nipponjo / tts-arabic-pytorch

TTS models for Arabic (Tacotron2, FastPitch)
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KeyError: 'i0i0' during inference #1

Closed mobassir94 closed 1 year ago

mobassir94 commented 1 year ago

hello, thank you for sharing this awesome arabic TTS model. i need some aid from you please, this model can't read samples like below

sample = 'وَتَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى البِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَى'
wave = ar_model.tts(text_buckw = sample)

it gives me error like this

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
[<ipython-input-26-c5e258748198>](https://localhost:8080/#) in <module>
      1 sample = 'وَتَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى البِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَى'
----> 2 wave = ar_model.tts(text_buckw = sample)
      3 wave = wave * 32768.0
      4 wave

6 frames
[/content/tts-arabic-tacotron2/model/](https://localhost:8080/#) in tts(self, text_buckw, batch_size, speed, postprocess_mel, return_mel)
    286             return self.tts_single(text_buckw, speed=speed,
    287                                    postprocess_mel=postprocess_mel,
--> 288                                    return_mel=return_mel)
    290         # input: list

[/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/autograd/](https://localhost:8080/#) in decorate_context(*args, **kwargs)
     25         def decorate_context(*args, **kwargs):
     26             with self.clone():
---> 27                 return func(*args, **kwargs)
     28         return cast(F, decorate_context)

[/content/tts-arabic-tacotron2/model/](https://localhost:8080/#) in tts_single(self, text_buckw, speed, postprocess_mel, return_mel)
    242                    return_mel=False):
--> 244         mel_spec = self.model.ttmel_single(text_buckw, postprocess_mel)
    245         if speed is not None:
    246             mel_spec = resize_mel(mel_spec, rate=speed)

[/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/autograd/](https://localhost:8080/#) in decorate_context(*args, **kwargs)
     25         def decorate_context(*args, **kwargs):
     26             with self.clone():
---> 27                 return func(*args, **kwargs)
     28         return cast(F, decorate_context)

[/content/tts-arabic-tacotron2/model/](https://localhost:8080/#) in ttmel_single(self, utterance, postprocess_mel)
    115             process_mel = True
--> 117         token_ids = text.tokens_to_ids(tokens)
    118         ids_batch = torch.LongTensor(token_ids).unsqueeze(0).to(self.device)

[/content/tts-arabic-tacotron2/text/](https://localhost:8080/#) in tokens_to_ids(phonemes)
     24 def tokens_to_ids(phonemes):
---> 25     return [phon_to_id[phon] for phon in phonemes]

[/content/tts-arabic-tacotron2/text/](https://localhost:8080/#) in <listcomp>(.0)
     24 def tokens_to_ids(phonemes):
---> 25     return [phon_to_id[phon] for phon in phonemes]

KeyError: 'i0i0'

how do i deal with such unknown phonemes? do you have any quick solution for this issue? thanks in advance

nipponjo commented 1 year ago

Hi, the problem is that in the script a kasra is followed by a shadda. You can modify the function process_utterance in text.phonetise_buckwalter like this:

def process_utterance(utterance):
    utterance = utterance.replace('i~', '~i') \
                         .replace('a~', '~a') \
                         .replace('u~', '~u')

    utterance = preprocess_utterance(utterance)
    phonemes = []

to handle those cases. (or put this into preprocess_utterance)

mobassir94 commented 1 year ago

i tried to update your function like this

def preprocess_utterance(utterance):
    # Do some normalisation work and split utterance to words
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'AF', u'F')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'\u0640', u'')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'o', u'')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'aA', u'A')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'aY', u'Y')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u' A', u' ')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'F', u'an')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'N', u'un')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'K', u'in')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'|', u'>A')

    utterance = utterance.replace('i~', '~i') 
    utterance = utterance.replace('a~', '~a') 
    utterance = utterance.replace('u~', '~u')

