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move mindboggle to an anatomical mri section #47

Closed satra closed 6 years ago

satra commented 6 years ago

mindboggle is not really about data i/o. it should be moved to a different section.

vsoch commented 6 years ago

which one?

vsoch commented 6 years ago
- subtitle: "Analysis Pipeline Management"
  tag: "analysis-pipeline-management"
  count: 1
- subtitle: "Diffusion MRI"
  tag: "diffusion-mri"
  count: 2
- subtitle: "File I/O and Data Management"
  tag: "file-data-management"
  count: 3
- subtitle: "Functional MRI"
  tag: "functional-mri"
  count: 4
- subtitle: "Machine Learning"
  tag: "machine-learning"
  count: 5
- subtitle: "Human Electrophysiology"
  tag: "human-electrophysiology"
  count: 6
- subtitle: "Data Visualisation"
  tag: "data-visualisation"
  count: 1