ninja-build / ninja

a small build system with a focus on speed
Apache License 2.0
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Ninja hides the exit status of failing subprocesses #1507

Open jonesmz opened 5 years ago

jonesmz commented 5 years ago

In, Ninja checks if the subprocess succeeded or failed

  // Print the command that is spewing before printing its output.
  if (!success) {
    string outputs;
    for (vector<Node*>::const_iterator o = edge->outputs_.begin();
         o != edge->outputs_.end(); ++o)
      outputs += (*o)->path() + " ";

    printer_.PrintOnNewLine("FAILED: " + outputs + "\n");
    printer_.PrintOnNewLine(edge->EvaluateCommand() + "\n");

But by this point in the build, Ninja has already discarded the actual exit value from the subprocess.

There are a variety of tools that don't print anything to the console when they fail to run, relying on the user to instead check the exit status to see what the reason for failure was.

This is especially problematic for third party tools where the source code is not available.

It's, of course, possible to get the exit status printed to the console using a wrapper script, but as discussed at extreme length, wrapper scripts are desired by basically no one.

Ninja should print the exit status of failing subprocesses.

jimis commented 3 years ago

I don't see any "FAILED:" message, but instead ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed

Is it the same issue?

@schultetwin1 Would address this situation too, and reveal the exit code of the failed subcommand?

schultetwin1 commented 3 years ago

@jimis if you are not seeing any "FAILED:" message this seems like a different issue. #1805 only adds to the "FAILED:" string. #1805 has no changes that would cause that "FAILED:" string to appear when it currently does not.

jimis commented 3 years ago

Thanks @schultetwin1. Indeed it seems the "subcommand failed" message is coming from which is not touched in your patch.

The effect is the same however: an exit code that is lost, while it could have been printed.

jonatino commented 3 years ago

@jonesmz @jimis @schultetwin1 have you guys figured this out?

My make file:

# Build script
export CC=/usr/bin/clang
export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake .. -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cd ..

Error in github actions (it still thinks the build is successful):

Run ./make
-- The C compiler identification is AppleClang
-- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /Applications/ - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /Applications/ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Build spdlog: 1.8.2
-- Looking for pthread.h
-- Looking for pthread.h - found
-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Success
-- Found Threads: TRUE  
-- Build type: Release
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /Users/runner/work/pvphero-launcher/pvphero-launcher/build
[1/20] Copying OS X Content
[2/20] Building CXX object deps/spdlog/CMakeFiles/spdlog.dir/src/file_sinks.cpp.o
[3/20] Building CXX object deps/spdlog/CMakeFiles/spdlog.dir/src/stdout_sinks.cpp.o
[4/20] Building CXX object deps/spdlog/CMakeFiles/spdlog.dir/src/color_sinks.cpp.o
[5/20] Building CXX object deps/spdlog/CMakeFiles/spdlog.dir/src/spdlog.cpp.o
[6/20] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/updating/Downloader.cpp.o
[7/20] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/updating/client/ClientUpdater.cpp.o
[8/20] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/PvPHero.cpp.o
[9/20] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/external/sago/platform_folders.cpp.o
[10/20] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/filesystem/InMemoryFileSystem.cpp.o
[11/20] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/updating/Utils.cpp.o
../src/updating/Utils.cpp:61:39: warning: object backing the pointer will be destroyed at the end of the full-expression [-Wdangling-gsl]
        const char *command_line[] = {getJavaPath().c_str(), "-m", "pvphero/com.pvphero.PvPHero",
1 warning generated.
[12/20] Building C object CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/external/zip/zip.c.o
[13/20] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/Assets.cpp.o
../src/Assets.cpp:2:9: warning: #pragma once in main file [-Wpragma-once-outside-header]
#pragma once
1 warning generated.
[14/20] Building CXX object deps/spdlog/CMakeFiles/spdlog.dir/src/async.cpp.o
[15/20] Building CXX object deps/spdlog/CMakeFiles/spdlog.dir/src/cfg.cpp.o
[16/20] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/updating/launcher/LauncherUpdater.cpp.o
[17/20] Building CXX object deps/spdlog/CMakeFiles/spdlog.dir/src/fmt.cpp.o
[18/20] Linking CXX static library deps/spdlog/libspdlog.a
[19/20] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/main.cpp.o
[20/20] Linking CXX executable
: && /Applications/ -O3 -DNDEBUG -isysroot /Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.15 -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE -s CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/PvPHero.cpp.o CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/updating/Utils.cpp.o CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/updating/Downloader.cpp.o CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/updating/client/ClientUpdater.cpp.o CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/updating/launcher/LauncherUpdater.cpp.o CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/filesystem/InMemoryFileSystem.cpp.o CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/external/sago/platform_folders.cpp.o CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/external/zip/zip.c.o CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/Assets.cpp.o CMakeFiles/PvPHero.dir/src/main.cpp.o -o -L/Users/runner/work/pvphero-launcher/pvphero-launcher/build/../deps/AppCore/lib   -L/Users/runner/work/pvphero-launcher/pvphero-launcher/build/../deps/Ultralight/lib   -L/Users/runner/work/pvphero-launcher/pvphero-launcher/build/../deps/UltralightCore/lib   -L/Users/runner/work/pvphero-launcher/pvphero-launcher/build/../deps/WebCore/lib   -L/Users/runner/work/pvphero-launcher/pvphero-launcher/build/../deps/WebKitLibraries/lib -Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/  -lWebCore  -lUltralightCore  -lUltralight  -lAppCore  -lblend2d  -lWTF  -lJavaScriptCore  -lPAL  -lsqlite3  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libbrotlidec.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libbrotlienc.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libbrotlicommon.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libcrypto.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libcurl.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libfreetype.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libharfbuzz.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libharfbuzz-icu.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libicudata.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libicui18n.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libicuuc.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libjpeg.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libnghttp2_static.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libpng.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libpng16.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libssl.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libtls.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libxml2.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libxslt.a  ../deps//WebKitLibraries/lib/libz.a  -lpthread  -lbmalloc  -ldl  -lbz2  -framework  Accelerate  -framework  AppKit  -framework  SystemConfiguration  -framework  Security && :
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE'
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
jimis commented 3 years ago

@Jonatino you have a clear indication of what's wrong in your case:

clang: error: no such file or directory: '/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE'

@jonesmz @jimis @schultetwin1 have you guys figured this out?

Please file separate issues for irrelevant problems.

jonatino commented 3 years ago

@jimis thats obvious. The problem is that github CI does not fail because that exit code is hidden because its a ninja subproces... which is exactly what this issue is reporting.

jimis commented 3 years ago

@Jonatino ninja exits with its own error code in case of failure. It is your bash script that hides that. Try adding set -e at the beginning of your script and it will exit on the first error. It has nothing to do with this ticket or in general with ninja.

mgorny commented 1 year ago

I've been hit hard with this when ccache started SIGBUS-ing on me and I had no way of figuring out why all the compilation jobs are suddenly failing with no output.

cassandracomar commented 1 year ago

@jonatino ninja exits with its own error code in case of failure. It is your bash script that hides that. Try adding set -e at the beginning of your script and it will exit on the first error. It has nothing to do with this ticket or in general with ninja.

I have set -e set, check for the exit status of ninja and return it, and yet my script continues on as if ninja's exit code were zero. I'm pretty sure this ticket is valid.