ninjudd / clojure-protobuf

Google protocol buffers wrapper for Clojure.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
217 stars 70 forks source link

Can't compile repeated type #61

Open spektom opened 8 years ago

spektom commented 8 years ago

Proto file:

message Settings {
  repeated string currencies = 1;
  repeated string timezones  = 2;

When running lein jar, I'm getting these errors:

/home/michael/Dev/projects/af-protocol/target/protosrc/af_protocol/protobuf/ error: cannot find symbol
          currencies_ = currencies_.getUnmodifiableView();
  symbol:   method getUnmodifiableView()
  location: variable timezones_ of type LazyStringList
/home/michael/Dev/projects/af-protocol/target/protosrc/af_protocol/protobuf/ error: cannot find symbol
        return currencies_.getUnmodifiableView();
  symbol:   method getUnmodifiableView()
  location: variable timezones_ of type LazyStringList
/home/michael/Dev/projects/af-protocol/target/protosrc/af_protocol/protobuf/ error: incompatible types: LazyStringList cannot be converted to ProtocolStringList
      return currencies_;

Project settings are:

  :plugins [[lein-protobuf "0.4.3"]]
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
                 [org.flatland/protobuf "0.8.1"]
                 [ "2.6.1"]])
hkxIron commented 6 years ago

Did you find the solution for the problem?Thanks for your reply.

spektom commented 6 years ago

@hkxIron IIRC, I used another project to solve this...