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STY: use boxes for categories, to organize projects. #32

Closed bcipolli closed 8 years ago

bcipolli commented 8 years ago

This PR addresses issue #18 (click behavior on box header) and #19 (ordering of projects seems arbitrary)

The current homepage layout gives a lot of space to each project, without showing the overall organization across projects. This simple PR "boxes" projects by category.

I don't think this is the best layout, but I do think it's an improvement for users looking to scan what is available in nipy.


vsoch commented 8 years ago

Apologies for the delay - was working on something important! I really like this change, as it's organized in the way that is helpful for navigation when you are "looking for something." Since the emphasis is now on the headers, what are you thoughts on having all the tabs closed by default? it would look like this:


I think it looks cleaner, and the addition of a click is worth it for the easier-to-navigate interface.

vsoch commented 8 years ago

And note that you can change this by simply changing the class. Here is collapsed:

  <div id="pranalysis-pipeline-management" class="panel-collapse collapse" aria-expanded="false" style="height: 0px;">

and here is open (as it is now)

  <div id="pranalysis-pipeline-management" class="panel-collapse collapse in" aria-expanded="false" style="height: 0px;">

So just remove the "in"

bcipolli commented 8 years ago

Hmmm, I think that looks cleaner but it hides what I think is the crucial information, and it's not obvious to me that what the user should do is click something.

Some of the messiness is due to the (excessive) wordiness of the descriptions. I created a one-liner field, and filled in short descriptions to make things look cleaner and more compact. It also removed a lot of redundancy.

How about this?


vsoch commented 8 years ago

Looks good to me. If you want to give others a few days to give feedback, we can merge after that, or just go ahead.