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File-stores document uses "legacy" API (won't work on AWS S3) #57

Open joshuaauerbachwatson opened 3 years ago

joshuaauerbachwatson commented 3 years ago

The referenced document documents only the old GCS-only legacy interface. That interface still works when you are on GCP using GCS for buckets. But, as soon as a user on AWS S3 tries to look up how to do things, they will learn about a broken and inapplicable interface.

joshuaauerbachwatson commented 3 years ago

I think we should also take more active steps to deprecate the legacy interface and push users to the new one.

joshuaauerbachwatson commented 3 years ago

The document also treats nodejs - python - php as parallel and equivalent. But, once the documentation is updated to major in the new interface, we will be able to document nodejs and python as parallel and equivalent but have to leave php out in the cold (or continue to document it for GCS only) because the php SDK was never updated.