nimbusproject / nimbus

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Splitblank #86

Closed mhpx closed 12 years ago

mhpx commented 12 years ago

Added feature to specify a separate location for the blankspace partition file in the control/etc/workspace-control/images.conf "blankspacedir" left the default value in conf to be secureimages Feature requested from user due to disk performance/space issues on cluster where large amounts of blankspace were needed and the local filesystem only had space for the image files, and using a networked filesystem for both blankspace and instance caused poor IO on the network filesystem.

igable commented 12 years ago

This will be extremely useful for our CANFAR users and their overtaxed GPFS filesystem. Mike you tested this right?

mhpx commented 12 years ago

Tested both with having the blankspacedir the same as securelocaldir and having it as a different location Edit* also tested with having a lustreFS as the blankspacedir

oldpatricka commented 12 years ago

This looks good. We probably can't integrate it into 2.9 (We're on the second release candidate, but it should work fine with a 2.9 service.

Maybe one 2.9 comes out, CANFAR can run that, and then later we can look at a point release?