nipy / heudiconv

Flexible DICOM conversion into structured directory layouts
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INFO: Need to process 0 study sessions #719

Open zinnc opened 9 months ago

zinnc commented 9 months ago


Recently, I am learning HeuDiConv. But I encountering a problem while running this command: docker run --rm -it -v /home/ccb/zinn/BIDS:/base nipy/heudiconv:latest -d /base/Dicom/sub-{subject}/ses-{session}/*/*.dcm -o /base/Nifti/ -f convertall -s 105 -ss 001 -c none --overwrite

I received the message: INFO: Running heudiconv version 1.0.0 latest 1.0.0 INFO: Need to process 0 study sessions

The path of data is /home/ccb/zinn/BIDS/Dicom and my data file is organized thusly:

I have shared my folders /home within the docker shared folders settings.

And I also used the following command to check the path. docker run --rm -it -v /home/ccb/zinn/BIDS:/base --entrypoint=bash nipy/heudiconv:latest It showed: (base) root@41ef3845a384:/# ls -lh /base/Dicom/sub-105/ses-001 total 16K drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4.0K Nov 25 2023 anat drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 12K Nov 25 2023 func

Is it my Dicom files are not being found? How can I solve this problem?

Thanks a lot for any info.


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