ninject / Ninject.MockingKernel

Extension for Ninject aiding testability in Moq, NSubstitute, and FakeItEasy
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Func<T> is not auto-resolved #6

Closed kenwarner closed 13 years ago

kenwarner commented 13 years ago
public interface IDependency
    bool DoDependencyStuff();

public class FuncClass
    private Func<IDependency> _dependencyFactory;

    public FuncClass(Func<IDependency> dependencyFactory)
        _dependencyFactory = dependencyFactory;

    public bool DoStuff()
        return _dependencyFactory().DoDependencyStuff();

public class FuncClassFixture
    public void When_FuncDependency_CanBeResolved()
        var kernel = new MoqMockingKernel();

        // uncommenting the below line will make this test pass, but shouldn't the MockingKernel handle it for me?
        // kernel.Bind<Func<IDependency>>()
        //  .ToMethod(c => () => kernel.GetMock<IDependency>().Object);

        var subject = kernel.Get<FuncClass>();

        var result = subject.DoStuff();

Here is the exception that is thrown

Error activating IntPtr No matching bindings are available, and the type is not self-bindable. Activation path: 3) Injection of dependency IntPtr into parameter method of constructor of type Func{IDependency} 2) Injection of dependency Func{IDependency} into parameter dependencyFactory of constructor of type FuncClass 1) Request for FuncClass

remogloor commented 13 years ago

That's exactly the behavior I would expect at the moment.Func is not mockable but self bindable so an instance of itself is created but Func's ctor requires a IntPtr which leads to the exception.

It's planned for the next release of Ninject to treat Func as factory creating the returned value using the kernel.