Good morning sirs, I've fixed how the code looks in the project. It's important. When code looks the same all over, it's easy to understand. No confusion. It also stops bugs because of strange code style. When code style is the same, working on it is easy. Even in the future. People think good code is when it looks good too. More people might help if it looks good. Let's put this in so our project is better and looks like others in the field. Thank you!
Good morning sirs, I've fixed how the code looks in the project. It's important. When code looks the same all over, it's easy to understand. No confusion. It also stops bugs because of strange code style. When code style is the same, working on it is easy. Even in the future. People think good code is when it looks good too. More people might help if it looks good. Let's put this in so our project is better and looks like others in the field. Thank you!