Closed dPys closed 4 years ago
Basically we need to figure out what will replace the following lines to accommodate for other models in Dipy.
This is what I have so far in the refactored version of this particular interface leading up to calculating the actual signal prediction:
from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table_from_bvals_bvecs pred_vec = self.inputs.bvec_to_predict pred_val = self.inputs.bval_to_predict # Load the mask image: mask_img = nib.load(self.inputs.b0_mask) mask_array = mask_img.get_data() > 1e-6 all_images = self.inputs.aligned_dwi_files ras_b_mat = np.genfromtxt(aligned_vectors, delimiter='\t') all_bvecs = np.row_stack([np.zeros(3)] + ras_b_mat[:, 0:3].tolist()) all_bvals = np.array([0.] + ras_b_mat[:, 3].tolist()) # Which sample points are too close to the one we want to predict? training_mask = _nonoverlapping_qspace_samples( pred_val, pred_vec, all_bvals, all_bvecs, self.inputs.minimal_q_distance) training_indices = np.flatnonzero(training_mask[1:]) training_image_paths = [self.inputs.b0_median] + [ all_images[idx] for idx in training_indices] training_bvecs = all_bvecs[training_mask] training_bvals = all_bvals[training_mask] print("Training with %d of %d", training_mask.sum(), len(training_mask)) # Load training data and fit the model training_data = quick_load_images(training_image_paths) # Build gradient table object training_gtab = gradient_table_from_bvals_bvecs(training_bvals, training_bvecs, b0_threshold=self.inputs.b0_threshold) # Checked shelledness if len(np.unique(training_gtab.bvals)) > 2: is_shelled = True else: is_shelled = False if is_shelled: from dipy.reconst.shore import ShoreModel radial_order = 6 zeta = 700 lambdaN = 1e-8 lambdaL = 1e-8 estimator = ShoreModel(training_gtab, radial_order=radial_order, zeta=zeta, lambdaN=lambdaN, lambdaL=lambdaL) estimator_fit =, mask=mask_array) else: from dipy.reconst.dti import TensorModel, fractional_anisotropy, mean_diffusivity from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import recursive_response, ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel estimator_ten = TensorModel(training_gtab) estimator_ten_fit =, mask=mask_array) FA = fractional_anisotropy(estimator_ten_fit.evals) MD = mean_diffusivity(estimator_ten_fit.evals) wm_mask = (np.logical_or(FA >= 0.4, (np.logical_and(FA >= 0.15, MD >= 0.0011)))) response = recursive_response(training_gtab, training_data, mask=wm_mask) estimator_csd = ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel(training_gtab, response, sh_order=6) estimator_csd_fit =, mask=mask_array) # weighted mean of csd predicted array and tensor predicted array? # Get the vector for the desired coordinate prediction_bvecs = np.tile(pred_vec, (10, 1)) prediction_bvals = np.ones(10) * pred_val prediction_bvals[9] = 0 # prevent warning prediction_gtab = gradient_table_from_bvals_bvecs(prediction_bvals, prediction_bvecs, b0_threshold=self.inputs.b0_threshold) # # Calculate the signal prediction, reshape to 3D and save # prediction_shore = brainsuite_shore_basis(shore_model.radial_order, shore_model.zeta, # prediction_gtab, shore_model.tau) # prediction_dir = prediction_shore[0] # shore_array = estimator_fit._shore_coef[mask_array] # output_data = np.zeros(mask_array.shape) # output_data[mask_array] =, prediction_dir) prediction_file = op.join( runtime.cwd, "predicted_b%d_%.2f_%.2f_%.2f.nii.gz" % ( (pred_val,) + tuple(np.round(pred_vec, decimals=2)))) nib.Nifti1Image(output_data, mask_img.affine, mask_img.header ).to_filename(prediction_file) self._results['predicted_image'] = prediction_file
@arokem @oesteban @mattcieslak
Once this part is addressed, we should be very, very close to having an HMC interface for dmriprep.
Figured this out. Predict using estimator on prediction gtab!
Basically we need to figure out what will replace the following lines to accommodate for other models in Dipy.
This is what I have so far in the refactored version of this particular interface leading up to calculating the actual signal prediction:
@arokem @oesteban @mattcieslak
Once this part is addressed, we should be very, very close to having an HMC interface for dmriprep.