    # Deal with Hamza types that when not followed by a short vowel letter,
    # this short vowel is added automatically
    utterance = re.sub(u'Ai', u'<i', utterance)
    utterance = re.sub(u'Aa', u'>a', utterance)
    utterance = re.sub(u'Au', u'>u', utterance)
    utterance = re.sub(u'^>([^auAw])', u'>a\\1', utterance)
    utterance = re.sub(u' >([^auAw ])', u' >a\\1', utterance)
    utterance = re.sub(u'<([^i])', u'<i\\1', utterance)
    utterance = utterance.split(u' ')

    return utterance

maybe i did wrong, same error will be highly appreciated if you update your function,i can re clone your great repo again for my work

nipponjo commented 1 year ago

I don't get any problems when I update the function as you propose. I tested:

from model.networks import Tacotron2Wave
model = Tacotron2Wave('pretrained/tacotron2_ar.pth')
model = model.cuda()
utt = "وَتَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى البِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَى"

wave = model.tts(text_buckw=utt)
mobassir94 commented 1 year ago

i have just updated the file like this

%%writefile /kaggle/working/tts-arabic-tacotron2/text/

# -*- coding: UTF8 -*-

# adapted from:
# license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

import re

arabic_to_buckw_dict = {  # mapping from Arabic script to Buckwalter
    u'\u0628': u'b', u'\u0630': u'*', u'\u0637': u'T', u'\u0645': u'm',
    u'\u062a': u't', u'\u0631': u'r', u'\u0638': u'Z', u'\u0646': u'n',
    u'\u062b': u'^', u'\u0632': u'z', u'\u0639': u'E', u'\u0647': u'h',
    u'\u062c': u'j', u'\u0633': u's', u'\u063a': u'g', u'\u062d': u'H',
    u'\u0642': u'q', u'\u0641': u'f', u'\u062e': u'x', u'\u0635': u'S',
    u'\u0634': u'$', u'\u062f': u'd', u'\u0636': u'D', u'\u0643': u'k',
    u'\u0623': u'>', u'\u0621': u'\'', u'\u0626': u'}', u'\u0624': u'&',
    u'\u0625': u'<', u'\u0622': u'|', u'\u0627': u'A', u'\u0649': u'Y',
    u'\u0629': u'p', u'\u064a': u'y', u'\u0644': u'l', u'\u0648': u'w',
    u'\u064b': u'F', u'\u064c': u'N', u'\u064d': u'K', u'\u064e': u'a',
    u'\u064f': u'u', u'\u0650': u'i', u'\u0651': u'~', u'\u0652': u'o'

buckw_to_arabic_dict = {  # mapping from Buckwalter to Arabic script
    u'b': u'\u0628', u'*': u'\u0630', u'T': u'\u0637', u'm': u'\u0645',
    u't': u'\u062a', u'r': u'\u0631', u'Z': u'\u0638', u'n': u'\u0646',
    u'^': u'\u062b', u'z': u'\u0632', u'E': u'\u0639', u'h': u'\u0647',
    u'j': u'\u062c', u's': u'\u0633', u'g': u'\u063a', u'H': u'\u062d',
    u'q': u'\u0642', u'f': u'\u0641', u'x': u'\u062e', u'S': u'\u0635',
    u'$': u'\u0634', u'd': u'\u062f', u'D': u'\u0636', u'k': u'\u0643',
    u'>': u'\u0623', u'\'': u'\u0621', u'}': u'\u0626', u'&': u'\u0624',
    u'<': u'\u0625', u'|': u'\u0622', u'A': u'\u0627', u'Y': u'\u0649',
    u'p': u'\u0629', u'y': u'\u064a', u'l': u'\u0644', u'w': u'\u0648',
    u'F': u'\u064b', u'N': u'\u064c', u'K': u'\u064d', u'a': u'\u064e',
    u'u': u'\u064f', u'i': u'\u0650', u'~': u'\u0651', u'o': u'\u0652'

def arabic_to_buckwalter(word):  # Convert input string to Buckwalter
    res = ''
    for letter in word:
        if(letter in arabic_to_buckw_dict):
            res += arabic_to_buckw_dict[letter]
            res += letter
    return res

def buckwalter_to_arabic(word):  # Convert input string to Arabic
    res = ''
    for letter in word:
        if(letter in buckw_to_arabic_dict):
            res += buckw_to_arabic_dict[letter]
            res += letter
    return res

