ninenines / gun

HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, Websocket client (and more) for Erlang/OTP.
ISC License
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Update cowlib to 2.7.0 #186

Closed widavies closed 5 years ago

widavies commented 5 years ago

Currently trying to use cowboy (for websockets with client connections) and gun (for websockets with other servers) at the same time. When running mix deps.get, it complains about cowboy using cowlib 2.7 while gun is using cowlib 2.6. Not sure if it's safe to override and using 2.7 for both or 2.6 for both.

Would you be able to update cowlib or at least let me know if 2.7 & 2.6 are cross compatible?


essen commented 5 years ago

Yes it's safe to override, just make sure to use the most recent version. I'm working on a Gun update but it's a big one so it'll take a while.

jared-mackey commented 4 years ago

Can we please update this dep? Or at least specify greater than version in the deps?

essen commented 4 years ago

Gun currently depends on Cowlib master so?

xinz commented 4 years ago


Currently, the latest gun is 1.3.2 with cowlib ~> 2.6.0, but the major versions used of cowboy is 2.7.0 with cowlib ~> 2.8.0, in this case there exists a conflict when use the deps.

@essen, could you please help on this to release a new version 1.x of gun to update the cowlib?

Thanks in advanced!

essen commented 4 years ago

I have no plans for a new 1.x release at this time. 1.3.2 was done to fix an issue a customer was facing. I will only do more 1.x releases if a paying customer is asking.

Also note that I'm not the Hex package author.

xinz commented 4 years ago

Hello @essen thanks for your reply, I'm glad to be able to sponsor you, thank you for your contribution to the open source projects, which only represents a little of my heart.

Anyway, if there is an available gun version of 1.x if possible, there will be helpful for the community users.


essen commented 4 years ago

Thanks and sorry but the tier in question for maintaining old versions or requesting releases in general is the 4th tier, though you can get a one-off release at lower prices by contacting me directly. Expect at least 500€ to pay for the time needed to make and test a release. Feel free to cancel the Github sponsor if that's not the answer you were looking for.

xinz commented 4 years ago

Sorry that I didn't take the details of tiers carefully, I will try to find another way for my use case.

Let me buy you some drink 🍺 :)

essen commented 4 years ago
