ninoseki / pomodoro-daisuki
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[REQ] Ability to estimate how many pomodoro for each card/task #5

Open anonjunk opened 12 years ago

anonjunk commented 12 years ago

Requesting the ability to estimate how many pomodoro's for each card/task and track the completion

bkuhns commented 12 years ago

+100 ;-)

Perhaps put a monochromatic tomato icon for each estimated pomodoro in the corner of the card (or somewhere). Then somehow allow the user to cross them off as they're completed. If the user exceeds the estimate, alternate colored tomato icons could be added (to visually indicate the activity was underestimated) and subsequently crossed off as completed.

Edit: I should note that "The Technique" recommends keeping to smaller activities of 6-8 pomodoros at most. This limits the space needed for showing individual icons for estimates, while enabling a visual cue that one activity has a larger estimate than another.

jakzal commented 11 years ago
