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error trapping unusual indexing in call to user-defined function #1352

Closed paciorek closed 4 months ago

paciorek commented 11 months ago

A user (nimble-users list 2023-10-18) tried to use this model code:

for (i in 1:L){
    lambda[i] ~ dgamma(alpha,beta)
    mu[i] <- sum(f(i-1:i)*lambda[1:i])
    x[i] ~ dpois(mu[i]) - exp{-(theta/2)*sum((log(x[1:(L-2)]) - 2*log(x[2:(L-1)]) + log(x[3:L]))^2)}

Untrapped error in building the model was:

Error in if (currentVertexCounts[VID] != numWithinBlock) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

I think this is caused by f(i-1:i) but didn't investigate in detail. We should trap this and give an informative error message. I'm not remembering offhand what types of sequencing we're expecting to be valid.

paciorek commented 10 months ago

Just reported to the user that I can't reproduce this. the i-1:i indexing seems to work fine.

paciorek commented 6 months ago

Here's a reprex from the user (see 2024-03-22 email for data file):

Sorry for my delay in responding! I didn't see your request, but am now experiencing the error again and went back to this thread to remind myself of the solution. Below are the code and I've also attached data.


dat <- read_excel("updated_country_dat.xlsx") %>%
  filter(Country == "Viet Nam",
         Year < 2020)

k <- 8.07
r <- 4.12
x0 <- 2012

p0 <- 1-(1-1/7.84)^(k/r)

p1 <- 1-(1-1/5.06)^(k/r)

#make bottom 0 because that is what the equation likes
l <- p1-p0

# s <- (p1-p0)/(2016-2007)

dat <- dat %>%
  mutate(p = l/(1+exp(.5*(Year-x0)))+ p0)

# tmp <- dat %>%
#   filter(Year < 2018)
# plot(tmp$Year, tmp$p, xlab = "Year", ylab = "p")
# title("(c)", adj = 0)

# remove Notifs_m that were incident before study period
dat <- dat %>%
  mutate(adj = pgamma(row_number(), k, rate = r),
         Notifs_m = round(Notifs_m*adj))

# functions

f_vec <- nimbleFunction(
  run = function(x = double(0),
                 p = double(0)){

    k <- 8.07
    r <- 4.12

    tmp_vec <- rep(NA, x)

    for (i in 1:x) {
      tmp_vec[i] <- p*(pgamma(x-(i-1), k, rate = r) - pgamma(x-i, k, rate = r))


# code penalty as prior
dpen <- nimbleFunction(
  run = function(x = double(1),
                 theta = double(0), L = double(0),
                 log = integer(0, default = 0)) {
    logProb <- -(theta/2)*sum((log(x[1:(L-2)]) - 2*log(x[2:(L-1)]) + log(x[3:L]))^2)
    if(log) return(logProb)
    else return(exp(logProb))

# set up MCMC
modelCode <- nimbleCode({

  for (i in 1:L){
    #get mu
    mu[i] <- sum(f_vec(i, p[i])*lambda[1:i])

    x[i] ~ dpois(mu[i])

  lambda[1:L] ~ dpen(theta = theta, L = L)

modelConsts <- list(L = nrow(dat),
                    p = dat$p,  
                    theta = mean(dat$Notifs_m))

modelData <- list(x = dat$Notifs_m)

initsList <- list(lambda = abs(rnorm(nrow(dat), mean(dat$Notifs_m), sd(dat$Notifs_m))))

model <- nimbleModel(modelCode, data = modelData,  inits = initsList, constants = modelConsts)
paciorek commented 4 months ago

This was fine on nimble 1.1.0 for user and for myself.