel. Simply because for the things I needed async/await for there isn't an Async* version in the stdlib. And I don't understand how to write my own async version of something.

I might have more constructive criticism, if my async usage went beyond exactly two (almost identical) usages of AsyncHttpServer to communicate with a JS client via websocket.

dom96 commented 3 years ago

If I have some proc that is blocking, how do I turn that into something that can be used with async/await? I understand that once the main thread is blocked "that's it". But I always though the "magic" of async/await is to wrap that blocking call in something that let's the main thread unblocked.

@Vindaar That is something I've also found to be a pain point. A classic example is even featured in my book: reading from stdin. I think that the proposal I've written about above would solve this pretty well, simply spawn the blocking proc in a new thread and await it. Job done :)

@rayman22201 even made a great start on it in and We could get pretty far in resurrecting this.

And I don't understand how to write my own async version of something.

That really depends on what you're doing. If you're writing a native Nim version of something then that should be fairly trivial. If you're wrapping a C library and want to use it in an async way then it gets trickier, and it would be nice to set up a tutorial series for this.

zah commented 3 years ago

Both AsyncDispatch and Chronos pay a hefty price for some fundamental inefficiencies in the current async approach:

If backwards compatibility is to be broken, Nim can still try to aim higher than the minimal upgrades suggested above.

Otherwise, I happen to know that @alehander92 has implemented cancellation for AsyncDispatch in a private branch. His approach is different from Chronos - the inspiration was taken from the way C# implements cancellation. A very brief explanation is that the code relies on something called "cancellation token" which is passed as a hidden argument forward in the async calls. This avoids the "backwards" links that Chronos must maintain from nested futures to the parent that spawned them. The backwards links are somewhat more problematic because they must be stored in a dynamically allocated container and they introduce cycles that will create more difficulties in an ORC/ARC scheme.

mratsim commented 3 years ago

P1) All non-ref input parameters to async procs must be copied is something that I also experience in Weave and may be a significant source of overhead in short lived tasks (which fortunately doesn't happen as often for CPU as for IO).

This was discussed with Araq and one solution I proposed is lent return value overloading:

Basically you can have a return value be either

proc foo(a, b, c: Parameters): Future[RV] =
  result.obj = create(RV) # Allocation on heap

template foo(a, b, c: Parameters): lent Future[RV] =
  # template needed for alloca
  # do we want a typetrait `when escapeCallerScope(result)` instead?
  result.obj = alloca(RV) # Allocation on stack

Paper: Herlihy et al, Well-Structured Futures and Cache Locality,

Rust approach with readiness-based/poll-based future is another approach with other tradeoffs to ensure that futures can be allocated on the stack.

I think forcing futures to be evaluated in the caller or one of its child might be too restrictive hence I prefer a borrow-checker based optimization.

Q-Master commented 3 years ago

I think that for now is no need to completely switch to something which drops the compatibility with current version. The asyncronous transports is a very good idea, but I think they can wait, because all of their functionality can be done right now using some more writing. The main things which I wait myself are:

  1. Futures cancellation (I think that Chronos variant is not that good). I am sure that not only cancel() should break the Future, but fail() and complete() should also do that.
  2. Not stopping main loop if no callbacks running, but some futures are waiting like mentioned here
al6x commented 3 years ago

If I have some proc that is blocking, how do I turn that into something that can be used with async/await?

Exactly. This alone pretty much kills the appealing of async. Even without considering other problems.

The async programming is ok in JavaScript (I used it for many years in UI and Server). The concept itself is questionable, forcing human to do machine work (writing state machines-like code to handle control flow, sugared with async/await helpers). But, in JavaScript you have no other choice, that's the only thing you can have.

But adopting async concept in a language where you can choose other ways, not a good idea.

mratsim commented 3 years ago

I've been thinking about how to pass from the sync to async world and vice-versa and also how to allow 2 event loops to cooperate including asyncdispatch or Chronos but also event loops that we cannot ever hope to make compatible as a common primitive like CPS #295 cannot be built (for example Nim and JS/libuv).

