nipype / pydra

Pydra Dataflow Engine
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What features are essential for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) #563

Open satra opened 2 years ago

satra commented 2 years ago

Looking through a Nipype 1 lens, please add to this issue the set of pydra features that you would like to see for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). We would like to use this list to target any immediate development.

i would suggest we create a list and then take a vote.

please spread the word.

djarecka commented 2 years ago

cc: @tclose @ghisvail @omar-rifai

tclose commented 2 years ago

I'm really liking a lot of things about Pydra but I feel like I'm still a little way off understanding all its limitations. Apart from toolkit task interface coverage, the main area for improvement I can see is the debugging experience. Not sure if this is strictly necessary for an MVP, but it kind of depends on who you are releasing it to (i.e. experienced programmers or neuroscience newbies).

Some specific issues I can think of are:

Hope this is useful, I will keep a list of other potential improvements as I am going along if it would help

ghisvail commented 2 years ago

I second @tclose piece of feedback. The potential for a better nipype is there, but the developer experience still feels quite rough on the edges.

It sounds to me that the initial implementation efforts on pydra focused on the happy path, leaving error reporting and debugging as an exercise to the developer. And the latter is very painful. The stack traces are difficult to chew on due to the coroutine heavy runtime in particular.

The point about type safety is quite important. It often happens that a workflow where types seem to align in theory (no error on construction) blow up at runtime with an unhashable type or list index out of range. Type checking cannot be enforced anyway since this is Python, but having an API where the type system is sound and provide strong safety guaranties is definitely where modern Python is getting towards (similar to TypeScript compared to JavaScript).

I am trying to open PRs and issues for specific stuff I find as I progress in my pydra journey.

tclose commented 2 years ago

I was thinking that there could be validation function that runs just before a workflow is executed, which steps through the nodes and does some basic checks of types and connections.

omar-rifai commented 2 years ago

Hi @satra, @djarecka, I'd agree with the points above about improving the debugging experience and I would also add a more comprehensive documentation.

That being said, having discovered Nipype and Pydra relatively recently for my part, I find Pydra to be much more intuitive in its syntax and the very much appreciating the features is offers. So thank you for the efforts :)