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MCMC sampler samples just a subset of the model's variable without any warnings/errors #1350

Closed luchinoprince closed 11 months ago

luchinoprince commented 11 months ago

Hello to everyone.

I am a new user of Nimble, but with some experience in other sampling software(Stan for example). I have been trying to sample from a model for the last days, but somehow the model just samples(or reports samples) for just a subset of the variables. The sampler and model do not give any warning/error message for why it is doing so, which makes it very disappointing from a software point of view as I truly have no idea where to turn to solve this problem. The code to generate the model with the toy data is the following:


extractpi <- nimbleFunction(
  run=function(pis=double(1), idx_ij=integer(0), K=integer(0)){
    lower_ij <- (K*idx_ij)+1
    upper_ij <- (idx_ij+1)*K

extractpi2 <- nimbleFunction(
  run=function(pi_0=double(1), pi_1=double(1), idx_ij=integer(0)){
    if (idx_ij != 0) return(pi_1)
    else return(pi_0)

dweigthbm <- nimbleFunction(
  run=function(x=double(0), theta_ij=double(0), A_ij=integer(0), log=integer(0, default=0)){
    if (A_ij != 0){
      val <- dnorm(x, mean=theta_ij, sd=1)
      if (x != `0){`
        val <- 0.0
        val <- 1.0
    if (log) return(log(val))
    else return(log)

rweigthbm <- nimbleFunction(
  run=function(n=integer(0,default=1), theta_ij=double(0), A_ij=integer(0)){
    if (A_ij != 0){
    return (rnorm(n=1, mean=theta_ij, sd=1))

model_code2 <- nimbleCode({
  pi_0[1:K] ~ ddirch(alpha[1:K])
  pi_1[1:K] ~ ddirch(beta[1:K])

  for (i in 1:N){
    Z[i] ~ dcat(r[1:nB])
  for (i in 1:N){
    for (j in 1:N){
      idx[i,j] <- M[Z[i], Z[j]]
      #pi <- pis[1:K]
      pi[i,j,1:K] <- extractpi2(pi_0[1:K], pi_1[1:K], idx[i,j])
      s[i,j] ~ dcat(pi[i,j,1:K])

  for (i in 1:N){
    for(j in 1:N){
      A[i,j] ~ dbinom(size=1, prob=B[Z[i], Z[j]])
      W[i,j] ~ dweigthbm(theta[s[i,j]], A[i,j])

###################### GENERATION TOY DATA ####################################
K <- 2
nB <- 2
n <- 10
## Percentages of vertices in each block
r = array(1/nB, dim=c(nB))

alpha <- array(c(1.0,2.0))
beta <- array(c(2.0,1.0))

pi_0 <- rdirch(alpha=alpha)
pi_1 <- rdirch(alpha=beta)

theta <- array(c(1,3))
B = matrix(0,nrow=nB, ncol=nB)
B[1,1] = 0.5
B[2,2] = 0.8
B[1,2] = 0.2
B[2,1] = B[1,2]

Z_true = array(0, n)
for (i in 1:n){
  Z_true[i] = rcat(prob=r)

A = matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=n)
W = matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=n)
s_true = matrix(nrow=n, ncol=n)

for (i in 1:n){
  for (j in 1:i){
    if (Z_true[i]==Z_true[j]){
      s_true[i,j] = rcat(prob=pi_0)
      s_true[j,i] = s_true[i,j]
      s_true[i,j] = rcat(prob=pi_1)
      s_true[j,i] = s_true[i,j]
    A[i,j] = rbinom(n=1, size=1, prob=B[Z_true[i], Z_true[j]])
    A[j,i] = A[i,j]
    if (A[i,j] == 1){
      W[i,j] = rnorm(n=1, mean=theta[s_true[i,j]], sd=1)
      W[j,i] = W[i,j]

M <- 1 - diag(nB)

################## MODEL CREATION AND SAMPLING #######################
data = list(A=A, W=W, B=B, theta=theta, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, r=r, M=M)
inits = list(Z=Z_true, s=s_true, pi_0=as.double(pi_0), pi_1=as.double(pi_1))
constants = list(N=n, K=K, nB=nB)
model <- nimbleModel(code=model_code2, constants = constants, data=data, inits=inits)
conf <- configureMCMC(model)
#samplerlist <- conf$getSamplers()
mcmc.out <- nimbleMCMC(model, data=data, inits=inits, constants=constants, nchains = 2, niter = 500, summary = TRUE)

The above code copied and pasted in R should run. I get no warning, nor error messages, but when I then look at mcmc.out$samples I have only pi_0, pi_1, Z and no trace of the matrix s, as can be seen from here:

> mcmc.out[["samples"]][["chain1"]]
       Z[1] Z[2] Z[3] Z[4] Z[5] Z[6] Z[7] Z[8] Z[9] Z[10]     pi_0[1]   pi_0[2]   pi_1[1]    pi_1[2]
  [1,]    2    2    1    2    2    2    1    1    1     1 0.149406620 0.8505934 0.4066943 0.59330565
  [2,]    2    2    1    2    2    2    1    1    1     1 0.087870575 0.9121294 0.4639563 0.53604366
  [3,]    2    2    1    2    2    2    1    1    1     1 0.102816744 0.8971833 0.5137899 0.48621006
  [4,]    2    2    1    2    2    2    1    1    1     1 0.041543735 0.9584563 0.3910091 0.60899085

If I check the MCMC configuration I get

> conf <- configureMCMC(model)
===== Monitors =====
thin = 1: pi_0, pi_1, Z
===== Samplers =====
RW_dirichlet sampler (2)
  - pi_0[1:2] 
  - pi_1[1:2] 
categorical sampler (110)
  - Z[]  (10 elements)
  - s[]  (100 elements)

So the model correctly sees the variables, and also their type, but then just avoids sampling or does not report it. Should s also be in monitor? I doubt that is the problem though.

Any idea on how to solve this? I really don't know how to solve it since I have no error messages form Nimble.

Also as I side note for Nimble developers, which I hope you take as constructive criticism. I really want to stress that I find it very bad that a code runs, gives no warning nor error, when clearly there is. So I would try to improve the error/warning messaging.

danielturek commented 11 months ago

@luchinoprince There's no error here. The output displays that categorical samplers are assigned to all 100 elements of s[], it is indeed being updated by the MCMC. The Montiors section of the output also shows you that monitors are assigned (to record the values of) pi_0, pi_1, and Z, but not s, since s is latent. You can add a monitor to s if you want to record those samples also, using conf$addMonitors("s") before calling buildMCMC.

luchinoprince commented 11 months ago

Ok this was faster than expected :). I wasted so much time on it that it is a little embarassing ahahaha. Thanks! Maybe add this in the documentation, as reading trough it did not jump out to me that this was going to happen.

Thanks again!

perrydv commented 11 months ago

Hi @luchinoprince, in case you have not found your way there yet, I'll point you to and the user manual there. The best place for support requests is the nimble-users list. A good strategy if you're getting started is to reduce the size of your example to something small that still displays the problem or question and post that on nimble-users. In this case, it looks like everything is working fine. Not every dimension is monitored by default because for large models doing so could be huge and undesirable. As @danielturek pointed out, the output displayed did tell you what was being monitored and what not, and did show that samplers were assigned to s. Thanks and good luck.