At first I thought we could use AsyncChannel see:

But instead I think we should build async condition variable or semaphores. Here's why:

Overview of the issues

Scenario 1. The async event loop is about to do a blocking operation or hands off heavy computation to another thread. It delegates work to a threadpool. It needs to subscribe to some "channel" that will hands the result back. In the sync world, this is a Flowvar. For async, that subscription should hand over control to the event loop until result is ready so ^ (sync/await) is not sufficient.

Scenario 2. Three services are cooperating, an UI thread, a networking thread and a worker thread. The UI thread cannot be blocked at all cost (see recent HN all-star post Speed is the Killer Feature), the networking thread can tolerate a couple second delays but more and timeouts kicks in unless you send keep-alive, the worker thread has no latency constraints. They establish one-to-one channels for each kind of processing requests and one-to-one channels for the result.


Making Flowvar and Channels awaitable

This adds too much baggage to Flowvar and Channels.

  1. From an ergonomic point of view, we are creating complex types to try to handle both concurrency and parallelism, while they are separate concerns and we should have docs and tutorials for:
    • concurrency
    • parallelism
    • mixing both

Forcing to use the same type for both will very likely bite us down the line.

  1. From a performance point of view, adding a file descriptor to channels which means syscalls which means cache pollution and high context switch overhead makes them an automatic showstopper for most compute-bound tasks. This means that people who need high performance processing that is interleaved with IO, for example streaming video processing, will need to implement their own channel and will once again face the problem on "how to I make my custom channels compatible with async.

  2. From an extensibility and composability point of view, for channels there is no one-size-fits all even if it's just serving the parallel world (and not concurrency). Here are the different flavors or channels

Adding async synchronization primitives

Instead, we need the same synchronization primitives in Async as in the threaded world, so async locks and async condition variables (or async semaphores).

Then wrapper types can be

  AsyncFlowVar[T] = object
    fv: FlowVar[T]
    acv: AsyncConditionVariable
    alock: AsyncLock

  AsyncChannel[T] = object
    chan: Channel[T]
    acv: AsyncConditionVariable
    alock: AsyncLock

  AsyncRendezVousChannel[T] = object
    ## Unbuffered channel, both producer and consumer must wait for each other. Needed for CSP (Communicating Sequential Process)
    chan: T # Notice that we don't need a Channel[T] (assuming ARC/ORC or Boehm GC)
    acv_eventLoop0: AsyncConditionVariable
    alock_eventLoop0: AsyncLock
    acv_eventLoop1: AsyncConditionVariable
    alock_eventLoop1: AsyncLock

When the value is ready, the async condition variable of the consumer is signaled. This can be used with any channels and allow communication between any event loops and also any threadpool or multithreading runtimes.

This also does not pollute carefully tuned multithreaded primitives with kernel syscalls except at the interface between async and threads.

Implementation of async condition variable/event notifier

In all use cases where we need an async condition variable, there can be only one waiter, the event loop, but there can be multiple producers/signaler. This is unlike classic condition variables which can have multiple waiters/consumers.

I happen to have a high performance MPSC threadsafe event notifier in Weave for putting waiting threads to sleep that is formally verified:

proc park*(en: var EventNotifier) {.inline.} =
  ## Wait until we are signaled of an event
  ## Thread is parked and does not consume CPU resources
  ## This may wakeup spuriously.
  if not en.signaled.load(moRelaxed): # or `while not ...` if spurious wakeups are a problem
    if en.ticket == en.phase.load(moRelaxed):
      when supportsFutex:
        en.cond.wait(en.lock) # Spurious wakeup are not a problem, moRelaxed)
  when supportsFutex:

proc notify*(en: var EventNotifier) {.inline.} =
  ## Signal a thread that it can be unparked

  if en.signaled.load(moRelaxed):
    # Another producer is signaling
    return, moRelease)
  discard en.phase.fetchXor(1, moRelaxed)
  when supportsFutex:, moRelease)

You just need to replace wait by wait on a FD and signal by signal on a FD and the event notifier becomes async friendly and can be used in association with channels and Flowvars to make them awaitable.

Note that in Weave this is also used in association with my internal channels. If spurious wakeups are undesirable the line if not en.signaled.load(moRelaxed): can be replaced by while not en.signaled.load(moRelaxed):

dumblob commented 3 years ago

Sounds like a novel idea to me to align the async synchronization primitives API with concurrency primitives API in 1:1 fashion. Do you think it's doable to make the APIs not just aligned, but actually syntactically identical?

I mean, why to have both AsyncFlowVar[T] and ConcurrentFlowVar[T] (pardon the name - I didn't want to use FlowVar[T] to avoid confusion) and not just FlowVar[T] which would automatically in compile time decide whether an async or concurrent primitive is needed. The information should be already there from initialization.

mratsim commented 3 years ago

AsyncFlowvar[T] is actually Future[T] in Nim.

I think even though they are very similar at API level (to not say that they are the same), concurrent programming and parallel programming solve different problems. From a communication perspective because the underlying implementation is different, the problem domains are different and even the performance expectation (latency vs throughput) are different, it's best to color them differently for the language primitives.

Also from a maintenance and development perspective, the skill set for concurrent programming and parallel programming is very different. It might also be that new paradigm in either of those domains require evolving the Future or Flowvar and we don't want to be shackled by the other domain.

A library on top can then easily hide the differences for convenience or it can be lifted to an Awaitable[T] overarching concept.

rayman22201 commented 3 years ago

@mratsim A few things. I stopped working on Virtual Async Event for several reasons, partially because I thought it was a dead end for some of the reasons you describe. It was always a duct tape hack / temporary solution to the problem imo. The big advantage was that would allow std lib Async to work with threads by only changing underlying implementation details, allowing the old API to work unchanged.

I like your idea of adding semaphores. They do have some of the same disadvantages as threaded semaphores though. You can get dead-locks and live-locks.

Even though it's not truly parallel if no threads are involved (no true race conditions), you can still get non-obvious orderings of async callbacks and run into trouble.

I still like the idea, but it's just something to be aware of.

mratsim commented 3 years ago

I like your idea of adding semaphores. They do have some of the same disadvantages as threaded semaphores though. You can get dead-locks and live-locks.

Those are formally verified to have no deadlock and no livelock if you do: "prepareToPark" -> things necessary to do before sleeping (spawning work, requesting a result) -> "park"

If the consumer has the result before entering "park", suspending will be cancelled. If it has the result after, the consumer will be "waken up".

I agree with the rest of your points, I do think it's important though for any of the Nim event loops so that they can cooperate with any other event loop/runtime.

dom96 commented 3 years ago

From a performance point of view, adding a file descriptor to channels which means syscalls which means cache pollution and high context switch overhead makes them an automatic showstopper for most compute-bound tasks. This means that people who need high performance processing that is interleaved with IO, for example streaming video processing, will need to implement their own channel and will once again face the problem on "how to I make my custom channels compatible with async.

I'm likely missing something, but from my perspective you have no way of getting around this. The event loop needs to be notified somehow when a channel's/lock's/whatever's state changes. This needs to be done with a file descriptor on POSIX as that is what epoll/kqueue check for readiness.

Am I missing something here?

As a more general point, getting @rayman22201's work into Nim shouldn't be too difficult and I believe it will work for the vast majority of cases. Call it a hack if you want but sometimes hacks can go a long way when it comes to impact.

Also, please don't overload this issue with discussions around various thread/channel/semaphore concepts that are a reflection of Nim's channel/lock/threading implementation. I'm specifically referring to the many different channel variants you've listed. I think their evolution should be discussed separately.

mratsim commented 3 years ago

I'm likely missing something, but from my perspective you have no way of getting around this. The event loop needs to be notified somehow when a channel's/lock's/whatever's state changes. This needs to be done with a file descriptor on POSIX as that is what epoll/kqueue check for readiness.

Am I missing something here?

The event loop doesn't need to be notified of channels or flowvars changes that are scheduled within another executor, be it Chronos, a threadpool, Weave, libuv, ... It's only at the interface between both executors that there is extra FD bookkeeping needed.

As a more general point, getting @rayman22201's work into Nim shouldn't be too difficult and I believe it will work for the vast majority of cases. Call it a hack if you want but sometimes hacks can go a long way when it comes to impact.

I didn't criticize VirtualAsyncEvent, I criticized the end goals which is to put them in Nim channels and Nim Flowvars.

There are multiple problems with that:

  1. It couples asyncdispatch with multithreading. This complicates maintenance and updating. Maintaining both require different skills, they target different problem domains and how you evaluate their performance is different.
  2. A threadpool is used to offload CPU-bound work, introducing IO and unnecessary syscalls in every Flowvars is an unacceptable overhead. Not only will it slowdown the computation it will unnecessary stress the kernel. To be clear, you lose all hope of handling the "Hello World" of multithreading, recursive parallel Fibonacci or recursive graph computation or recursive FFT computation if you need to open 2^30 or 2^40 file descriptors, one per task:
  3. There are many reasons to use a threadpool or a channel without asyncdispatch or to use a different event loop, tying async dispatch in channels or flowvars would prevent people from switching to their own event loop.

Also, please don't overload this issue with discussions around various thread/channel/semaphore concepts that are a reflection of Nim's channel/lock/threading implementation. I'm specifically referring to the many different channel variants you've listed. I think their evolution should be discussed separately.

They are not a reflection of Nim implementation, they show that there is no one size fits all and that any solution for making asyncdispatch work with the sync/multithreaded world shouldn't assume anything about channels and flowvars implementation. If anything, it's the proposal of adding eventFD to Nim Flowvars and Nim Channels that is making assumptions and forcing an implementation on the ecosystem.

I'm proposing a composable building block that makes no assumption about Flowvar or Channels you just need (SomeSyncObject + AsyncConditionVariable) and you have a way to make asyncdispatch work well SomeSyncObject.

dom96 commented 3 years ago

The event loop doesn't need to be notified of channels or flowvars changes that are scheduled within another executor, be it Chronos, a threadpool, Weave, libuv, ... It's only at the interface between both executors that there is extra FD bookkeeping needed.

A threadpool is used to offload CPU-bound work, introducing IO and unnecessary syscalls in every Flowvars is an unacceptable overhead.

Reading this I think you must be misunderstanding the proposed implementation. The FD only needs to be allocated whenever async/await (asyncdispatch) wants to be notified of it's completion (i.e. the "interface between both executors"), this won't happen unless asyncdispatch is actually used.

You will be able to spawn as many threads via spawn without any new syscalls. The syscalls only happen when you want your event loop to be notified, in the case of async/await this can happen when the FlowVar is awaited, so you only create an FD whenever the FlowVar is awaited. In fact, other event loops can reuse this mechanism so there doesn't need to be any coupling with asyncdispatch[1].

It's not as if the file descriptor gets created whenever the FlowVar is created. You most certainly will not be forced into a situation where multithreading code suddenly needs to open 2^30 FDs. You really think Araq would allow such a change to be merged? :)

The same applies to channels of course.

  1. It couples asyncdispatch with multithreading. [...]

  2. There are many reasons to use a threadpool or a channel without asyncdispatch or to use a different event loop, tying async dispatch in channels or flowvars would prevent people from switching to their own event loop.

I see both 1 and 3 as the same point. These are fair concerns, but FlowVar only needs to store an FD (which is a fundamental building block of any event loop). It is important to note that VirtualAsyncEvent might be problematic though, but I don't think there would be a problem in making it reusable by other event loops.

I didn't criticize VirtualAsyncEvent, I criticized the end goals which is to put them in Nim channels and Nim Flowvars.

I mean... that is the whole purpose behind VirtualAsyncEvent. The reason VirtualAsyncEvent was created is to make it possible to await channels/flowvars.

I'm proposing a composable building block that makes no assumption about Flowvar or Channels you just need (SomeSyncObject + AsyncConditionVariable) and you have a way to make asyncdispatch work well SomeSyncObject.

I'm just responding to your claims around what I and @rayman22201 proposed as it seems they are incorrect. I haven't had a chance to look at your proposal in detail yet, but it's possible that it works just as well. It doesn't inspire confidence to see what seem to be incorrect claims about our proposals though.

Btw, regarding:

In all use cases where we need an async condition variable, there can be only one waiter, the event loop, but there can be multiple producers/signaler. This is unlike classic condition variables which can have multiple waiters/consumers.

What about if you have an event loop per thread across a couple threads? You could get into a situation where there are multiple waiters.

mratsim commented 3 years ago

I haven't had a chance to look at your proposal in detail yet, but it's possible that it works just as well. It doesn't inspire confidence to see what seem to be incorrect claims about our proposals though.

