nim-lang / vscode-nim

A VS Code plugin for the Nim language
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`nimsuggest` executed on files not declared into `nim.project` or `nim.projectMapping` #45

Closed arkanoid87 closed 3 weeks ago

arkanoid87 commented 4 months ago

TL;DR; These two functions are fighting each other

I have foo.nimble with line bin = @["bar"] Both src/foo.nim and src/bar.nim exist .vscode/settings.json is:

    "nim.project": [

When vscode is launched, nimsuggest is executed only on src/foo.nim and warning is raised for src/bar.nim:

/home/arkanoid/nim/example/src/bar.nim is not compiled as part of project /home/arkanoid/nim/example/src/foo.nim. In orde to get the IDE features working you must either configure nim.projectMapping or import the module.

I can clearly see that the settings.json file is read into the DBG Received the following configuration debug terminal.

basically getProjectFileAutoGuess overwrites user preference in settings.json

jmgomez commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for reporting it. But this is a nimlangserver issue. Im reworking the way it looks at files. Feel free to report it in there