nipy / dmriprep

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does the target for dmriprep allow things like brainstem and spinal cord scans? #24

Open satra opened 5 years ago

satra commented 5 years ago

i completely think dmriprep should focus on "standard" brain scans to start with. but will it be written in a way to allow for possible modification to cover other brain regions scanned with diffusion imaging. for example:

  1. brainstem
  2. spinal cord
  3. partial FOV
arokem commented 5 years ago

I would like that, but I also think this probably depends on how hard it would be to keep this option open. These kinds of acquisitions are even more unusual in the dMRI case than in the fMRI case. Of course, I think that you have a lot more experience than me with these kinds of cases (I have close to zero), so you probably know better what we'd need to keep an eye out for.