The last sentence of this input seems to be removed in the output
>>> segmenter.segment("As an example of a different special-purpose mechanism, we have introduced a methodology for letting donors make their donations to charities conditional on donations by other donors (who, in turn, can make their donations conditional) [70]. We have used this mechanism to collect money for Indian Ocean Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina victims. We have also introduced a more general framework for negotiation when one agent's actions have a direct effect (externality) on the other agents' utilities [69]. Both the charities and externalities methodologies require the solution of NP-hard optimization problems in general, but there are some natural tractable cases as well as effective MIP formulations. Recently, Ghosh and Mahdian [86] at Yahoo! Research extended our charities work, and based on this a web-based system for charitable donations was built at Yahoo!")
['As an example of a different special-purpose mechanism, we have introduced a methodology for letting donors make their donations to charities conditional on donations by other donors (who, in turn, can make their donations conditional) [70].', 'We have used this mechanism to collect money for Indian Ocean Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina victims.', "We have also introduced a more general framework for negotiation when one agent's actions have a direct effect (externality) on the other agents' utilities [69].", 'Both the charities and externalities methodologies require the solution of NP-hard optimization problems in general, but there are some natural tractable cases as well as effective MIP formulations.']
The last sentence of this input seems to be removed in the output