ninject / Ninject.Web.Mvc

extension for ninject providing integration with ASP.NET MVC
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Multiple filter of same type on Action method #25

Closed bsohi closed 11 years ago

bsohi commented 12 years ago

I know it is supported but we have to repeat binding for filter every time we repeat filter on action method. Is there any reason that it is not supported to bind all at once.

For example:- if we have filter "A" and we want to apply it to one of action method "B" 2 times then we need to bind it twice via ninject.

thx Balwinder

danielmarbach commented 12 years ago

Could please describe the problem a bit more with some pseudo-code.


Am 27.08.2012 um 15:34 schrieb bsohi

I know it is supported but we have to repeat binding for filter every time we repeat filter on action method. Is there any reason that it is not supported to bind all at once.

For example:- if we have filter "A" and we want to apply it to one of action method "B" 2 times then we need to bind it twice via ninject.

thx Balwinder

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bsohi commented 12 years ago
//attribute and filter
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
public class InjectSelectListAttribute : Attribute {

    public List<ListValueCategories> List { get; private set; }
    //Named parameter
    public bool optionalParameter { get; set; }
    public InjectSelectListAttribute(params ListValueCategories[] lists) {
        List = lists.ToList();

public class InjectSelectListFilter : IActionFilter {
    private readonly IList<ListValueCategories> _lists;
    provate readonly bool _optionalParameter;

    public InjectSelectListFilter(List<ListValueCategories> lists, bool optionalParameter) {
        _optionalParameter = optionalParameter;
        _lists = lists;

    public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) {
        //do logic based on "optionalParameter"

    public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext) {

public class LenderController : Controller{
    [InjectSelectList(List2, optionalParameter=true)]
    public ActionResult Test(int id) {
        //do logic here

If I do this way then i get "sequence contains no element" exception.

//Ninject binding
kernel.BindFilter<InjectSelectListFilter>(FilterScope.Action, 0)
            .WithConstructorArgumentFromActionAttribute<InjectSelectListAttribute>("lists", attribute => attribute.List)
            .WithConstructorArgumentFromActionAttribute<InjectSelectListAttribute>("optionalParameter", attribute => attribute.optionalParameter);

//so instead I am doing this for first attribute

kernel.BindFilter<InjectSelectListFilter>(FilterScope.Action, 0)
            .When((controllerContext, action) => action.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InjectSelectListAttribute), true).Length > 0)
            .WithConstructorArgument("lists", (context, controller, action) => {
                object attr = action.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InjectSelectListAttribute), true);
                return ((InjectSelectListAttribute)attr[0]).List;
            .WithConstructorArgument("optionalParameter", (context, controller, action) => {
                object attr = action.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InjectSelectListAttribute), true);
                return ((InjectSelectListAttribute)attr[0]).optionalParameter;

for second attribute on same action

            kernel.BindFilter<InjectSelectListFilter>(FilterScope.Action, 0)
            .When((controllerContext, action) => action.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InjectSelectListAttribute), true).Length > 1)
            .WithConstructorArgument("lists", (context, controller, action) => {
                object attr = action.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InjectSelectListAttribute), true);
                return ((InjectSelectListAttribute)attr[1]).List;
            .WithConstructorArgument("optionalParameter", (context, controller, action) => {
                object attr = action.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InjectSelectListAttribute), true);
                return ((InjectSelectListAttribute)attr[1]).optionalParameter;


idavis commented 12 years ago

Edited comments from bsohi, still needs review

bsohi commented 12 years ago

Just wondering, any planning to fix this issues??

thx Balwinder

remogloor commented 11 years ago

Added in 3.0.2