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Grapheme to Phoneme mappings------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
unambiguousConsonantMap = {
    u'b': u'b', u'*': u'*', u'T': u'T', u'm': u'm',
    u't': u't', u'r': u'r', u'Z': u'Z', u'n': u'n',
    u'^': u'^', u'z': u'z', u'E': u'E', u'h': u'h',
    u'j': u'j', u's': u's', u'g': u'g', u'H': u'H',
    u'q': u'q', u'f': u'f', u'x': u'x', u'S': u'S',
    u'$': u'$', u'd': u'd', u'D': u'D', u'k': u'k',
    u'>': u'<', u'\'': u'<', u'}': u'<', u'&': u'<',
    u'<': u'<'

ambiguousConsonantMap = {
    # These consonants are only unambiguous in certain contexts
    u'l': [u'l', u''], u'w': u'w', u'y': u'y', u'p': [u't', u'']

maddaMap = {
    u'|': [[u'<', u'aa'], [u'<', u'AA']]

vowelMap = {
    u'A': [[u'aa', u''], [u'AA', u'']], u'Y': [[u'aa', u''], [u'AA', u'']],
    u'w': [[u'uu0', u'uu1'], [u'UU0', u'UU1']],
    u'y': [[u'ii0', u'ii1'], [u'II0', u'II1']],
    u'a': [u'a', u'A'],
    u'u': [[u'u0', u'u1'], [u'U0', u'U1']],
    u'i': [[u'i0', u'i1'], [u'I0', u'I1']],

nunationMap = {
    u'F': [[u'a', u'n'], [u'A', u'n']], u'N': [[u'u1', u'n'], [u'U1', u'n']], u'K': [[u'i1', u'n'], [u'I1', u'n']]

diacritics = [u'o', u'a', u'u', u'i', u'F', u'N', u'K', u'~']
diacriticsWithoutShadda = [u'o', u'a', u'u', u'i', u'F', u'N', u'K']
emphatics = [u'D', u'S', u'T', u'Z', u'g', u'x', u'q']
forwardEmphatics = [u'g', u'x']
consonants = [u'>', u'<', u'}', u'&', u'\'', u'b', u't', u'^', u'j', u'H', u'x', u'd', u'*', u'r',
              u'z', u's', u'$', u'S', u'D', u'T', u'Z', u'E', u'g', u'f', u'q', u'k', u'l', u'm', u'n', u'h', u'|']

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Words with fixed irregular pronunciations-------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fixedWords = {
    u'h*A': [u'h aa * aa', u'h aa * a', ],
    u'h*h': [u'h aa * i0 h i0', u'h aa * i1 h'],
    u'h*An': [u'h aa * aa n i0', u'h aa * aa n'],
    u'h&lA\'': [u'h aa < u0 l aa < i0', u'h aa < u0 l aa <'],
    u'*lk': [u'* aa l i0 k a', u'* aa l i0 k'],
    u'k*lk': [u'k a * aa l i0 k a', u'k a * aa l i1 k'],
    u'*lkm': u'* aa l i0 k u1 m',
    u'>wl}k': [u'< u0 l aa < i0 k a', u'< u0 l aa < i1 k'],
    u'Th': u'T aa h a',
    u'lkn': [u'l aa k i0 nn a', u'l aa k i1 n'],
    u'lknh': u'l aa k i0 nn a h u0',
    u'lknhm': u'l aa k i0 nn a h u1 m',
    u'lknk': [u'l aa k i0 nn a k a', u'l aa k i0 nn a k i0'],
    u'lknkm': u'l aa k i0 nn a k u1 m',
    u'lknkmA': u'l aa k i0 nn a k u0 m aa',
    u'lknnA': u'l aa k i0 nn a n aa',
    u'AlrHmn': [u'rr a H m aa n i0',  u'rr a H m aa n'],
    u'Allh': [u'll aa h i0', u'll aa h', u'll AA h u0', u'll AA h a', u'll AA h', u'll A'],
    u'h*yn': [u'h aa * a y n i0', u'h aa * a y n'],

    u'nt': u'n i1 t',
    u'fydyw': u'v i0 d y uu1',
    u'lndn': u'l A n d u1 n'

