ningliang / YelpApp

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Week 2 Submission (WIP) #1

Open ningliang opened 10 years ago

ningliang commented 10 years ago

Partial submission at this point, unfortunately. I will wrap up all remaining features tonight - I am behind b/c work was especially heavy this week.

/cc @nesquena @timothy1ee

timothy1ee commented 10 years ago

Ning, you know the class policy here. If you can finish in the next few hours, I'll excuse the tardiness, but workload isn't an acceptable excuse. You should have known days ago that you were going to miss this deadline.

ningliang commented 10 years ago

I apologize again, Tim. I just pushed a new commit with all features but the expandable sort/radius selects - I am adding that right now (debugging some issues).

ningliang commented 10 years ago

Time, I just pushed collapsible sections, though without animations (debugging the issue incorrect number of rows issue).

ningliang commented 10 years ago


timothy1ee commented 10 years ago

Good job. I like where you were going with the filters, although it didn't quite get all the way there, but I suspect you know that. Overall, well implemented and executed.

Hopefully, you're becoming a bit more comfortable with the framework and the conventions. If so, for the next assignment, you should continue challenging yourself on the UI/visual side of things. Try to to implement polish details that you see in the app store. Not necessarily flashy things, but it's the small details that take a lot of work.

The purpose of this assignment was to explore the following:

Here's my checklist as I'm reviewing the submissions: