nimblehq / kmm-templates

MIT License
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Release - 0.1.0 #42

Closed phongvhd93 closed 11 months ago

phongvhd93 commented 11 months ago

Release for milestone 0.1.0



github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago
18 Warnings
:warning: Big PR
:warning: Uh oh! ApiClient.kt is under 95% coverage!
:warning: Uh oh! ApiException.kt is under 95% coverage!
:warning: Uh oh! AppColors.kt is under 95% coverage!
:warning: Uh oh! AppDestination.kt is under 95% coverage!
:warning: Uh oh! AppDimensions.kt is under 95% coverage!
:warning: Uh oh! AppNavigation.kt is under 95% coverage!
:warning: Uh oh! AppStyles.kt is under 95% coverage!
:warning: Uh oh! BaseViewModel.kt is under 95% coverage!
:warning: Uh oh! DispatchersProvider.kt is under 95% coverage!
:warning: Uh oh! HomeScreen.kt is under 95% coverage!
:warning: Uh oh! HttpRequestBuilderExtension.kt is under 95% coverage!
:warning: Uh oh! LogUtil.kt is under 95% coverage!
:warning: Uh oh! MainActivity.kt is under 95% coverage!
:warning: Uh oh! MyApplication.kt is under 95% coverage!
:warning: Uh oh! Theme.kt is under 95% coverage!
:warning: Uh oh! UserRemoteDataSource.kt is under 95% coverage!
:warning: Uh oh! Your project is under 80% coverage!

Kover report:

🧛 Unit Tests Code Coverage: 10.68%

Coverage of Modified Files:

File Coverage
ApiClient.kt 0.00%
ApiException.kt 0.00%
AppColors.kt 0.00%
AppDestination.kt 0.00%
AppDimensions.kt 0.00%
AppNavigation.kt 0.00%
AppStyles.kt 0.00%
BaseViewModel.kt 0.00%
DispatchersProvider.kt 0.00%
GetUsersUseCase.kt 100.00%
Greeting.kt 100.00%
HomeScreen.kt 0.00%
HttpRequestBuilderExtension.kt 0.00%
LogUtil.kt 0.00%
MainActivity.kt 0.00%
MyApplication.kt 0.00% 100.00%
RepositoryImpl.kt 100.00%
ResponseMapping.kt 100.00%
Theme.kt 0.00%
UserModel.kt 100.00%
UserRemoteDataSource.kt 0.00%
UserResponse.kt 100.00%

Modified Files Not Found In Coverage Report:

