nipreps / fmriprep

fMRIPrep is a robust and easy-to-use pipeline for preprocessing of diverse fMRI data. The transparent workflow dispenses of manual intervention, thereby ensuring the reproducibility of the results.
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Group reports #2042

Open oesteban opened 4 years ago

oesteban commented 4 years ago

As @poldrack just suggested, it would be great to have a group report which:

oesteban commented 4 years ago

I know @shotgunosine will be interested in this - please feel free to add/prioritize requirements.

Shotgunosine commented 4 years ago

I've got some very quick and dirty code in a notebook that generates group reports and makes a directory full of symlinks to images to go with it, will try to get marginally cleaned up and posted somewhere. Having the symlinked directory is nice because you can download it with an rsync -L and have a portable package of group reports. The basic structure is a single report for each section of the individual level reports. I found that they work better if they're chunked up into groups of about 50 entries, any bigger than that and browser load times start to get annoying. I haven't implemented it for every section of the individual level report yet, but here's an example of what one of these directories looks like:

(base) MH02086115MACLT:local_reports nielsond$ tree
├── anat_reg_000.html
├── anat_reg_001.html
├── anat_surf_000.html
├── anat_surf_001.html
├── func_rois_000.html
├── func_rois_001.html
└── imgs
    ├── sub-20900_desc-reconall_T1w.svg
    ├── sub-20900_ses-01_task-mid_run-1_desc-rois_bold.svg
    ├── sub-20900_ses-04_task-mid_run-1_desc-rois_bold.svg
    ├── sub-20900_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_T1w.svg
    ├── sub-21111_desc-reconall_T1w.svg
    ├── sub-21111_ses-01_task-mid_run-1_desc-rois_bold.svg

And here's an example of what the anat_reg report looks like: Screen Shot 2020-06-05 at 2 00 13 PM

The box at the top is a place for the reviewer to put their initials. The numbers at the top indicate how many good, bad, and unreviewed items are in the report. I've used some javascript that may have originally been in an MRIQC report somewhere to have radio button for good and bad and the ability to download a table of the qc decisions as a CSV. I also made it so that scrolling an image off the top of of the screen marks it as good, which minimizes the interaction needed if everything is ok. We've found that it's pretty quick to do an initial QC screening of fmriprep outputs this way.

@oesteban do you think you'd like us to work on this at the OHBM hackathon?

mgxd commented 4 years ago

@Shotgunosine that looks awesome!! Would love to see the code whenever you get around to it

Shotgunosine commented 4 years ago

@mgxd Sorry for the delay and the messiness, but here's my notebook:

oesteban commented 4 years ago

@Shotgunosine sorry for joining late - I'm moving to Europe and my last month has been pretty crazy. I just read the invitation for the hackathon :(

Shotgunosine commented 4 years ago

@oesteban No worries, I've ended up getting slammed with work issues so my hackathon participation was pretty limited this year. I hope the move is going ok, it's quite a time to be making a transition like that. I hope everything goes ok.

oesteban commented 4 years ago

After our call with @dorianps today, I've been thinking about this a little. It seems there remains a big issue here with the many reports you end up collating together, at some point navigation is impossible because there are just too many.

After using remark.js a lot last week, I would propose the following solution inspired by them.

  1. fMRIPrep would add a "group" analysis level, just like MRIQC, to generate a group.html file (or similar)
  2. When invoked with "group" (and taking advantage of the --bids-filters), the figures/ folder can be queried a la PyBIDS. A CSV (or JSON) table is generated with two columns - index and reportlet path
  3. Instead of embedding all the reports in only one, long HTML (this is where we copy the idea from remark.js), an anchor segment of the URL* (i.e., localhost:8000/group.html#11) is used to select a row from the table in step 2 (e.g., the #11 points to sub-YXZ11/figures/sub-YXZ11_desc-preproc_T1w.svg). Navigation can be ported from remark.js (especially fwd/back with the arrows), so that changing to #12 will now point to sub-YXZ12/figures/sub-YXZ12_desc-preproc_T1w.svg. Because the HTML is updated with each change, only one of the heavy svg files is loaded at a time.


* this might require opening the reports via a simple HTTP server (python -m http.server)

oesteban commented 4 years ago

Other shortcuts that could make the report more usable: