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Compiler error suggestions #323

Open haxscramper opened 3 years ago

haxscramper commented 3 years ago

Current state of error-related suggestions can be described as "non-existent". While compiler has all necessary information about current state of compilation (declared identifier, variable mutability), this information is not made available to the user except for type mismatches and several other cases (that also need to be improved).

Providing basic explanation for error cause when applicable makes it much easier to figure out the solution - making variable mutable, using mitems() instead of items() and so on.

I believe that making compiler do as much thinking as possible is a good tradeoff, as it reduces amount of time spent on figuring out type mismatch errors.

This RFC might look like simple collection of issues, but I think that If we have one bad error this is a bug. ll errors are bad we have a systematic problem, that needs to be adressed in organized way.

Context, original source code

When compilation error happens, it is shows generated code

import sequtils

proc acceptsInt(a: int) = discard

acceptsInt(@[1,2,3].mapIt(it + 1))

Current message

Hint: used config file '/playground/nim/config/nim.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: used config file '/playground/nim/config/config.nims' [Conf]
/usercode/in.nim(5, 11) Error: type mismatch: got <seq[int]>
but expected one of:
proc acceptsInt(a: int)
  first type mismatch at position: 1
  required type for a: int
  but expression '
  OutType`gensym0 = typeof(
      var it: typeof(items(@[1, 2, 3]), typeOfIter)
      it + 1, typeOfProc)
  let :tmp_4915652 = @[1, 2, 3]
  template s2_4915653(): untyped =

  var i`gensym0 = 0
  var result`gensym0 = newSeq(len(:tmp_4915652))
  for it in items(:tmp_4915652):
    result`gensym0[i`gensym0] = it + 1
    i`gensym0 += 1
  result`gensym0' is of type: seq[int]

expression: acceptsInt:
    OutType`gensym0 = typeof(
        var it: typeof(items(@[1, 2, 3]), typeOfIter)
        it + 1, typeOfProc)
    let :tmp_4915652 = @[1, 2, 3]
    template s2_4915653(): untyped =

    var i`gensym0 = 0
    var result`gensym0 = newSeq(len(:tmp_4915652))
    for it in items(:tmp_4915652):
      result`gensym0[i`gensym0] = it + 1
      i`gensym0 += 1

Expected message (at least)

/usercode/in.nim(5, 11) Error: type mismatch: got <seq[int]>
but expected one of:
proc acceptsInt(a: int)
  first type mismatch at position: 1
  required type for a: int
  but expression '@[1,2,3].mapIt(it + 1)'

This is relatively mild case, but it doesn't take too much to make it completely unreadable. For example if I had something like add @[1,2,3].mapIt(it + 1) (for example), total compilation error would have 123 lines total - approximately 60x times more than code I wrote.

NOTE: if compiled with --verbosity:2 error location is show - together with 600 lines of extra code and all auto-generated garbage. Using --hints:off removes most of the noise together with original source code. Related -

Typos, MCS misuses, beginner-unfriendly errors


  1. Method call syntax

    • MCS-related type mismatch: - special case of undefined routine - if there is a variable with the same name, user needs to know how things got interpreted. Or of there is no parenthesis around arguments, which is also indicator of possible errors.
    • confusing procs and missing fields: Nim procedure names can be easily considered an argument for a function - all it takes is write procedure instead of procedure() when passing parameter to a function. For example if you write kind notin {nnkStrLit} and don't have variable kind defined procedure kind(n: NimNode): NimNodeKind will be considered for resolution, leading to quite misleading error message.

    If you have something like 12, but ident is not defined, you will see all overloads for name in the world, and compiler will be telling you that you can't add use name with arguments ident and 12, because name is actually a proc. For example .kind causes this quite often, due to overload on NimNode

    If proc name() exists, it is not possible to get adeqate error message for missing name variable, as compiler will try to match all overloads with procvar instead.

    This can be fixed by scored mismatches - if none of the overloads make any sense (for example not a single one accepts this type for any parameter), enable additional pass and check for any identifiers that might've been misspelled.

  2. Overly verbose compilation by default

    By default compilation outputs all sorts if unnecesary information that is not particularly useful, especially for regular tasks - number of compiled C lines, compilation time, configuration file, verbose hints for compilation of C code and so on. It might be useful in some cases, but making compilation less verbose by default (and subsequently not spending each user's time on figuring out that you need -hints:off, --verbosity:0)

  3. assigning to missing field

    file: f01_assign.nim

      Val* = object
        fld: string

    file: f01_main.nim

    import f01_assign
    var hello: Val
    hello.fld = "123"

    error output

    Error: attempting to call undeclared routine: 'fld='

    While it is certainly possible to declare `fld=` proc to overload field assign, this is not commonly used and has nothing to do with particular issue at hand - field is not exported.

  4. Special-casing some errors

    Some errors can be special-cased - missing hash()/`==` implementation, to avoid sutiations like this - yes, it might be obvious for someone that using custom types with hashtable require defining hash and equality functions, but not for everyone, especially beginners who come from dynamically typed languages.

    Hash it the most notable example - others include, (but of course not limited to)

    1. Use of function with var argument on immutable object
    2. Using addr on let variable
    3. Option[T] with missing get()
    4. Using & without importing std/strformat - in most languages string interpolation is built-in, and it still confuses me from time to time (especially with lost of overloads for & in the scope)

      If Option[T] does not have particular field, but T itself does qualify, provide possible way to fixing code ("Consider adding get() ?"). In general - some kind of heuristics for searching all possible solutions and providing user with common error types.

  5. Fix suggestions

    Providing fix suggestion:

    • typo corrections
    • mutability annotations
    • MCS-related error fixes

Side effect annotation - good idea, bad ergonomics

Compile-time side effect detection is an extremely useful feature for those who cares about side-effect-free code, but currently it's usability is affected by lack of any additional information about what kind of side effect was introduced, and where it was introduced.

More informative text for some messages, additional heuristics

User-defined error messages

While it is possible to create greate DSLs in nim - customized error messages are certainly lacking. There is an std/macros/error(), but it could be improved.

Some pain points for writing custom DSLs (from my experience)


Side note

Some suggestions are not fully serious, or I don't have a particular opinion that can be expressed in more actionable form, but I decided to list them:

haxscramper commented 3 years ago

Split into separate RFC from

Araq commented 3 years ago

Feel free to improve the compiler's error messages. There is not much to disagree here with. (For me the error messages are good enough but I don't use mapIt nor noSideEffect.)

EriKWDev commented 2 years ago

Let's take a moment and imagine what could be possible. I love and #87. However, I want more! Suggestions, colors, more details, context ... The sky is the limit xP Here are some mockups I made for fun. All with --hints:off. Some missalignments and perhaps not perfect formulations, but I would love more details, readability and suggestions...

Many type mismatches

file pr.nim

let stringValue = "Hmm"

Real vs. Mockup

image image

Undeclared identifier, Possible typo

file: typo.nim

let myVariable = "hello"

echo myVarible

Real vs. Mockup


Assignment to unexported field

file: f01_assign.nim

  Val* = object
    fld: string

file: f01_main.nim

import f01_assign

var hello: Val
hello.fld = "123"

Real vs. Mockup


Type mismatch (mapit...)

file mapit.nim

import sequtils

proc acceptsInt(a: int) = discard

acceptsInt(@[1, 2, 3].mapIt(it + 1))

Mockup vs. Real
