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Introduce concept of relative reputation #26

Open cburgdorf opened 10 years ago

cburgdorf commented 10 years ago

Once we start mashing up data from other interesting platforms we need to find a way to rank users in a way that makes sense. I discussed this briefly with @kyjan recently.

I think we might get away with something super easy that I call relative reputation. The relative reputation would be percentage value which is the reputation compared to the best user of the given platform.


On StackOverflow (Jon Skeet)[] is the best user with a reputation of 653,106 points. His relative reputation would be 100 %. A user with a reputation of 326,553 would have a relative reputation of 50%.

Now let's assume we integrate dribble or github which does not have a concept of reputation but at least have a concept of followers. I don't know which is the most followed user of github but let's assume he has 100,000 followers. Then he would have a relative reputation of 100 % and a user with 50,000 followers would have a relative reputation of 50 % accordingly.

@kyjan @PascalPrecht what do you think about it?