def isFixedWord(word, results, orthography, pronunciations):
    lastLetter = ''
    if(len(word) > 0):
        lastLetter = word[-1]
    if(lastLetter == u'a'):
        lastLetter = [u'a', u'A']
    elif(lastLetter == u'A'):
        lastLetter = [u'aa']
    elif(lastLetter == u'u'):
        lastLetter = [u'u0']
    elif(lastLetter == u'i'):
        lastLetter = [u'i0']
    elif(lastLetter in unambiguousConsonantMap):
        lastLetter = [unambiguousConsonantMap[lastLetter]]
    # Remove all dacritics from word
    wordConsonants = re.sub(u'[^h*Ahn\'>wl}kmyTtfd]', '', word)
    if(wordConsonants in fixedWords):  # check if word is in the fixed word lookup table
        if(isinstance(fixedWords[wordConsonants], list)):
            for pronunciation in fixedWords[wordConsonants]:
                if(pronunciation.split(' ')[-1] in lastLetter):
                    # add each pronunciation to the pronunciation dictionary
                    results += word + ' ' + pronunciation + '\n'
                    pronunciations.append(pronunciation.split(' '))
            # add pronunciation to the pronunciation dictionary
            results += word + ' ' + fixedWords[wordConsonants] + '\n'
            pronunciations.append(fixedWords[wordConsonants].split(' '))
    return results

def preprocess_utterance(utterance):
    # Do some normalisation work and split utterance to words
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'AF', u'F')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'\u0640', u'')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'o', u'')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'aA', u'A')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'aY', u'Y')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u' A', u' ')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'F', u'an')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'N', u'un')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'K', u'in')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'|', u'>A')

    utterance = utterance.replace('i~', '~i') 
    utterance = utterance.replace('a~', '~a') 
    utterance = utterance.replace('u~', '~u')

    # Deal with Hamza types that when not followed by a short vowel letter,
    # this short vowel is added automatically
    utterance = re.sub(u'Ai', u'<i', utterance)
    utterance = re.sub(u'Aa', u'>a', utterance)
    utterance = re.sub(u'Au', u'>u', utterance)
    utterance = re.sub(u'^>([^auAw])', u'>a\\1', utterance)
    utterance = re.sub(u' >([^auAw ])', u' >a\\1', utterance)
    utterance = re.sub(u'<([^i])', u'<i\\1', utterance)
    utterance = utterance.split(u' ')

    return utterance

def process_word(word):

    pronunciations = []  # Start with empty set of possible pronunciations of current word
    # Add fixed irregular pronuncations if possible
    isFixedWord(word, '', word, pronunciations)

    # Indicates whether current character is in an emphatic context or not. Starts with False
    emphaticContext = False
    # This is the end/beginning of word symbol. just for convenience
    word = u'bb' + word + u'ee'

    phones = []  # Empty list which will hold individual possible word's pronunciation

