Submit a .txt file to the "links" file in the group repository with any links you'd like to have on your webpage.
If you haven't already, in your command terminal clone the repository "IT-115-Group-Project-Team-4" to your local device in a directory where you can easily locate it. For example, your Desktop.
cd Desktop (or whichever directory the repo is in)
git clone IT-115-Group-Project-Team-4
Choose which links you'd like to have on your webpage (if any), examples: Facebook, LinkedIn, Indeed, etc.
Create a .txt file called " 's links"
Navigate to the cloned repository's directory on your local device and place the .txt file into the "links" folder.
In the command terminal:
git add .
git status
git commit -m "<any message you'd like to convey>"
Submit a .txt file to the "links" file in the group repository with any links you'd like to have on your webpage.
If you haven't already, in your command terminal clone the repository "IT-115-Group-Project-Team-4" to your local device in a directory where you can easily locate it. For example, your Desktop.
Choose which links you'd like to have on your webpage (if any), examples: Facebook, LinkedIn, Indeed, etc.
Create a .txt file called " 's links"
Navigate to the cloned repository's directory on your local device and place the .txt file into the "links" folder.
In the command terminal:
You are done!