.arkana.yml .env.example .gitignore .gitignore .gitignore .gitignore .gitignore .gitkeep .gitkeep .gitkeep .gitkeep .gitkeep .gitkeep .gitmodules .keep .sourcery.yml .swift-version .swiftformat .swiftlint.yml 1024.png Actions.swift AndroidManifest.xml AndroidManifest.xml AppDelegate.swift AppStoreAuthentication.swift Appfile.swift Appfile.swift ArgumentProcessor.swift ArkanaKeys.podspec ArkanaKeys.swift ArkanaKeysInterfaces.podspec ArkanaKeysInterfaces.swift ArkanaKeysTests.swift Atomic.swift AutoMockable.stencil Brewfile Brewfile.lock.json Build.swift CODEOWNERS CODEOWNERS Color+Application.swift Configurations.kt Configurations.kt Constant.swift Constants+API.swift Constants.swift Contents.json Contents.json Contents.json ControlCommand.swift CoroutineTestRule.kt CoroutineTestRule.kt Dangerfile Dangerfile Dangerfile DebugProduction.xcconfig DebugStaging.xcconfig Deliverfile.swift DeliverfileProtocol.swift Dependencies.kt Dependencies.kt Distribution.swift EnvironmentParser.swift Fake.kt Fake.kt Fastfile.swift Fastfile.swift Fastlane.swift FastlaneRunner.xcscheme Gemfile Gemfile Gemfile Gemfile.lock GetUsersUseCaseTest.kt GetUsersUseCaseTest.kt GoogleService-Info.plist GoogleService-Info.plist Gymfile.swift GymfileProtocol.swift HomeViewController.swift IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist Info.plist Info.plist Info.plist KIF+Swift.swift Keychain.swift Koin.kt Koin.kt LICENSE LaneFileProtocol.swift LaunchScreen.storyboard MainProcess.swift Match.swift Matchfile.swift MatchfileProtocol.swift Navigator+Scene.swift Navigator+Transition.swift Navigator.swift Optional+Unwrap.swift OptionalConfigValue.swift Package.swift Package.swift Platform.ios.kt Platform.ios.kt Platform.kt Platform.kt PlatformModule.kt PlatformModule.kt PlatformModule.kt PlatformModule.kt PlatformModule.kt PlatformModule.kt Pluginfile Plugins.swift Podfile Podfile.lock Precheckfile.swift PrecheckfileProtocol.swift README.txt Rakefile ReleaseProduction.xcconfig ReleaseStaging.xcconfig RemoteModule.kt RemoteModule.kt Repository.kt Repository.kt RepositoryModule.kt RepositoryModule.kt RepositoryTest.kt RepositoryTest.kt ResponseMappingTest.kt ResponseMappingTest.kt RubyCommand.swift RubyCommandable.swift Runner.swift RunnerArgument.swift Scanfile.swift ScanfileProtocol.swift Screengrabfile.swift ScreengrabfileProtocol.swift Secret.swift Snapshotfile.swift SnapshotfileProtocol.swift SocketClient.swift SocketClientDelegateProtocol.swift SocketResponse.swift Symbol.swift Test.swift TypeAlias.kt TypeAlias.kt Typealiases.swift UIView+Subviews.swift UseCaseFactoryProtocol.swift UseCaseModule.kt UseCaseModule.kt Version.swift ViewModelModule.kt ViewModelModule.kt WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings androidTest.kt androidTest.kt build.gradle.kts build.gradle.kts build.gradle.kts build.gradle.kts build.gradle.kts build.gradle.kts build.gradle.kts build.gradle.kts commonTest.kt commonTest.kt contents.xcworkspacedata contents.xcworkspacedata contents.xcworkspacedata debug.keystore debug.keystore detekt.yml detekt.yml gradle-wrapper.jar gradle-wrapper.jar gradlew gradlew gradlew.bat gradlew.bat ios iosTest.kt iosTest.kt main.swift project.pbxproj project.pbxproj publish_wiki.yml sample Staging.xcscheme sample.xcscheme settings.gradle.kts settings.gradle.kts shared.podspec shared.podspec styles.xml styles.xml test.yml test.yml upgrade_manifest.json

Codebase cunningly covered by count Shroud 🧛

Generated by :no_entry_sign: Danger

github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago
1 Warning
:warning: This pull request is quite big (27377 lines changed), please consider splitting it into multiple pull requests.

SwiftFormat found issues:

