nim-lang / edutainment

Tasks related to making Nim more widely known such as video creation.
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Nim for Beginners #26 Reference Objects #3

Closed Kiloneie closed 2 years ago

Kiloneie commented 2 years ago

In this video i will teach the viewer about reference objects in depth which i have touched upon and briefly explained in the "Nim SDL2 Game Development for Beginners #1 Setup and your first moving image" video.

Some of the chapters of the this video will be the following(i may change this before completion if i find that there will be too much information for the viewer in a single video):

Araq commented 2 years ago

You should focus on --gc:orc and not on the "default memory management".

Kiloneie commented 2 years ago

Of course, that was my bad on writing this issue which i started about a year ago and i kinda copy pasted that part.

I will be releasing/sharing this video as private before it goes live to ensure the correctness of the content of this one(probably standard procedure from now on).

Araq commented 2 years ago

You don't have to go too much into the details but the code should compile with --gc:orc and probably you should mention .acyclic and .cursor annotations as these are crucial for performance.

Kiloneie commented 2 years ago

Okay the video is made, a few finishing touches left remain such as the video's contents/chapters compilation/showcase at the beginning of the video(i think i will simply rapid fire trough the timestamps of the video where the chapter begins), thumbnail, timestamps and maybe some highlights/zoom where needed, maybe for the console output.

This video will be unlisted on YT until i get some feedback in order to fix potential mistakes of the contents and any other problems.


Kiloneie commented 2 years ago

Video is now finished(got some feedback on Nim Forum):