Let's get this straight:

  1. You are asking for feedback of what is missing to make concurrency + parallelism work well together.
  2. I provide feedback
  3. You don't read my proposal
  4. You dismiss my proposal without reading it.

It is perfectly fine to ask for clarifications but asking for feedback and then dismissing it without reading it is a slap in the face.

And I perfectly understood what your proposal entails: polluting every single threading primitives with an asyncdispatch related FD field. This means channels and flowvar at the very least. Does that extend as well to locks and condition variables to notify asyncdispatch?

Your proposal goes against everything that Nim contributors are working towards:

To sum up:

It even goes against your initial will of

I believe that there isn't a need to head towards the Golang Goroutines which mix concurrency and parallelism. For a systems programming language, having these as separate systems is wise and ultimately gives more control. This is particularly important for something that is in the standard library.

If it wasn't clear, I am strongly against any proposal that requires adding a file descriptor to channels, threadpools or any multithreading runtime and then having to support them for an undefinite amount of time due to backwards compatibility concerns.

I'm just responding to your claims around what I and @rayman22201 proposed as it seems they are incorrect.

I was indeed incorrect for signaling an event at every channel send, but even then, a FD has no business in the core primitives of multithreading. Asyncdispatch should provide higher-level primitives like AsyncLock and AsyncConditionVariable.

FlowVar only needs to store an FD (which is a fundamental building block of any event loop)

Weave has an event loop, supports events and has no need for a file descriptor so it's not fundamental. FD is fundamental for IO, not for tasks, executors, parallelism or an event loop. FD should be kept in IO-related libraries.

I mean... that is the whole purpose behind VirtualAsyncEvent. The reason VirtualAsyncEvent was created is to make it possible to await channels/flowvars.

You can use VirtualAsyncEvent to create composable async synchronization primitives like locks or condition variables which are used everywhere in the multithreading world.

What about if you have an event loop per thread across a couple threads? You could get into a situation where there are multiple waiters.

Either you make it your synchronization primitive handle multiple consumers or you create one per consumer.

Weave has 1 event loop per thread, described image and code

  WorkerState = enum

  WorkerEvent = enum
    EV_FoundTask # Found task in our task deque
    EV_StoleTask # Stole at least a task

They synchronizes with single consumer channels, without file descriptors, just fine.

Many other concurrent models of computation assume single waiter on synchronization primitives (and single producer!):

so it's a not a problem whether in theory, practice or even performance.

dom96 commented 3 years ago

Let's get this straight:

  1. You are asking for feedback of what is missing to make concurrency + parallelism work well together.
  2. I provide feedback
  3. You don't read my proposal
  4. You dismiss my proposal without reading it.

It is perfectly fine to ask for clarifications but asking for feedback and then dismissing it without reading it is a slap in the face.

It wasn't my intention to make you feel this way and for that I am sorry. It also wasn't my intention to dismiss your proposal. Please don't take anything I say here personally.

I hope you can understand my perspective, your proposal starts by establishing problems with @rayman22201's proposal. Since I believed these problems were incorrect I decided to challenge them and since I assumed your proposal was meant to resolve those problems I wanted to clarify things before reading further.

Honestly though, I think these are implementation details. Reading what you've written again you don't seem to have a problem with the high-level proposal of this RFC which is "making FlowVars awaitable", you just don't want to do it in the way that @rayman22201 suggested.

So let me be clear, I agree with your points. Yes, sticking an FD into the FlowVar isn't ideal. But it's not because this will create "2^30 or 2^40 file descriptors" (a point from your original comment), rather it's because it goes against what is an elegant solution in Nim (or as you've said in the comment above this: "against everything that Nim contributors are working towards"). Maybe I'm being too pedantic, but these kinds of misunderstanding usually cause problems further down the line, so I just want to get them straightened out.

So my understanding of your proposal (and I feel like I only understand it partially, I did read it this time though to be clear) is that you want to offer wrapper types for Channel and FlowVar. Sure, sounds like a good way to not need to modify FlowVar/Channel and make it depend on async. I've got nothing against this and agree that it's a better solution.

I also see that you've included additional mechanisms (condition variable/lock) although I'm not quite sure in which circumstance they are necessary. We can discuss this but I don't think it's that important, it's an implementation detail that can easily be discussed in the PR implementing this proposal.