ninjasort / react-star-rating

[Looking for Maintainers (email me)]: A simple star rating component built with React.
MIT License
173 stars 55 forks source link

Installed prop-types #40

Open adam-golab opened 7 years ago

adam-golab commented 7 years ago

Using propTypes from library 'prop-types' as it was separated from 'react' since version 15.0.0

ninjasort commented 7 years ago

Hey @adam-golab, thanks for this. I'm in the process of updating this lib completely with a huge overhaul. I am trying to budget some time for this to ship an update soon. Sit tight and I apologize for the delay.

developer239 commented 6 years ago
No Rakefile found (looking for: rakefile, Rakefile, rakefile.rb, Rakefile.rb) 😟

@cameronroe Could you please merge this pull request? It looks fine. @adam-golab Thanks I will use your fork atm.