File Rules
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Sources/ArkanaKeys.swift:4:1 warning: (sortImports) Sort import statements alphabetically.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Sources/ArkanaKeys.swift:5:1 warning: (sortImports) Sort import statements alphabetically.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Sources/ArkanaKeys.swift:10:1 warning: (numberFormatting) Use consistent grouping for numeric literals. Groups will be separated by _ delimiters to improve readability. For each numeric type you can specify a group size (the number of digits in each group) and a threshold (the minimum number of digits in a number before grouping is applied).
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Sources/ArkanaKeys.swift:10:1 warning: (wrap) Wrap lines that exceed the specified maximum width.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Sources/ArkanaKeys.swift:30:1 warning: (extensionAccessControl) Configure the placement of an extension's access control keyword.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Sources/ArkanaKeys.swift:31:1 warning: (extensionAccessControl) Configure the placement of an extension's access control keyword.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Sources/ArkanaKeys.swift:36:1 warning: (extensionAccessControl) Configure the placement of an extension's access control keyword.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Sources/ArkanaKeys.swift:37:1 warning: (extensionAccessControl) Configure the placement of an extension's access control keyword.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Sources/ArkanaKeys.swift:40:1 warning: (blankLinesBetweenScopes) Insert blank line before class, struct, enum, extension, protocol or function declarations.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Sources/ArkanaKeys.swift:41:1 warning: (extensionAccessControl) Configure the placement of an extension's access control keyword.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Sources/ArkanaKeys.swift:42:1 warning: (extensionAccessControl) Configure the placement of an extension's access control keyword.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:4:1 warning: (sortImports) Sort import statements alphabetically.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:5:1 warning: (sortImports) Sort import statements alphabetically.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:6:1 warning: (sortImports) Sort import statements alphabetically.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:7:1 warning: (sortImports) Sort import statements alphabetically.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:16:1 warning: (numberFormatting) Use consistent grouping for numeric literals. Groups will be separated by _ delimiters to improve readability. For each numeric type you can specify a group size (the number of digits in each group) and a threshold (the minimum number of digits in a number before grouping is applied).
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:16:1 warning: (wrap) Wrap lines that exceed the specified maximum width.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:29:1 warning: (numberFormatting) Use consistent grouping for numeric literals. Groups will be separated by _ delimiters to improve readability. For each numeric type you can specify a group size (the number of digits in each group) and a threshold (the minimum number of digits in a number before grouping is applied).
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:29:1 warning: (wrap) Wrap lines that exceed the specified maximum width.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:31:1 warning: (wrap) Wrap lines that exceed the specified maximum width.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:36:1 warning: (numberFormatting) Use consistent grouping for numeric literals. Groups will be separated by _ delimiters to improve readability. For each numeric type you can specify a group size (the number of digits in each group) and a threshold (the minimum number of digits in a number before grouping is applied).
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:36:1 warning: (wrap) Wrap lines that exceed the specified maximum width.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:38:1 warning: (wrap) Wrap lines that exceed the specified maximum width.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:43:1 warning: (numberFormatting) Use consistent grouping for numeric literals. Groups will be separated by _ delimiters to improve readability. For each numeric type you can specify a group size (the number of digits in each group) and a threshold (the minimum number of digits in a number before grouping is applied).
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:43:1 warning: (wrap) Wrap lines that exceed the specified maximum width.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:50:1 warning: (numberFormatting) Use consistent grouping for numeric literals. Groups will be separated by _ delimiters to improve readability. For each numeric type you can specify a group size (the number of digits in each group) and a threshold (the minimum number of digits in a number before grouping is applied).
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:57:1 warning: (numberFormatting) Use consistent grouping for numeric literals. Groups will be separated by _ delimiters to improve readability. For each numeric type you can specify a group size (the number of digits in each group) and a threshold (the minimum number of digits in a number before grouping is applied).
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:64:1 warning: (numberFormatting) Use consistent grouping for numeric literals. Groups will be separated by _ delimiters to improve readability. For each numeric type you can specify a group size (the number of digits in each group) and a threshold (the minimum number of digits in a number before grouping is applied).
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeys/Tests/ArkanaKeysTests.swift:71:1 warning: (numberFormatting) Use consistent grouping for numeric literals. Groups will be separated by _ delimiters to improve readability. For each numeric type you can specify a group size (the number of digits in each group) and a threshold (the minimum number of digits in a number before grouping is applied).
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeysInterfaces/Sources/ArkanaKeysInterfaces.swift:6:1 warning: (emptyBraces) Remove whitespace inside empty braces.
ArkanaKeys/ArkanaKeysInterfaces/Sources/ArkanaKeysInterfaces.swift:9:1 warning: (emptyBraces) Remove whitespace inside empty braces.
fastlane/Constants/Constant.swift:122:1 warning: (trailingSpace) Remove trailing space at end of a line.
fastlane/Constants/Constant.swift:129:1 warning: (trailingSpace) Remove trailing space at end of a line.
fastlane/Constants/Constant.swift:145:1 warning: (trailingSpace) Remove trailing space at end of a line.
fastlane/Constants/Constant.swift:153:1 warning: (trailingSpace) Remove trailing space at end of a line.
fastlane/Constants/Constant.swift:160:1 warning: (trailingSpace) Remove trailing space at end of a line.
fastlane/Constants/Constant.swift:164:1 warning: (spaceAroundOperators) Add or remove space around operators or delimiters.
fastlane/Constants/Constant.swift:167:1 warning: (trailingSpace) Remove trailing space at end of a line.
fastlane/Fastfile.swift:22:1 warning: (trailingSpace) Remove trailing space at end of a line.
fastlane/Helpers/Match.swift:38:1 warning: (trailingSpace) Remove trailing space at end of a line.
fastlane/Helpers/Match.swift:46:1 warning: (redundantStaticSelf) Remove explicit Self where applicable.
fastlane/Helpers/Match.swift:48:1 warning: (redundantStaticSelf) Remove explicit Self where applicable.
fastlane/Helpers/Match.swift:51:1 warning: (trailingSpace) Remove trailing space at end of a line.
fastlane/Helpers/Match.swift:55:1 warning: (trailingSpace) Remove trailing space at end of a line.

Current coverage for sample is 18.25%

✅ No files affecting coverage found

Powered by xcov

Generated by :no_entry_sign: Danger