433Kit is a collection of code and documentation designed to assist you in the connection and usage of RF 433MHz transmit and receive modules to/with your Arduino and Rapberry Pi.
I have been using these modules with my Rasperry Pi3 and Zero and it has always worked perfectly, now I have tried it with the Raspberry Pi4 and despite the fact that the codes are sent it does not work. can someone help me, thanks.
Hi, I have been using these modules with my Rasperry Pi3 and Zero and it has always worked perfectly, now I have tried it with the Raspberry Pi4 and despite the fact that the codes are sent it does not work. can someone help me, thanks.
[code]RF_COMMAND='/home/pi/433Utils/RPi_utils/codesend' remote2off = '123456' subprocess.call([RF_COMMAND, remote2off]) # remote2 switch off ...[/code]