nimsandu / spicetify-bloom

Spicetify theme inspired by Microsoft's Fluent Design, Always up-to-date!, A Powerful Theme to Calm your Eyes While Listening to Your Favorite Beats
MIT License
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UI Not Working Properly #361

Open EfeVaroll opened 2 weeks ago

EfeVaroll commented 2 weeks ago

Did you read the README?

Do you have the latest versions of Spicetify, Spotify and Bloom?

Is there already an issue for your problem?

Is your problem definitely caused by the theme?

Environment & Computer Info

- Spotify version: Windows (64 bit)
- Installed from: Spotify site
- Spicetify version: Spicetify v2.36.13
- Color scheme: dark
- Extensions: CSS Editor, volume percentage and edit, startup page, display full album date, playlist icons, playlist labels, simple beautiful lyrics, full screen, npv ambiance, cover ambiance, better spotify genres, spictify never autoplay, imaged folders.
- Custom apps: -
- Bloom installation method: Spicetify Marketplace


There is no blur on the play bar mainly (hardware acceleration is on), the icons on the play/pause button are absent, and the "friends" tab UI does not look like it in the README. There are no individual borders/tabs, and names are nearly unreadable because of the color. Also, the sidebar has a gap between marketplace and homepage icons.


Ekran görüntüsü 2024-06-19 093444

nimsandu commented 1 week ago

hey @EfeVaroll , sorry for the inconvenience! could you please let us know what happens after uninstalling the theme using marketplace and reinstalling it with the script?


Windows (Powershell)

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
iex "& { $(iwr -useb '') }"

Linux/macOS (Bash)

curl -fsSL | bash
nimsandu commented 1 week ago

@EfeVaroll buddy feed issue was fixed with the latest pr #362

EfeVaroll commented 1 week ago

Ekran görüntüsü 2024-06-25 181845 I uninstalled the theme from the marketplace. And then reinstalled the bloom theme from the script instead of the marketplace. The friends tab is fixed, thanks. But; there is still no blur in the playbar (hardware acceleration is on), the play button has no icons (▶ and ⏸ are missing), and the Library tab on the left is not functioning properly now. It displays one of my playlist folders ("rafine"), when I click on it.

nimsandu commented 1 week ago

@EfeVaroll could you please share your spicetify details? you can find it from about spotify dialogue box! Spotify for Windows (64 bit) Spicetify v2.36.13 Theme: Bloom / dark Extensions: playNextWrapper.js, fullScreenWrapper.js Custom apps: marketplace, lyrics-plus xpui_2024-06-17_1718634055291_606b7f2 cef_125.0.19+g3d8f1c9+chromium-125.0.6422.112 Runtime: Chrome Build System: CMake

EfeVaroll commented 4 days ago

Windows (64 bit) için Spotify Spicetify v2.36.13 Theme: Bloom / dark Extensions: playlist-icons.js, volumePercentage.js, startup-page.js, imaged-folders.js, CoverAmbience.js, spicetify-playlist-labels.js, neverAutoplay.js, spotifyGenres.js, fullAlbumDate.js, fullScreenWrapper.js, simple-beautiful-lyrics.js, npvAmbience.js, adblock.js, theme.js Custom apps: marketplace

aurelbdx commented 1 day ago

Hi, there is still a gap at the top left.

1 2

@EfeVaroll: about the gap between marketplace and homepage icons have you tried using Sidebar Config?