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Provide official docker image #515

Open jpalomaki opened 1 year ago

jpalomaki commented 1 year ago


Provide an official docker image for Nim, similar to Rust or Python


An official image could, in part, help developers adopt Nim.


Approximate steps to make this happen:

Alternative to this proposal, is to continue using the community-maintained image.

No major downsides of this proposal are identified at this time.

For more details, see original Nim Forum thread.

Code Examples

Hypothetical, multi-stage example with the official Nim image as build image, and distroless as final base image (build producing binary named app):

FROM nim:2.0 AS builder

WORKDIR /usr/src

COPY . ./

RUN nimble build -y -d:release


COPY --from=builder /usr/src/app /app

CMD ["/app"]

Backwards Compatibility

Some-level of backwards-compatibility with the existing community-maintained nimlang/nim image would help users migrate to the official image

treeform commented 1 year ago

I completely agree with you that having an official docker image for Nim would be a huge help in getting more people to adopt the language. With containerized deployments being so popular in the cloud these days, having a Nim image readily available would make it much easier for developers to deploy. And of course, the "green official badge" is always a nice touch that can provide peace of mind for users who are concerned about security and reliability. I think providing an official Nim docker image would be a great way to lower the barriers to entry for developers and organizations.

I would also love to see documentation that explains how to use the official Nim docker image. This would be a great resource for new developers who are just getting started with Nim and docker.

jpalomaki commented 8 months ago

Here's a first stab at what a Dockerfile for Debian 12 could look like:

Adapted from Rust's bookworm Dockerfile.

I have tested that compiling a simple hello world example within a container from this image seems to work fine (on amd64):

docker build --no-cache -t nim:2.0 2.0/bookworm
docker run --rm nim:2.0 /bin/sh -c 'echo "echo \"Hello, world\"" > hello.nim; nim c hello.nim; ./hello'

I've also tested a multi-stage build (using Google's distroless for final image) like this, which seems to work okay:


# Package

version       = "0.1.0"
author        = "jpalomaki"
description   = "Nim app"
license       = "MIT"
srcDir        = "src"
bin           = @["app"]

# Dependencies

requires "nim >= 2.0.0"


echo "Hello, app!"


FROM nim:2.0 AS builder

WORKDIR /usr/src

COPY . ./

RUN nimble build -y -d:release


COPY --from=builder /usr/src/app /app

CMD ["/app"]

Question: where can I find a Linux arm64 tarball distribution for nim?

ghost commented 8 months ago

There are only tarballs for 32/64-bit x86 on Linux, for other architectures you have to build it yourself.

There's also but it won't match the normal version 2.0.0 directly 1:1 because those are build from the newest commits in that branch (that will go into the next bugfix 2.0.x release)

narimiran commented 8 months ago

it won't match the normal version 2.0.0 directly

If you want to build exactly a released version from nightlies, in the release article for that version (e.g., there is always a direct link to the nightlies version of the release.

To build "normal version 2.0.0 directly" use

ghost commented 8 months ago

oh, right, thanks, I didn't find the 2.0 version commit tag in the nightlies with the search for some reason

@jpalomaki you can use that one for now

jpalomaki commented 8 months ago

@Yardanico Hmm, I'd not want to rely on a nightly build for release docker images (but can of course test with one).

Is there a reason Linux release tarballs aren't provided for other CPU architectures than x86_64?

Would it be possible to start shipping "official" release tarballs for other supported Linux architectures (e.g. arm64)?

theAkito commented 7 months ago


I stumbled upon this issue through this comment.

I created a Docker image set of Nim 2.0.0 here.

It's a multi-platform image with an intersection of what CPU architectures Nim & Docker support.

If it's fine for whoever is in charge of this issue, I am willing to continuously maintain such an image!