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # MAIN LOOP: here is where the Modern Standard Arabic phonetisation rule-set starts--
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    for index in range(2, len(word) - 2):
        letter = word[index]  # Current Character
        letter1 = word[index + 1]  # Next Character
        letter2 = word[index + 2]  # Next-Next Character
        letter_1 = word[index - 1]  # Previous Character
        letter_2 = word[index - 2]  # Before Previous Character
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if(letter in consonants + [u'w', u'y'] and not letter in emphatics + [u'r'""", u'l'"""]):  # non-emphatic consonants (except for Lam and Ra) change emphasis back to False
            emphaticContext = False
        if(letter in emphatics):  # Emphatic consonants change emphasis context to True
            emphaticContext = True
        # If following letter is backward emphatic, emphasis state is set to True
        if(letter1 in emphatics and not letter1 in forwardEmphatics):
            emphaticContext = True
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Unambiguous consonant phones. These map to a predetermined phoneme
        if(letter in unambiguousConsonantMap):
            phones += [unambiguousConsonantMap[letter]]
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if(letter == u'l'):  # Lam is a consonant which requires special treatment
            # Lam could be omitted in definite article (sun letters)
            if((not letter1 in diacritics and not letter1 in vowelMap) and letter2 in [u'~']):
                phones += [ambiguousConsonantMap[u'l'][1]]  # omit
                # do not omit
                phones += [ambiguousConsonantMap[u'l'][0]]
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # shadda just doubles the letter before it
        if(letter == u'~' and not letter_1 in [u'w', u'y'] and len(phones) > 0):
            phones[-1] += phones[-1]
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if(letter == u'|'):  # Madda only changes based in emphaticness
                phones += [maddaMap[u'|'][1]]
                phones += [maddaMap[u'|'][0]]
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if(letter == u'p'):  # Ta' marboota is determined by the following if it is a diacritic or not
            if(letter1 in diacritics):
                phones += [ambiguousConsonantMap[u'p'][0]]
                phones += [ambiguousConsonantMap[u'p'][1]]
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if(letter in vowelMap):
            # Waw and Ya are complex they could be consonants or vowels and their gemination is complex as it could be a combination of a vowel and consonants
            if(letter in [u'w', u'y']):
                if(letter1 in diacriticsWithoutShadda + [u'A', u'Y'] or (letter1 in [u'w', u'y'] and not letter2 in diacritics + [u'A', u'w', u'y']) or (letter_1 in diacriticsWithoutShadda and letter1 in consonants + [u'e'])):
                    if((letter in [u'w'] and letter_1 in [u'u'] and not letter1 in [u'a', u'i', u'A', u'Y']) or (letter in [u'y'] and letter_1 in [u'i'] and not letter1 in [u'a', u'u', u'A', u'Y'])):
                            phones += [vowelMap[letter][1][0]]
                            phones += [vowelMap[letter][0][0]]
                        if(letter1 in [u'A'] and letter in [u'w'] and letter2 in [u'e']):
                            phones += [[ambiguousConsonantMap[letter],
                            phones += [ambiguousConsonantMap[letter]]
                elif(letter1 in [u'~']):
                    if(letter_1 in [u'a'] or (letter in [u'w'] and letter_1 in [u'i', u'y']) or (letter in [u'y'] and letter_1 in [u'w', u'u'])):
                        phones += [ambiguousConsonantMap[letter],
                        phones += [vowelMap[letter][0][0],
                else:  # Waws and Ya's at the end of the word could be shortened
                        if(letter_1 in consonants + [u'u', u'i'] and letter1 in [u'e']):
                            phones += [[vowelMap[letter][1]
                                        [0], vowelMap[letter][1][0][1:]]]
                            phones += [vowelMap[letter][1][0]]
                        if(letter_1 in consonants + [u'u', u'i'] and letter1 in [u'e']):
                            phones += [[vowelMap[letter][0]
                                        [0], vowelMap[letter][0][0][1:]]]
                            phones += [vowelMap[letter][0][0]]
            # Kasra and Damma could be mildened if before a final silent consonant
            if(letter in [u'u', u'i']):
                    if((letter1 in unambiguousConsonantMap or letter1 == u'l') and letter2 == u'e' and len(word) > 7):
                        phones += [vowelMap[letter][1][1]]
                        phones += [vowelMap[letter][1][0]]
                    if((letter1 in unambiguousConsonantMap or letter1 == u'l') and letter2 == u'e' and len(word) > 7):
                        phones += [vowelMap[letter][0][1]]
                        phones += [vowelMap[letter][0][0]]
            # Alif could be ommited in definite article and beginning of some words
            if(letter in [u'a', u'A', u'Y']):
                if(letter in [u'A'] and letter_1 in [u'w', u'k'] and letter_2 == u'b'):
                    phones += [[u'a', vowelMap[letter][0][0]]]
                elif(letter in [u'A'] and letter_1 in [u'u', u'i']):
                    temp = True  # do nothing
                # Waw al jama3a: The Alif after is optional
                elif(letter in [u'A'] and letter_1 in [u'w'] and letter1 in [u'e']):
                    phones += [[vowelMap[letter][0]
                                [0], vowelMap[letter][0][1]]]
                elif(letter in [u'A', u'Y'] and letter1 in [u'e']):
                        phones += [[vowelMap[letter]
                                    [1][0], vowelMap[u'a'][1]]]
                        phones += [[vowelMap[letter]
                                    [0][0], vowelMap[u'a'][0]]]
                        phones += [vowelMap[letter][1][0]]
                        phones += [vowelMap[letter][0][0]]
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # End of main loop---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    possibilities = 1  # Holds the number of possible pronunciations of a word

    # count the number of possible pronunciations
    for letter in phones:
        if(isinstance(letter, list)):
            possibilities = possibilities * len(letter)

