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lazy symbol semantic checking #416

Open timotheecour opened 2 years ago

timotheecour commented 2 years ago

TLDR: this would obsolete coreReordering, avoid need for fwd declarations, solve cyclic dependencies, massively speedup compilation times and likely decrease binary sizes.


Sem-check symbols lazily, deferring semcheck of declaration and body until they're needed:

At a high-level it works similarly to how nim implements dead code elimination in backend, by processing declarations top-down, which has the built-in property of skipping unused declarations (even if those appear in a cycle, eg if foo calls bar but no top-level code calls (transitively) either foo or bar, both foo and bar will be dead-code eliminated as a natural property.

semcheck as depth first traversal with deferred semchecking

We define a processing stack containing declaration scopes (PScope), and semcheck consists in lazily processing statements in a scope and recursing when a non-declaration statement is visited that requires semchecking a symbol. Processing starts by pushing the top-level scope of the main project module to the processing stack.

There is no need for fwd declarations nor complex data structures nor keeping track of scopes attached to declarations; all that's needed is a stack of scopes.

At any given time during semcheck, you only need to keep track of a stack of N scopes where N is the processing depth (eg: fn1 calls fn2 calls fn3 => N = 3). When a symbol f is declared in a scope S, f's declaration scope S will grow if new declarations occur after f is declared (in same lexical scope); when a statement (eg: f(), which can occur in any scope where f is in scope) triggers semcheck of f (delaration or body), a new scope is created (whose parent is S).

The parent relationship implicitly defines a tree (rooted at module top-level), but we never need to visit the children of a scope; all that's needed is walking up the scope when doing symbol resolution (ident => symbol).

proc a00=discard
proc a01=
  proc a11=
  proc a12=


processing steps: start with top-level scope S0, initially empty and with S0.parent = nil; and push S0 to the stack

semcheck consists in doing depth first search in the symbol graph, where recursion is triggered for each statement that requires semchecking a declaration (a new declaration doesn't require semchecking nor recursion; instead the symbol just declared is merely added to the current scope). Each time a symbol (in a declaration scope S) is semchecked, a new scope is created (with parent S) and pushed to the stack; it is popped when semchecking for this symbol is completed.

this can be represented simply as follows:

  PScope = ref object
    parent: PScope
    symbols: TStrTable
var stack: seq[PScope] # the processing stack

in particular, the position in processingStack is unrelated to the parent field.


# m1.nim
  A = object
  B = typeof(fn3())
  C = seq[B]

proc fn1(a: C) =
  from m2 import fn2

proc fn3(): int = 1

# until this point, the symbol table just contains shallow entries: `A(type) , B(type), C(type), fn1 (proc), fn3(proc)`;
# in particular, fn1, fn3, C have not been semchecked.
# If the module ended here, that would be the end of semcheck

discard fn3() # this triggers semcheck of fn3

var a: C # this triggers semcheck of C => B => fn3 (cached)
discard fn1(a) # this triggers semcheck of fn1 => registers m2; then fn2(a) triggers import of m2, and semcheck of `fn2`

scoping rules

the declaration scope looks both before and after a declaration

proc fn1 = discard
# scope: fn1
  proc fn2 =
    # when body is semchecked (triggered by `fn2()`), the symbols in scope will be: [fn1, fn2, fn3]
  proc fn3 = discard
# fn2 and fn3 are not in scope anymore (symbols in scope = [fn1])

behavior of declared

const a = declared(foo)
static: echo a # prints `false` because a top-level code triggers semcheck of `a` and `foo` isn't yet declared
proc foo() = discard

contrast with:

const a = declared(foo)
proc foo() = discard
static: echo a # prints true # the top-level code triggers after foo is declared

behavior of lazy imports

this just follows from the above rules:

# a.nim
proc a1=
  from b import b1
proc a2=
  from b import b2


# b.nim
proc b0 = discard
proc b1 = b0()
proc b2 = discard

semcheck steps:



konsumlamm commented 2 years ago

Are you suggesting that unused definitions just aren't semchecked at all? I don't think that would be a good idea.

Araq commented 2 years ago

This is very good but at the end of the module symbols should be checked even if unused. (The compiler could skip this step if the module hasn't changed between runs, providing the speed advantage of your "laziness".)

timotheecour commented 2 years ago

at the end of the module symbols should be checked even if unused

whether to semcheck unused symbols could very well be controlled via a flag --lazysemcheck:skipunused, otherwise you'd lose the (potentially very large) performance benefit on compile times; in particular during development, or for tools like inim etc where compile times are a critical aspect (even for 1st compilation).

The compiler could skip this step if the module hasn't changed between runs

possible, TBD

Araq commented 2 years ago

whether to semcheck unused symbols could very well be controlled via a flag --lazysemcheck:skipunused, otherwise you'd lose the (potentially very large) performance benefit on compile times; in particular during development, or for tools like inim etc where compile times are a critical aspect (even for 1st compilation).

Well inim should be allowed to cheat, yes. Not sure if that needs a switch or if inim should import the compiler as a library but it's a minor point.

Araq commented 2 years ago

I take it back, lazy sem'checking seems far too powerful an idea for weakening it from the beginning.

Varriount commented 2 years ago

This certainly looks promising in concept... I wonder if there has been any research done in this area?

Araq commented 2 years ago

Additional remark: The performance benefits of lazy sem'checking for code bases that have little dead code like the Nim compiler should not be all that great. IC does not have this problem.

Varriount commented 2 years ago

Additional remark: The performance benefits of lazy sem'checking for code bases that have little dead code like the Nim compiler should not be all that great. IC does not have this problem.

The compiler is likely atypical in this case though - I can't speak for large Nim applications specifically, but Python, JavaScript, and Java applications all tend to have moderate amounts of dead code via external libraries.

It should also be noted that, at least so far, IC has been fairly "fragile", especially in the case of Nim's compile-time execution features. For example, the macrocache module had to be created because IC can't handle global compile-time global variables very well.

Araq commented 2 years ago

For example, the macrocache module had to be created because IC can't handle global compile-time global variables very well.

So? There are no other alternatives around, "let's recompile everything and hope for plenty of dead code" isn't a solution...

Varriount commented 2 years ago

So? There are no other alternatives around, "let's recompile everything and hope for plenty of dead code" isn't a solution...

Sure. The point I'm trying to make though is that just like the benefits from the proposed "lazy semantic checking", the benefits from incremental compilation can be highly situational. Neither one seems superior to the other in this regard.

Araq commented 2 years ago

Well they are not in conflict in principle, you can have a compiler that uses both IC and lazy sem'checking.