The current template project does not fully have DI configured & misses some initial components, such as ViewModel or UseCase. While we're trying to keep the base template clean and neat with only base components & setup, there is still the need to have a full DI configuration & some initial base components to start to reduce the team effort & avoid inconsistency usage.
Insight 📝
Here are we add:
[x] appropriate dependencies for
[x] di.dart (at lib/di package).
[x] network_module.dart to configure ApiService to be used in CredentialRepositoryImpl (at lib/di/module package).
[x] request/response models should be located at lib/api/request and lib/api/response.
[x] the model will be located at lib/model.
[x] initial use_case (get_users_use_case) and view_model (main_view_model)
What happened 👀
The current template project does not fully have DI configured & misses some initial components, such as ViewModel or UseCase. While we're trying to keep the base template clean and neat with only base components & setup, there is still the need to have a full DI configuration & some initial base components to start to reduce the team effort & avoid inconsistency usage.
Insight 📝
Here are we add:
Proof Of Work 📹