    # Generate all possible pronunciations
    for i in range(0, possibilities):
        iterations = 1
        for index, letter in enumerate(phones):
            if(isinstance(letter, list)):
                curIndex = int(i / iterations) % len(letter)
                if(letter[curIndex] != u''):
                iterations = iterations * len(letter)
                if(letter != u''):

    # Iterate through each pronunciation to perform some house keeping. And append pronunciation to dictionary
    # 1- Remove duplicate vowels
    # 2- Remove duplicate y and w
    for pronunciation in pronunciations:
        prevLetter = ''
        toDelete = []
        for i in range(0, len(pronunciation)):
            letter = pronunciation[i]
            # Delete duplicate consecutive vowels
            if(letter in ['aa', 'uu0', 'ii0', 'AA', 'UU0', 'II0'] and prevLetter.lower() == letter[1:].lower()):
                toDelete.append(i - 1)
                pronunciation[i] = pronunciation[i -
                                                 1][0] + pronunciation[i - 1]
            # Delete duplicates
            if(letter in ['u0', 'i0'] and prevLetter.lower() == letter.lower()):
                toDelete.append(i - 1)
                pronunciation[i] = pronunciation[i - 1]
            if(letter in ['y', 'w'] and prevLetter == letter):  # delete duplicate
                pronunciation[i - 1] += pronunciation[i - 1]

            prevLetter = letter
        for i in reversed(range(0, len(toDelete))):

    return pronunciations[0]

def process_utterance(utterance):

    utterance = preprocess_utterance(utterance)
    phonemes = []

    for word in utterance:
        if(word in ['-', 'sil']):

        phonemes_word = process_word(word)

    final_sequence = ' + '.join(' '.join(phon for phon in phones)
                                for phones in phonemes)

    return final_sequence

and i am still getting same error!

nipponjo commented 1 year ago

Strange. Did you restart the kernel? You could do something like

    utterance = utterance.replace(u'K', u'in')
    utterance = utterance.replace(u'|', u'>A')

    utterance = utterance.replace('i~', '~i') 
    utterance = utterance.replace('a~', '~a') 
    utterance = utterance.replace('u~', '~u')

    # Deal with Hamza types that when not followed by a short vowel letter,
    # this short vowel is added automatically
    utterance = re.sub(u'Ai', u'<i', utterance)

for debugging purposes.

mobassir94 commented 1 year ago

@nipponjo i tried this as you proposed

  utterance = utterance.replace(u'K', u'in')
  utterance = utterance.replace(u'|', u'>A')

  print("before modification ",utterance)
  utterance = utterance.replace('i~', '~i') 
  utterance = utterance.replace('a~', '~a') 
  utterance = utterance.replace('u~', '~u')
  print("after modification ",utterance)

  # Deal with Hamza types that when not followed by a short vowel letter,
  # this short vowel is added automatically
  utterance = re.sub(u'Ai', u'<i', utterance)

those print statements never gets executed and i get the following error like before

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_17/ in <module>
----> 1 wave = model.tts('وَتَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى البِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَى')
      2 wave
      3 wave.shape

/kaggle/working/tts-arabic-tacotron2/model/ in tts(self, text_buckw, batch_size, speed, postprocess_mel, return_mel)
    286             return self.tts_single(text_buckw, speed=speed,
    287                                    postprocess_mel=postprocess_mel,
--> 288                                    return_mel=return_mel)
    290         # input: list

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/autograd/ in decorate_context(*args, **kwargs)
     25         def decorate_context(*args, **kwargs):
     26             with self.clone():
---> 27                 return func(*args, **kwargs)
     28         return cast(F, decorate_context)

/kaggle/working/tts-arabic-tacotron2/model/ in tts_single(self, text_buckw, speed, postprocess_mel, return_mel)
    242                    return_mel=False):
--> 244         mel_spec = self.model.ttmel_single(text_buckw, postprocess_mel)
    245         if speed is not None:
    246             mel_spec = resize_mel(mel_spec, rate=speed)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/autograd/ in decorate_context(*args, **kwargs)
     25         def decorate_context(*args, **kwargs):
     26             with self.clone():
---> 27                 return func(*args, **kwargs)
     28         return cast(F, decorate_context)

