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Integrate structurant Nim projects in the community #514

Open EchoPouet opened 1 year ago

EchoPouet commented 1 year ago



I propose to create a reflexion in the Nim community to integrate some important or structurant Nim projects in the Nim team structure (GitHub).


Some structurant projects to the community aren't maintain anymore (not enought) or missing improvement. I talk about choosenim, VSCode Nim and

We have to admit that their absence to maintain the project impacts the community. This is not a criticism against the creators, everyone does what he wants and what he can especially when it is voluntary. The death of the creator having all the rights on his project also happens.

Fork or rewrite the same project it also a possibility but with a big cost. Integrating one's projects early on would avoid these problems and also very rewarding for the creator.


Once a project becomes structuring, Nim team ask to maintainer to move his project in Nim GitHub.

For me the conditions are:

There are certainly other rules to put in place but the idea is there.

Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal.

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