ninabreznik / profiles

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AMA (ask me anything) #1

Open ninabreznik opened 6 years ago

ninabreznik commented 6 years ago

I will try to finish the Ethereum contract tutorial and then try to build my first contract.

  "username": 'ninabreznik',
  "projects": [
  "background": [
    'Studied political science and languages',
   'Co-founded a startup and did also lots of online & offline marketing',
   'Started learning programming - first Ruby then Javascript'
    'Built communities and engaged myself in open source'
  "interests": [
    'p2p web',
    'self employment',
  "github": ''
serapath commented 6 years ago

Could you list projects with their open source github repositories - but only those you would want to work on during the codecamp?

If that would be a new project - an empty github repository with just a description would be good enough :-) some issues could be tasks for beginners to help you with and the project generally could be something others in the codecamp can use for their project.

People who want to join and help and people who you could maybe offer the result of your project to they can import or require it or use it as an iframe or smart contract API ... you can find them by going around other code camp participants AMA issue like I did here.