/kaggle/working/tts-arabic-tacotron2/model/ in ttmel_single(self, utterance, postprocess_mel)
    115             process_mel = True
--> 117         token_ids = text.tokens_to_ids(tokens)
    118         ids_batch = torch.LongTensor(token_ids).unsqueeze(0).to(self.device)

/kaggle/working/tts-arabic-tacotron2/text/ in tokens_to_ids(phonemes)
     24 def tokens_to_ids(phonemes):
---> 25     return [phon_to_id[phon] for phon in phonemes]

/kaggle/working/tts-arabic-tacotron2/text/ in <listcomp>(.0)
     24 def tokens_to_ids(phonemes):
---> 25     return [phon_to_id[phon] for phon in phonemes]

KeyError: 'i0i0'

and yes i tried restarting kernel several times and still it doesn't work

mobassir94 commented 1 year ago

@nipponjo here i have prepared a colab inference notebook using your trained model

please check the notebook, hopefully you can reproduce my issue in that notebook and please provide me the updated colab notebook that solves the issue and it will be highly appreciated mate,thanks a lot in advance.

nipponjo commented 1 year ago

I have pushed the update now.

mobassir94 commented 1 year ago

it has fixed the issue for me now, thanks a lot for updating

mobassir94 commented 1 year ago

@nipponjo new error has occured again.

sample = 'كَلاَّ بَلْ رَانَ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِمْ مَا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ'
wave = ar_model.tts(text_buckw = sample)

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
[<ipython-input-7-cb15cb0e2f2e>](https://localhost:8080/#) in <module>
      1 sample = 'كَلاَّ بَلْ رَانَ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِمْ مَا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ'
----> 2 wave = ar_model.tts(text_buckw = sample)

6 frames
[/content/tts-arabic-tacotron2/model/](https://localhost:8080/#) in tts(self, text_buckw, batch_size, speed, postprocess_mel, return_mel)
    286             return self.tts_single(text_buckw, speed=speed,
    287                                    postprocess_mel=postprocess_mel,
--> 288                                    return_mel=return_mel)
    290         # input: list

[/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/autograd/](https://localhost:8080/#) in decorate_context(*args, **kwargs)
     25         def decorate_context(*args, **kwargs):
     26             with self.clone():
---> 27                 return func(*args, **kwargs)
     28         return cast(F, decorate_context)

[/content/tts-arabic-tacotron2/model/](https://localhost:8080/#) in tts_single(self, text_buckw, speed, postprocess_mel, return_mel)
    242                    return_mel=False):
--> 244         mel_spec = self.model.ttmel_single(text_buckw, postprocess_mel)
    245         if speed is not None:
    246             mel_spec = resize_mel(mel_spec, rate=speed)

[/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/autograd/](https://localhost:8080/#) in decorate_context(*args, **kwargs)
     25         def decorate_context(*args, **kwargs):
     26             with self.clone():
---> 27                 return func(*args, **kwargs)
     28         return cast(F, decorate_context)

[/content/tts-arabic-tacotron2/model/](https://localhost:8080/#) in ttmel_single(self, utterance, postprocess_mel)
    115             process_mel = True
--> 117         token_ids = text.tokens_to_ids(tokens)
    118         ids_batch = torch.LongTensor(token_ids).unsqueeze(0).to(self.device)

[/content/tts-arabic-tacotron2/text/](https://localhost:8080/#) in tokens_to_ids(phonemes)
     24 def tokens_to_ids(phonemes):
---> 25     return [phon_to_id[phon] for phon in phonemes]

[/content/tts-arabic-tacotron2/text/](https://localhost:8080/#) in <listcomp>(.0)
     24 def tokens_to_ids(phonemes):
---> 25     return [phon_to_id[phon] for phon in phonemes]

KeyError: 'aaaa'

can you please update your repository again?thanks

mobassir94 commented 1 year ago

after bit of googling seems to me,

!pip install pyarabic
from pyarabic.araby import strip_diacritics
sample = 'كَلاَّ بَلْ رَانَ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِمْ مَا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ'
sample = strip_diacritics(sample)
wave = ar_model.tts(text_buckw = sample)

solved the issue for me,alhamdulillah