nipy / mindboggle

Automated anatomical brain label/shape analysis software (+ website)
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antsCorticalThickness version? #75

Closed akeshavan closed 8 years ago

akeshavan commented 8 years ago

I ran antsCorticalThickness but the names of my outputs are slightly different than what mindboggle wants. For example, in the output is TemplateToSubject0GenericAffine.mat but mindboggle looks for TemplateToSubject1GenericAffine.mat. Is there a particular version of ANTs that I should be using? It seems like the 1's and 0's are switched in the naming

binarybottle commented 8 years ago

If your outputs don't match those here: (or in the reduced example.tar.gz link on, then you are using an old version of ANTs.

By the way -- I just translated mindboggle from py2 to py3. All tests pass on's continuous integration, but I would wait till I have a chance to test a full mindboggle run before I would barrel ahead with it. I should be done within a week.

akeshavan commented 8 years ago

Ok I figured out my version problem, thanks!

binarybottle commented 8 years ago

If you think the resolution to your issue might help others, please consider including what you found.

akeshavan commented 8 years ago

It was silly, I just had 2 versions of antsCorticalThickness floating around and I was using the wrong one :)