nim-lang / vscode-nim

A VS Code plugin for the Nim language
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Binary named 'nim' not found in PATH environment variable, even when nim exists in PATH #35

Open MKuranowski opened 5 months ago

MKuranowski commented 5 months ago

This extension suffers from the same problem as

I have nim and nimlangserver downloaded and placed somewhere in ~/Documents. Symlinks to those executables are then placed in ~/.local/share/bin, which exists in PATH.

/home/mikolaj/.local/share/bin/ is added to the path in $HOME/.zshrc; which would normally not be visible to programs launched from a DE. However, VS Code sources .zshrc so this should not be a problem. Other extensions happily work which this configuration - my .zshrc also sets GOPATH, which is automatically picked up by the official Go extension.

Some part of this extension must incorrectly inherit the environment from VS Code.

RokkuCode commented 3 months ago

vscode tries to source the zshrc, but you shoul have a look at vscode.process in developer tools, to verify that the PATH var is correctly loaded. if not then there is a problem with vscode. do you have the same problem if you start code from a terminal with code .?